1985-07-08 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES -- JULY 1985 The July 8 , 1985 meeting of the Economic Development Commission was called to order at 7 : 35 P.M. by Chairman, Fred Riggs. Those in attendance were Donald Ward, Thomas Stregowski, John Frink, Bruce Trevethan, Jeff Cugno, and guest, Larry Wagner. The minutes of the June 10, 1985 meeting were read and accepted. Mr. Cugno reported that no financial report was available but that there was money left over in most line items for the 1984-85 fiscal budget. ROUTE 15/72 PLAN OF DEVELOPMENT STUDY Mr. Cugno gave an up-date on the study. The plan is essentially remaining the same but a map is being worked on with some changes which are a result of the Public Hearing held by the Planning Commission. Various areas where these changes are being made were discussed by the Commissioners. Mr. Cugno reported that the Planning Commission will be voting on the revised plan at their July 23 meeting. SHERWOOD INDUSTRIAL PARK DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Mr. Cugno explained the process of adoption for the project plan and application to the State Department of Economic Development. This process entails action by the Planning 4111., Commission and Regional Planning Agency, followed by a Public Hearing. Then action must be taken by the Economic Development Commission, followed by a Town Meeting. The Planning Commission will be meeting on July 23 . The proposed date for the Town Meeting is July 29. Exact dates for the Public Hearing and special Economic Development Commission meeting will be set and the Commissioners will be notified. SMALL CITIES DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Larry Wagner of L. Wagner Associates spoke to the Commissioners on the "Small Cities Development Program" which is a State grant program offered to towns under 50, 000 . Mr. Wagner is a private consultant specializing in helping communities apply for and administer grant money under the "Small Cities" program. Mr. Wagner explained that there are two types of projects eligible under the Grant: 1) Single Purpose Project which runs for 18 months and has a $300 , 000 maximum which can be applied for, and 2) Comprehensive Project which gives a maximum of $500, 000 per year for up to two years ($1 million total for 2 years) . Mr. Wagner warned that the applications are very competitive. Interest was expressed in using the grant money to rehabilitate Farmington Avenue. A motion was passed to approach the Executive Board for appropriation of $750. 00 to contract L. Wagner Associates to make application for Small Cities Develop- ment Grant. • ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES -- JULY 1985 Page 2 OTHER MATTERS A Commissioner questioned the status of the Industrial Devel- opment Project with New Britain which was discussed at previous meetings. Mr. Cugno reported that things are at a standstill at present with Litton Industries. A question was also raised on the zoning change in set-back requirements for planned industry. Mr. Cugno reported this matter was tabled at the last Zoning Commission meeting, and he added, final approval for the zoning conversion on existing industrial multi-story buildings has not yet been acted upon but that these would probably be on the agenda for the July 10 meeting of the Zoning Commission. It was discussed that presently the Commission has no activity planned in conjunction with the Town' s Bicentennial. The meeting was adjourned at 10: 25 P.M. by Mr. Riggs. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Guite Secretary R,erxi . 8 r/ FIn,3 (9 o---e.....d' "fi afald_.„ T.c,,.n c.;.-: