1998-05-11 BERLIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION L The May 11, 1998 meeting of the Economic Development Commission was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by chairman Tom Stregowski. Those present were Larry Siembab, Mitch Unghire, Ed Egazarian, Ron Stack, Scott Veley, and Director Charles Karno. Prior to the meeting all EDC members attended a Business Forum with the Town Council and sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce at the Hawthorne Inn. A motion was made by Mr. Egazarian, seconded by Mr. Siembab and voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the April 13, 1998 meeting. Mr. Karno gave the finanacial report as of May 7, 1998. A motion was made by Mr. Siembab, seconded by Mr. Unghire and voted unanimously to accept the financial report. Larry Shaw of Moroni Oil was present to discuss relocation of his business to Berlin. His business delivers fuel oil and services oil burners. Oil trucks would be stored on the property but no oil would be stored there. His trucks are loaded in New Haven each day. He is looking at a couple of locations on the Wilbur Cross Highway,just south of Route 9. However the GC zoning regulations do not allow fuel distribution businesses, although there are some existing oil distributors . It was the consensus of the commission that the definition of fuel distribution business needs to be clarified with Planning and Zoning Commission. The Commission is willing to work with Mr. Shaw to resolve problems in a positive manner for he and the town. Town Manager, Bonnie Therrien,joined the meeting to discuss hiring of a consultant for economic development by the Town Council. She distributed copies of a contract used by the Town of Wethersfield. She emphasized that the town needs to be very careful on how the agreement is drawn up. The Commissioners requested that a meeting be set up between the EDC and Town Council to discuss the Commission's role in the hiring of consultants. Plans for the Farmington Avenue/Porters Pass park were reviewed again. The latest plan shows specific plants, location of a gazebo, and a grassed walkway which may be paved in the future. The plans go to the Town Council for approval at their May 19th meeting. A motion was made by Mr. Stack, seconded by Mr. Unghire and voted unanimously to recommend approval of the plan and to name the area "Volunteer Park". Mr. Karno has received a loan application from Claray's to relocate from their existing location to the old Italia Deli site. They have requested a $10,000 secured loan, and a $2,000 unsecured loan which the Town was originally offering towards moving expenses to businesses in the plaza. A motion was made by Mr. Egazarian, seconded by Mr. Stack and voted unanimously to approve the loan application with the following terms: $10,000 at 6% for 5 years; $2,000 for 5 years. At the Town Council's May 19th meeting, Mr. Karno will be requesting $40,000 to do an impact study on the residential area from industrial development . The project has potential for 600,000 to 800,000 square feet of industrial building . A motion was made by Mr. Unghire, seconded by Mr. Siembab and voted unanimously to endorse spending of $40,000 for an impact study. Matson Rug is proposing to build and relocate to a new 6,000 square foot building on their Farmington Avenue property. Their existing building will be occupied by Brooks Pharmacy and Academy Printing. A motion was made by Mr. Egazarian, seconded by Mr. Stack and voted unanimously to recommend a tax incentive of 50/30/20. Mr. Karno informed the Commission that $3,000 is left in the promotion budget and he suggested it be used for the purchase of summer banners on Farmington Avenue. A motion was made by Mr. Siembab, seconded by Mr. Stack and voted unanimously to use the promotion money left in the budget for Farmington Avenue banners for summer months. In order to help industries in the Farmington Avenue-Burnham Street area to clean up their properties in a more timely and cost effective manner, reclassification of ground water from GA to GB is being done. In a GA class, clean up needs to adhere to stricter standards than in GB. Since there are no potable wells in the area, only wells for irrigation, there is no reason why the area canot be classified GB. The Director's Report was reviewed. A motion was made by Mr. Egazarian, seconded by Mr. Stack and voted unaimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, • t:534),) /64;4 Sharon Guite Recording Secretary