1998-04-13 • BERLIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION The Economic Development Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. on April 13, 1998 by chairman Tom Stregowski. Those present were Ed Egazarian, Larry Siembab, Scott Veley, Mitchell Unghire, Dennis Phaneuf, Ron Stack, and Director Charlie Karno. A motion was made by Mr. Phaneuf, seconded by Mr. Veley and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the March 9, 1998 meeting as submitted. Mr. Stack gave the financial report from April 10, 1998. A motion was made by Mr. Siembab, seconded by Mr. Phaneuf and voted unanimously to accept the financial report. Prior to the Commission meeting, a meeting was held with organizations working on the park on Farmington Avenue/Porters Pass parcel. Mr. Karno reported that it was agreed that a lit community bulletin board sign will be placed on the corner by Junior Women's club. Also the gazebo will be placed towards the center of the parcel with grassed walkways and bed of shrubs and flowers surrounding it. A landscaping architect is working with the group. Mr. Unghire was concerned with committing to an architect. He believes more information on him and his role in the project is needed. A formal presentation of the plans is tentatively scheduled to be made to Town Council at its first May meeting. Mr. Karno reported that the Country Farms loan has closed. The Redcoat Square loan has not closed yet because of some outstanding issues. Mr. Karno is continuing to work on possible industrial development sites and their benefits to the town. Town Council has approved a tax abatement and a $10,000 loan for a new 20,000 square foot building on White Oak Drive by Sirois Tool. A new tax partnership program proposal was reviewed. The fundamental change is that retail development would be considered differently than industrial. Mr. Karno recommended a lower scale and community benefits and impact on existing businesses be considered. The Commission discussed whether incentives should be offered to retail development at all. It was pointed out that we need some anchor projects to bring in more little projects. It was the consensus of the commission to think over the subject for a month and act on the recommendation next meeting. The Director's Report was reviewed: • Colvest Development is still interested in pursuing a Farmington Avenue site for CVS • Mr. Karno is working to find tenants for the Circuits building. • Fischer Precision has closed on the land on White Oak Drive and construction should begin soon. • There has been some interest in the Tectonic Building on New Park Drive. • A-N Consulting will be moving from Newington to the Rycoff-Sexton building on White Oak Drive Norif A motion was made by Mr. Stregowski, seconded by Mr. Unghire and voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Guite Recording Secretary • a �ll:�4 OZ 8s 26 1 tis G ti\\30 4� J