1983-09-27 t r ECONOMIC DEV:,LOPMEN T COMMISSION The last meeting of the Economic Development Commission was held on Tuesday, September 27, 1983. Members present were: Chairman Bill Diskin, Peter King, Bruce Trevethan, Stanley Gable, Gerry Smotrycz, Vincent D'Addabbo. Also present were Barbara Geary - Ec. Dev. Director and Mayor Tom Ward. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill at 7:45 p.m. The minutes were read and accepted. Chairman Bill and Barbara brought the members up to date on the following agenda: Morande Ford: Under construction. Borghesi : Under construction. Senior Center: Barbara stated that this was going out to bid and bids will be opened on the 13th of October. Bonding Commission approved the project for $629,000.00. Erosion Tree Planting: Barbara stated that the project was started on Sept. 7th and finished on Sept. 30th. Carl Johnson & Son was low bidder. We hired 3 unemployed town residents who were on welfare to work on this project. Marketability Study: Barbara reported that this project was tie completed and sent out to all members and interested parties. Budney Property: Barbara has shown this property to the Vice President of an East Windsor company. He stated he would get back to her with a proposal. He was talking of perhaps putting up a building for small businesses on this sight. Name of Prrk: It was brought to the attention of Mrs. Geary that the name of the industrial park as voted on by members at the May meeting was Berlin Industrial Park and not Turnpike Industrial Park as listed on Pre-Application. Barbara stated that this would be corrected. Following Budget report was given by Mrs. Geary as of 7/30/83: 1702 $250 .00 Sec. 1706 $750.00 Postage & Stamps 1704 $350.00 Uonf. and Dues . B & M Railroad: Project still on "GO" . Mayor ward stated the price of project was 05,750.00. Waldbaums : They will be starting construction within the store in P the next 30 days. They are in process of changing the 10.4 interior of their store. Mr. Chase is ready to start construction whenever the lease is signed with Waldbaums. Waldbaums picked up $200,000 worth of permits. Economic Dev . Commission -2- Nig Spruce Brook Industrial Yark : This project is in need of repairs . Therefore , a structural engineer or architect' s opinion will be necessary before any permits will be issued by the Building Department. Barbara stated that she had issued a news release during the summer that she would be willing to list any available property in town upon notification by owners. The response was eleven and slrvtings tto date. She listed land from 3600 to 36,000 sq. ft.on land available in Berlin. No actual deals have been made but ireal t has been two teagents Directoranow for tttthey assistance. t It was noted that Mr. Hannon could not attend this meeting because of another committment. However, he would be most happy to meet with the members at a time of their choosing, to discuss the Marketability Study. The members felt that agreed.they yhould invite him to the next scheduled meeting. Y felt that we should not hold up the application. He asked that Barbara proceed on this project. This will be an attempt to clean up the Berlin Turnpike and generate revenue and also a way to get rid of the BerlinDrive-In and make the town more attractive to developers. We should make at least an attempt to market the piece as one parcel.els.IfItot wouldsuccessful, beeasierhen forit thean be Commissioneinto if � smaller paar this is sold as a complete package. Bill attended the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting to represent the Ec. Dev. Commission as being in favor of the purchase of two acres of land by Steve ' s Camper from the Daylin Motel in order to expland his present business . Bruce Trevethan asked if Carabetta would re-submit mit hianswarplicatwasion ffor multiple dwelling on the Berlin Turnpike. Mayor Ward stated he feels we should have6oQ fCdos but twitshhshould hbe ee planned condos and planned housing. He a right to approve plans before issuing permits. Bruce Trevethan asked what position the ToVn of Berlin took on Tax Abatement. The Mayor stated that he believed in the torn doing what it can to get business. We have to work with the dollars coming in with reference to what we can give sthem. makewe want to a proposalsand explaBnrlin will work with business. They hould it and then we will decide. Barbara noted that she had calculatedthat taxes on the Industrial ParkPark were S26,000 total acreage as opposed posed to X192,000 peryear the park is developed. Meetingadjourned at 9 :00 p.m. Respectfully submitted Ann Zesk, Secretary