1952/10/20Einutes of the ~,eeting October 20, 1952 TOWN OF BERLIN OFFICE OF T}~. SEL[2CTMKN present. The meeting opened at 6:30 P.M. with the three Selectmen The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted. Er. Hall reported thxt he had written to the State Traffic Commission regarding the traffic light at the intersection of Burnham St., Porters Pass and Farmington Ave. Mr. Hall reported that the C ~ C Construction Co. were interested in purchasing a piece of town owned property on Seymour Road in wi~ich to store their construction equipment. 51r. Hall read a letter from the Planning Commission which stnted that they were in favor of selling this particular piece of property which measured ap~roximately ZSO~ f~oontage by 1~0' deep. Er. Hall pointed out that it would be his suggestion to break this property into two 100' front lots thereby making room for two occupants. Mr. Hall presented a sketch which was drawn up by Harold ~omba showing this parce~ of property. The Board of Selectmen agreed to advertise for sale in the newspaper, that certain property on Se~our Road, zoned for business, commencing at a point on the south side of Sey$our Road opposite the south-east corner of the Haymen property and extending to a depth of 150' and westerly 200'. ~r. ~eorge Demcre ~[.peared before the Selectmen this even,ng co~.'~piaining about the d~age done to his as~'~halt drive by the Town Crew cleaning their tools with Kerosene. He also brought up that he felt that he was treated unjustly in not having the gutter in front of his home as~halted in the same manner the entire hill was treated. Mr. Hall speaking to him previously, asked him to get a price fro~ the contractor who installed the driveway, for repairing the drive, and also a price to install a gutter and curb as was done by the Town, and then present it to the Selectmen. ~,tr. Demore presented an estimate from the Hardware Const. Co. as follows: &~0.O0 for make the necessary repairs t¢. the drive. ~0.00 for installing 95' of curbing and gutter t¢, match the present gutter and curb. ~he above is being done to prevent the surface water from undermining ~is property. A motion was m~de and passed that the Hardware City Construc- tion proceed with the above work. A motion was made and passed that Town Counsel George Hamlin be reappointed as ~'own Counsel for one ytar at a salary of $1400. with the sa~e conditions that applied previously. Neeting adjourned at 8:00