1993-06-14 BERLIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION L The June 14, 1993 meeting of the Economic Development Commission was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Bruce Trevethan. Also present were Ron Stack, George Soliwoda, Tom Stregowski, Kevin McCabe, and Director Charles Karno. Mary Jean Agostini-Daley, Don Ward, Gary Bouchard, and Roger Perno were absent. Ed Egazarian was present in the audience. A motion was made by Mr. Stregowski, seconded by Mr. Soliwoda and voted unanimously to accept the minutes of the May 10, 1993 and May 24, 1993 meetings. Mr. Stack gave the financial report. As of June 1 , 1993, 85.1% of the budget had been completed. A motion was made by Mr. Soliwoda, seconded by Mr. Stregowski and voted unanimously to approve the financial report. Mr. Egazarian reported on activities of the Berlin Turnpike Association. 4i,, Mr. Karno presented rehab plans for 985 Farmington Avenue showing conversion of the first floor to commercial use. Rehab plans for the Grant building are being held off because of the off-street parking question. Mr. Karno has not heard anything further on the Cassetta plans. A meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 17, with property owners to discuss off-street parking. The community newsletter is at the printers and should be mailed out Friday, June 18, in a town-wide mailing. (11110 The tax abatement policy has been revised to address comments of the Commission, Mayor, and Corporation Counsel. Mr. Karno will preLent the policy to the Executive Board at their next meeting. Mr. Karno is working out a way to allow farming in the Office Lab zone with environmental protection provisions. Property use on the southeasterly corner of Mill Street and Middletown Road was discussed. It was the consensus of the Commission that office use should be allowed, but not residential. Other properties about which Mr. Karno has been contacted were discussed. The Director' s Report was reviewed. A motion was made by Mr. Stregowski, seconded by Mr. Stack and voted unanimously to cancel the July meeting unless sufficient business comes up which would warrant scheduling a special meeting. A motion was made by Mr. Stack, seconded by Mr. Soliwoda and voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, 34441) /4616; (Ww Sharon Guite Recording Secretary