1990-06-11 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES -- JUNE 1990 ter The June 11, 1990 meeting of the Economic Development Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by chairman Mary Jean Agostini. Those present were George Soliwoda, Gary Bouchard, Dick Swanson, Bruce Trevethan, Ron Stack, Don Ward, and Charlie Karno. Those absent were Ken Julian and Rick Davidian. A motion was made by Mr. Bouchard, seconded by Mr. Swanson and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the May 14, 1990 and June 4, 1990 meetings. Mr. Trevethan reported that, as of June 6, 1990, 87% of the budget had been expended. A motion was made by Mr. Swanson, seconded by Mr. Bouchard and voted unanimously to accept the financial report. Mr. Karno reported on the status of the Farmington Avenue Revitalization Program. Redcoat Square officials will be meeting with the bank tomorrow regarding their funding. Berlin Pharmacy met with the architect for facade work for which they will apply for grant money. More information will be available at the next meeting. Miss Agostini suggested Mr. Karno get some press coverage when Redcoat Square gets their funding. Mr. Karno reported that the Farmington Avenue-Seymour Road area sidewalk project needs two easements and will be going out for bid shortly. Mayor Peters requested the Commission take another look at sidewalks for the south side of Farmington Avenue between Lower Lane and Burnham Street. After discussing location of sidewalks, a motion was made by Mr. Stack, seconded by Mr. Swanson and voted unanimously to rescind a previous motion and use the remaining Neighborhood Grant money for sidewalks on the west side of Porters Pass from Farmington Avenue to as close to Skinner Drive as funds allow. Mr. Karno is working on the layout of a Farmington Avenue business broeure. Be needs a purchase order for production of the brochure before the end of the frtscal year. A motion was made by Mr. Stack, seconded by Mr. Trevethan and voted unanimously to give Miss Agostini the authority to approve the expenditure fpq the Farmington Avenue business brochure. Mr. Karno reported that a meeting is scheduled between the Town and-2,00T to try for preliminary work for a new access from EIS Brake Parts to Route 15. The Stade Economic Development department will be meeting with EIS representatives to determine what EIS's plans are. A memo from Mr. Karno to Bill Voelker, Town Planner, regarding non-residential growth was reviewed. Ray Kavarsky presented plans for a commercial and residential development on New Britain Road and Langdon Court. The residential portion of the development would contain 86 condominium units on about 9 acres, and would be various sizes and styles. The proposed retail/office complex would contain 5 buildings totaling approximately 40,000 square feet. A public hearing for the subdivision of the property by the Planning Commission is scheduled on June 12, 1990. Site plan applications for both developments have also been submitted to the Planning Commission. A motion was made by Mr. Stack, seconded by Mr. Swanson and voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Guite, Secretary