1953/02/09Minutes of the ~,-eetinS January 26, TO?f]', OF BERLIN 0FFiCY Ot: TKE SLLRCT?,'[Ei,' Tire :,.~et, ir~ o?enact at 7:50 P.~',!. with the first and second Selectmen ~,re~ent. 1',Ir. ~uddette did not attend beck, use of i2.~ness. Mr. Jor~.. Graham Clvilia~ Defense Coordinator ap!eared before the Selectman this evening ~nd discussed the matter cf a new air raid alert s yste~,~. Mr. Grahan ~'nformcC the ~' iectmen tha~ the tetephop, c compana wo~ id instal~, a master swiuch at [~oiicc ,ieadquarters i'or a charge or ~['~0.00. Yhis wouz5 alert ti'e three d[str ets, Berlin and last Berlin. i'.ir. Graham furtt~er stated ti'mt the r~:sidents of Silver. Lake, beckley eno tP,~ scuth ~nd o th~ Chamberlain, were unabl~ to h~ar th~ nlsnal. The teleTi~one corn[any would install lines to sirens ~ the above locations for .~i.'1.0 ror thc fir,,~t quarter mile ~.~ .,5~/' for every qusrter mile thereafter. Nr. Graham ststed theft ~,hls seened high, ant the ma~ter switch installation was t~:e most im~>ortar~t at the ;resent time. idr. Graham started that they were ~ian,,,in~: t.o install a line to ~:~ suNeri~,tendent's office im the new hlgh sci:ool on the above ~rice scf~e::ule. The su[erlnt~ndent's office v.~e ±~ then alert t~.e other sc~ools. i',ir. Graham !:oil,ted out tb..t t~.ey have a .~4000. a.~propr]ation for sucr~ items. Mr. Nilssoi~ asked ir tiils alert syste:: would inferrer with thc fire alertin6 system , and .-r. ~rah;s~ stated ;.,hat it ,t,~ouid riot as it is on a ~eparate circuit, A motior= ~as made and i.assed lh,~t the Civilian Eefense Coordinator ~roceed with the ]~ian to haYe ~, r,,ast~r switch installed at roiice Headquarters to alert the y:opulace at a monthly char6~ ....... 50 O0 A ruction was made an<i -. *~ ~.~m,.a 3upernar;t %o [aose,, authorlzlr, g ],Trs. ~ examine the Town Clerk's indexes at th( '~own Clerk's request. }~r. Hall repot,ted that Leo Oaffney informed him that case v;as scheduled to come up shortly. [~,ir. Oaffne~r stated th.t ~,~ (Mr. t~pson) was uskin.S for damages to bls automobile and :~1o00. persona± injury. -- ~ ~ :?scnal in~'ury clai~.~ !./.r. ~a~z said Lha~ ~fl'ney ~Lcu~h the e ~ was quite hioh ~,2r. i~iisson sta%ea~, that~ r~e was in f~vor ol~ taking the case "' L ~'~ ~ la tc court rather tha~ a cash settlement, because ~n ~_.~ so woc make the tov,m ifi~ble for cth~r such [.~cialer~ts. ?~ir. !iali tc~ look into the matter furth~:r. The Se!~ctmen met with the i~lannJng Co~mission tLis evening to discuss the ~.atte~_· of house r~u~b~:ring