1995-06-12 BERLIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION The June 12, 1995 meeting of the Economic Development Commission was called to order at 7: 00 P.M. by vice chairman Tom Stregowski. Those present were Dennis Phaneuf, Bruce Trevethan, George Soliwoda, Ed Egazarian, and Director Charles Karno. Mary Jean Agostini, Kevin McCabe, Larry Siembab, and Ron Stack were absent. A motion was made by Mr. Soliwoda, seconded by Mr. Trevethan and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the May 8, 1995 meeting. Mr. Trevethan gave the financial report. As of May 31, 1995, 85. 2% of the budget has been spent. A motion was made by Mr. Soliwoda, seconded by Mr. Egazarian and voted unanimously to accept the financial report. Mr. Karno reported that, as of June 8, 1995, $64, 993 . 85 is available in the Farmington Avenue projects account for loans. Of that amount, $28, 000 is committed to CL&P for purchase of the substation property. The purchase of the substation property from CL&P has been approved by the Executive Board. Mr. Karno reported that removal of equipment should begin soon but the purchase must be approved by the Utilities Control Commission and will take about a year. A loan of $10, 000 has been requested for facade work on an addition to the existing Kensington Hardware building. Italia Venice Deli of New Britain will be moving into the addition to the building. A motion was made by Mr. Soliwoda, seconded by Mr. Trevethan and voted unanimously to approve the $10, 000 loan pending financial approval by the bank. Mr. Karno had an inquiry from Mr. Carbonell about an additional loan for 954 Farmington Avenue for fencing and some physical improvements to the building which has two residential units on the second floor. The Commissioners asked Mr. Karno _to get an exact amount that Mr. Carbonell would be looking for. The Commissioners reviewed a copy of an ad for the New England Journal. Suggestions for minor changes were made and Mr. Karno will submit the ad with the suggested changes. A draft of a community newsletter was presented to the Commissioners for their review. Mr. Karno requested comments. Mr. Karno pointed out land on the Assessor' s map, located on Beckley Road, which he feels could work out for an industrial park. The Engineering Department is mapping out the wetlands on the property. Mr. Karno will continue to work on this project as a possible public/private industrial development project. The Director' s Report was reviewed. A motion was made by Mr. Soliwoda, seconded by Mr. Phaneuf and voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8: 20 P.M. Reu / mitted, Sharon Guite, Recording Secretary