1996-09-09 BERLIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION The September 9, 1996 meeting of the Economic Development Commission was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by chairman Tom Stregowski. Those present were Ron Stack, Larry Siembab,Ed Egazarian, Scott Veley, Don Geschimsky,and Director Charlie Karno. Town Manager Bonnie Therrien was also in attendance for part of the meeting. Pete Rappoccio of Sign Pro was present to discuss a sign proposal in which he would donate A-frame signs to the town to be loaned out to businesses on a rotating basis for a specified length of time. Each business would need their own insert to put into the sign. Sign Pro would work with the Commission on the signs and manage distribution. Commissioners had some questions regarding liability. Rich Discotto of Italia Deli on Farmington Avenue was present to discuss signage with the Commission. He understands that guidelines are needed but feels the regulations are too restrictive. His allowed signage is not adequate to attract driveby business. He has been told by customers that they had a hard time finding his business because there is no sign out by the road. The Commission reviewed proposed sign regulations written up by Mr. Kamo. A motion was made by Mr. Geschimsky, seconded by Mr. Siembab and voted unanimously to support the signage proposal of Mr. Mr. Kamo for a trial period of 6 months. Mr. Egazarian abstained from the vote. Ms. Therrien addressed the Commission with two goals and objectives of the Town Council which pertain to economic development. The Council would like a Blue Ribbon Commission formed to work on improvements and address problems with businesses. The Council would also like a Downtown Improvement Plan developed. Members of the Economic Development Commission were receptive to both ideas and will work with the Council. A motion was made by Mr. Geschimsky, seconded by Mr. Stack and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the August 12, 1996 meeting as submitted. The Financial Report was given by Mr. Stack. A motion was made by Mr. Geschimsky, seconded by Mr. Egazarian and voted unanimously to accept the financial report as given. Mr. Kamo reported that the owner of a landscaping business recently purchased a parcel on Wilbur Cross Highway within the POR zone. He wants to use the property for a garden center in front and storage for his business in the rear. This use is not allowed in the POR zone. A motion was made by Mr. Egazarian, seconded by Mr. Geschimsky and voted unanimously to request Planning and Zoning Commission reexam two areas on south Wilbur Cross Highway for a zone change to General Commercial;the areas are property south of Spruce Brook Industrial Park currently used as residential,and property south of Toll Gate Road abutting Silver Lake. The Commission directed Mr. Kamo to contact the land owners in these areas who would be affected by a zone change for their input. Fee proposals were received from MBA Engineering and VHB for the Wilbur Cross Highway Wetlands Study. A motion was made by Mr. Egazarian, seconded by Mr. Veley and voted unanimously to recommend to the Town Council to divide the study between VHB and MBA Engineering,with MBA doing existing data collection, field mapping and data verification,public involvement,and additional meetings;VHB doing public involvement, development schematics,additional meetings, and marketing. A motion was made by Mr. Stack, seconded by Mr. Geschimsky and voted unanimously to authorize Mr. tkir Karno to negotiate with both firms for contractual details. Mr. Karno has been working with the owner of Nails Plus who wants to move her business into an existing residential building on the corner of Mill Street and Worthington Ridge which is within the Historic District. Her plans are to expand into a spa type business. Mr. Karno has presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission an amendment to the zoning regulations to allow the following uses with special permit with restrictions: 1. Professional and medical offices, 2. Personal services, 3. Business services, 4. Antique dealers. A motion was made by Mr. Stack, seconded by Mr. Siembab and voted unanimously to support the amendment to the zoning regulations as proposed by Mr. Karno. The Director's Report was reviewed. A motion was made by Mr. Stack, seconded by Mr. Geschimsky and voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, .5,47,p,i) Sharon Guite Recording Secretary L L