1952/09/22Ninutes of the ~ieeti~g September 22, 1952 TOWN OF BERLIN OFFICE OF THE~ SELECTMEN The m~eting opened at 7:ZO P.~. with the three Selectmen present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and accepted. ~r. Hall reported that he had received requests to set aside one eve:~ing in which to make voters in order to accommodate t~ose t~at cannot possibly make it on the other scheduled days. ~r. Hall stated that the Regtstra[s were agreeable and that they would have to remain open at least three hours. A motio~ was made and passed that the Selectmen ask the Registra~ to hold o;~en an evening during the week of October 12th. in which to make :~ew voters, subject to the final arrangements with the Registras of voters. Nr. Hall reported that progress was being made with regard to acquiring right of ~ay for the widening of the road and tha sidewalk installatior~ on Patterson Way. ~Ir. Hall informed the ~electmen that the Nocera family was agreeable arid would sign. He reported that ~r. PacYnia at the intersection of Lower Lane and patterson Way felt ~hat his property was worth $2500. instead of the ~660. which Mr. Dunn estimated . ~tr. Ha~l stated that the $660. ~xxEx would not cover the cost of the sidewalk. Mr. Hall reported that Mr. Joseph ~irante spoke with his familY and his brother Alex and it was exK~ected that they would sign. The Lowell's were also extracted tc sign. Mr. Hall stated that he w¢~uld keep trying to get them together and report furtha~~ at the next meeting as tm the progress. Mr. Hall reported that he intended to get the State ~ngineer down to loo~ at the intersection of ~'armingto~ Ave. and Patterson with regard tc widening this intersection for the school buses. Mr. Hall reported that he spoke to Richard Brown, chairman of the Fire District Consolidation Com~ittee with regard to hiring an out- side attorney. Mr. Brown stated that it was the cormmittee's feeling than an outside a~torney knowing nothing o~' the problem would be ~ore valuable in this particular case. -2- ~r. Hall asked Mr. Brown how the committee would feel if the Selectmen insisted tha~, they use the Town Counsel and 5',r. Brown stated thaw the committee might be resentful. Ne also said that they had obligated themselves to Eisenberg as he had done sc~e wort~ A motion was made and passed that the Selectmen accept the recommendation of thc~ Fire District Cor~solidatton Committee with regard to hiring attorney Eisenbel, g for their legal adviser. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M.