1952/12/08i.,~inutes of the ~"eetlng December 8, 1952 TOWN O? BERLIN OFFICE OF TH~. S~[LECTME~ The meeting opened at V:30 P.M. with the First and Second Selectmen present. ~he minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted. ~,ir. Hall reported th,~t he would make arrangements for a joint meetin6 of the Selectmen, Zoning Commission and Town Counsel ~ 1952. either on Decemb~:'r ~5, 1962 or Dece:'~b~:~~ ~:2, Mr. Hall re~orted that ~,r. Arthur Y. arinena asked that a replacement for ~Ir. I~ax Sugenhine be held up for the present. ~,r. Hall [resented a formal a,,:' plicat ion from Mr. arthur C. Durity aIH:lying for the vacancy or,, the Board of Tax Review, along with endorsements from ?~ir. Arthr~u Woodruff and Mr. Harold Bomba. A letter was received from Miss ?{ut~ B. Foster r:aking a?[llcsticn fcr the position cf public health nurse for the town of Berlin. ~,iis i~ost<r requested a salary of ~3000. with the increase recorde¢] by the N.O.P.H.N. Action on the abova appointment was deferred until a later date when the third Select.~en is present. ~r. Nilsson asked what was being done about the Legannl prop~:rty. ~r. Hall replied that they were waiting for something in writing from George Hamlin. A motion was made and passed that Mr. Johr. J. ~ills of Woodruff Circle be appointed re, the Park & i~ecreation Com~nittee to succeed ~r. Clifton Denson. [¥1cetln~5 adjourned at 9:00 P.~.