1997-08-11 BERLIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION The August 11, 1997 meeting of the Economic Development Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by chairman Tom Stregowski. Those present were Scott Veley, Ed Egazarian, Larry Siembab, Dennis Phaneuf,Ron Stack, Don Geschimsky, and Director Charles Karno. Gary Somerset, owner of Dairy Queen, was present to discuss a conceptual plan he has to help solve his drive-in window trafficproblems. He haspurchased the building next to DQ,presently housing Recessions. He plans to demolish that building and pave, light and landscape the parcel. This would create 14 newparking spaces and a longer driveway for the drive-in window. Because he is closed during the winter months, these spaces would be available for public use. He is requesting.a contribution from the town in doing the work since 4 months out of the year the lot could be used for public parking. He has a lease agreement with his tenants until April 1, 1998, so work could be started next spring. A motion was made by Mr. Phaneuf, seconded by Mr. Geschimsky and voted unanimously to support the concept and get more details in order to make a decision as to whether a town contribution would bepossible. The Commission willget back to Mr. Somerset next month. A motion was made by Mr. Geschimsky, seconded by Mr. Stack and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the July 21, 1997 meeting as submitted. Mr. Stack gave the financial report as of August 11, 1997. A motion was made by Mr. Egazarian, seconded by Mr. Siembab and voted unanimously to accept the financial report. Mr. Karno reported that the Tosatti loan, as approved at the last meeting, is moving forward. He is hoping the CL&P substation property will be closed by next meeting. Mr. Phaneuf stated that he is upset with the way the Colvest (CVS) application was handled. It was tabled several times by the Planni j and Zoning Commission which sent a message out to developers that Berlin is hard to deal with. He feels the town needs to decide which way it wants to go; either encourage,growth or stay the way it is. Types of incentives, above the abatement program, for existing businesses to stay in town and expand were discussed. Mr. Karno will investigate further and bring suggestions to the Commission next month. Goals for the Economic Development Director were discussed. Mr. Stregowski passed out copies Oa contract used by the Town of Wethersfield for their Economic Development Director who is not a town employee. Mr. Stregowski likes the idea of defining specific parcels that the town wants developed_ A set of goals were written up by Mr.Karno and another by Mr. Stregowski. The two sets were reviewed and items that the Commissioneres liked were taken from each set to be incorporated into a listing ofgoals for Mr. Karno. During this review of goals, inviting state representatives to a meeting was discussed. The Commission would like to meet with them to find out what programs might be available for town development for which we could take advantage. The Director's Report was reviewed: Mr. Karno and Ms. Therrien met with Creative Building System and are working with the State to try to get some funding for them. Reliance Automotive expansion should begin in September. National Automatics' new owner is looking for tenants so project can move forward. Budney Industries has received IWWC permit and will be meeting with P&Z Commission for site plan approval of their addition. 568 Systems, a telecommunications wiring business, has moved to Old Brickyard Lane from Cheshire. An investor is interested in the old Circuits building on Deming Road. A motion was made by Mr. Stack,seconded by Mr. Geschimsky and voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Guite Recording Secretary L