1997-02-10 BERLIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION The February 10, 1997 meeting of the Economic Development Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by chairman Tom Stregowski. Those present were Scott Veley,Dennis Phaneuf, Larry Siembab, Ron Stack, Ed Egazarian, Don Geschimsky,and Director Charles Kamo. A motion was made by Mr. Phaneuf, seconded by Mr. Stack and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the January 13, 1997 meeting as submitted. Mr. Stack gave the financial report. A motion was made by Mr. Phaneuf, seconded by Mr. Siembab and voted unanimously to accept the financial report. A public hearing was recently held with the State regarding construction of the new railroad bridge over Farmington Avenue. The Commissioners reviewed the plans presented at the public hearing showing areas which will be reconstructed as part of the bridge construction project. Mr. Kamo informed the Commissioners that the Christmas banners along Farmington Avenue have been taken down. He received many positive comments and suggestions that the banners be added to New Britain Road next year. Mr. Phaneuf suggested the banners be hung a little lower next year if possible. The former substation property was discussed. The Kiwanis Club is still interested in pursuing the project and other organizations have also expressed interest in supporting it. The possibility of selling engraved bricks was discussed. Mr. Kamo had drafted some changes to the POR regulations which were reviewed. A motion was made by Mr. Geschimsky, seconded by Mr. Phaneuf and voted unanimously to send the suggestions to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their review and comments. Representatives from VHB,the consultants for the Wilbur Cross Highway wetland mapping study, presented three different development plans. Each plan used available usable land along the study corridor without crossing the stream. The plans varied in square footage from just under 30,000 in the first plan, 38,700 in the second,and 41,800 in the third plan. The differences in square footage of buildings was relative to the risk involved with wetlands. It was recommended that the land on the other side of the stream be left in its natural state as a buffer. It was also suggested that the Town ask DOT to build a turn from north bound lanes to south bound at the Route 9 entrance ramp intersection. Mr. Stregowski asked if it would be better getting one developer or multiple developers for the site. The consultants recommended sticking with one developer, if possible. The next step is to contact the property owners,which Mr. Kamo will do to invite them to the next Commission meeting. Mr. Mitchell,who met with the Commission last month to discuss possibilities for the National Automatic Products property on Washington Avenue, is still interested in pursuing the project for incubator space. The Commission discussed possibilities for land along the south side of Farmington Avenue in the Washington Avenue area. Mr. Kamo will get more information. The Planning and Zoning Commission will be scheduling a public hearing on the proposed amendment to the zoning regulations regarding gasoline filling stations. As discussed at the EDC January, Mr. Kamo is proposing a change to allow the preparation and sale of food on site where repair service is not offered and also an increase in square footage for display of retail merchandise. (ow The Director's report was reviewed: Creative Building Systems-Mr. Kamo is working with them to try to get some financial help. TCI -In a dispute with Mattabasett District over crossing their trunk line. Corbin&Russwin-Talking about marketing their building and land. Heise Industries -Trying to buy 1.5 acres from the State for expansion of their building. Mr. Kamo presented a map showing property that is on the market which might be a good location for industrial development. The possibilities for the area were discussed. Mr. Phaneuf spoke of in informal study which was done to find out why businesses are not staying in the State. The study found that one of the biggest problems for small businesses is the loan structure which is based on variable rates that are adjusted every few years. Businesses need to know what their monthly payments are going to be for the long term but with the current rate structure, small businesses cannot get good rates for a 20 year mortgage as in the past,therefore they have to go with the variable rate mortgages. He suggested the Commission write a letter to the State to look into this problem. The Connecticut Real Estate Journal is planning a special issue on Hartford County and Mr. Kamo suggested the Commission submit a quarter-page ad for$255. A motion was made by Mr. Phaneuf, seconded by Mr. Stack and voted unanimously to spend$255 from the Promotion budget for a quarter- page advertisement. A motion was made by Mr. Phaneuf, seconded by Mr. Stack and voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted. k.2444TA) /j4t,f; -- Sharon Quite Recording Secretary