1995-10-16 BERLIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION The October 16, 1995 meeting of the Economic Development Commission was called to order at 7 : 00 P.M. by vice chairman Tom Stregowski. Those present were Ed Egazarian, George Soliwoda, Dennis Phaneuf, Ron Stack, and Director Charlie Karno. Mary Jean Agostini joined the meeting after is was called to order. Kevin McCabe was absent. Bruce Trevethan and Larry Siembab were excused. There was no one present for the Audience of Citizens. A motion was made by Mr. Soliwoda, seconded by Mr. Stack and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the September 11 , 1995 meeting. The financial report was not available. Vincent Carbonell requested an additional loan to fence the rear yard and reconstruct a wall in the basement at 954 Farmington Avenue. He received one bid for each project: $5400 for the basement wall, $1470. 75 for the fencing. A motion was made by Mr. Egazarian, seconded by Mr. Phaneuf and voted unanimously to grant the loan for the cellar work only at 6% for 5 years, conditional upon receiving two other quotes for the work. Mr. Karno has looked into available programs which might help property owners on Farmington Avenue. The State has an abatement program for designated neighborhood revitalization areas. However, in order for property owners to qualify they must do improvements to the property. This would not help the owners who spoke up the public hearing looking for some type of tax relief because of the decrease in business during the Farmington Avenue construction. Ways to improve the potential for development on Farmington and Wilbur Cross Highway were discussed. Mr. Egazarian suggested working with the Inlands Commission to try to create more workable lots. He asked if this Commission could meet with Jim Horbal to review wetland and flood plain areas in town. A motion was made by Mr. Egazarian, seconded by Mr. Stregowski and voted unanimously to investigate wetland and flood plain areas and how they effect commercial and industrial land, and how this Commission can improve the situation to make the land more developable. The tax abatement program is up for renewal in December. Mr. Karno asked the Commissioner' s feeling on abatements for small manufacturing companies who wish to build new buildings under $300, 000. It was the consensus of the Commission that this would be acceptable if the abatement program was based on a sliding scale. Mr. Karno will put together a new program (ir to review at next month' s meeting. - 2 - Mr. Karno outlined property on Wilbur Cross Highway near Silver Lake for the Commissioners to think about for large acre industrial development, similar to Spruce Brook Industrial Park. He will continue to get more information. Mr. Karno asked for the Commission' s opinion on making manufacturing a special permitted use in the GC-1 zone which could go on small lots as found on the southern end of the Wilbur Cross Highway. The Commissioners do not see any problem with this type of use as long as the buildings look like commercial buildings and not factories. It was requested that Mr. Karno draw up a draft of regulations. The Director' s Report was reviewed. A motion was made by Mr. Soliwoda, seconded by Mr. Stack and voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8 : 40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ( .q<1144a) Sharon Guite Recording Secretary C