1989-08-14 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES -- AUGUST 1989 L The August 14, 1989 meeting of the Economic Development Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by chairman Donald Ward. Those present were George Soliwoda, Mary Agostini, Bruce Trevethan, Ken Julian, Gary Bouchard, John Frink, and Charlie Karno. Tom Stregowski and Ron Stack were absent. A motion was made by Mr. Soliwoda, seconded by Miss Agostini and voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the June 26, 1989 and July 10, 1989 meetings. A motion was made by Mr. Trevethan, seconded by Mr. Soliwoda and voted unanimously to dispense with the financial report due to its unavailibility. Attorney Marty Gold gave a presentation on the proposed 12-theater cinema to be built on Webster Square Road by National Amusements. The 58,000 square foot building will contain 3267 seats. Once ground is broken, construction should take about a year. Approvals are needed from Design Review and the Planning Commission. Ray Kavarsky presented plans to the Commission for proposed development of property on New Britain Road. The property is presently zoned RB and R-11 . He will request a zone change for a portion of the present R-11 to expand the RB zone. If the zone change request is approved by the Zoning Commission, he plans to develope 2.5 acres as retail business and at some future time developing the remaining property as residential. He will meet again with the Commission at next month' s meeting to report on any progress with the plans. Mr. Karno reported on progress of Farmington Avenue projects. The final paving and landscaping for Eagle Lube has gone out for bid. Parking and traffic pattern for the Cassetta plaza were reviewed. Mr. Karno is working on an amendment for the processing of material on site. There were mixed reactions from the Commissioners on the idea. Mr. Karno will present a proposed amendment at the next meeting. It was suggested to Mr. Karno that Christmas decorations along Farmington Avenue be looked into. It was the consensus of the Commission that it would not be very feasible. Mr. Karno stated that EIS Brake Parts has 2 basic problems -- the existing access problem and expansion implications. The State has been contacted regarding access from EIS to Route 15 but with no cooperation. Mr. Ward said that we need to ret&.in businesses as well as attract new onesand the matter of better access for EIS should continue to be pursued. Various pieces of correspondence were reviewed by Mr. Ward. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ; j;6414..) Sharon Guite Secretary