1996-12-09 BERLIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION L The December 9, 1996 meeting of the Economic Development Commission was called to order at 7:15 P.M.by chairman Tom Stregowski. Those present were Ed Egazarian, Scott Veley,and Director Charlie Kamo. Town Manager Bonnie Therrien, Mayor Ida Ragazzi,and Town Councilors Mary Jean Agostini and Bruce Trevethan joined the meeting to discuss strategic planning. Because not enough commissioners were present for a quorum,only discussion took place with no voting. Mike Shaw was present for the Audience of Citizens to inform the commission of his plans for property on Christian Lane currently owned by the City of New Britain. The property is the site of the old incinerator and dump which New Britain plans to abandon in July. Mr. Shaw proposes to lease,with option to buy, the property for operating a business of dismantling autos and warehousing the parts for future use. He plans to make improvements to the existing building and repave the property. The surrounding property is used for auto auction and junk yard so he sees no objection to his proposed use in the area,however,a zone change is required to allow his type of business on the property. Manager Therrien stated that Councilor Fred Jortner,who could not attend the meeting, suggested that the EDC invite representatives from larger companies in town to meetings to discuss and question them on what the town can do to make things better and attract other businesses. Mayor Raga7zi asked if EDC feels a"Blue Ribbon Committee"is necessary to work on economic development. Mr. Stregowski stated that the Commission is working closely with staff,the Council and Manager,and at this time he feels a separate committee is not necessary. However, in the future the Commission may need a committee of representatives from various departments and boards and commissions. EDC will be the salesman and the committee will help close the deals. Mayor Ragazzi suggested advertising for citizens with specific backgrounds to volunteer their expertise when needed to help the economic growth of the town. Mr. Egazarian suggested changing the name from Wilbur Cross Highway to Berlin Turnpike for more recognition for the town. A corridor study is being done by Wethersfield,Newington and Berlin and he suggested we get more involved. Mr. Egazarian has looked into tax incentives and passed around copies of tax incentives used by Enfield for Lego and Phoenix Mutual. Mr. Trevethan suggested getting in touch with New England Development who had proposed the mall on the"Golden Triangle". They had done a lot of preliminary studies and he feels they would be very cooperative in helping to market the property. Submissions for the Annual Report were discussed. Mr. Karno will submit a report to the Town Manager to be included in the Town Report. It was the consensus of those present to continue with the same meeting schedule of second Monday of each month,except when a legal holiday falls on that day the meeting will be scheduled for the third Monday,at 7:00 P.M. in Room 7. Dates will be submitted to the Town Clerk. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Res ectfully submitted, Sharon Guite ► s° `' `� Recording Secretary „,� ,,