1963-04-30 Core arvation Commission of the Town of Berlin Minutes of Meetiug April 30, 1963 Members Present: Al Bengsten Joseph Paskie` icz, Dr. C otkowski: Arthur Benson, Jeds on Marble. Guests: Hugh Rowland, Chairman of the New Britain Water Commission The meeting started at 8:10 p.x . Mr. Rowland reviewed the history of the Shuttle Meadow Reservoir and related that the watershed surrounding the reservoir which New Britain intends to purchase had been recon,en ded for purchase by the :'=alcolm Pirnie Associates a long while ago. In addition he described the location of the proposed new reservoir proper which would be located in Southington. In addition, Or. Rowland discussed the fact that an engineering survey soon to be completed could result in a recommendation that New Britain purchase property around f Cliv Harts' Ponds to protect that water �r a future reservoir. There was agreement that both proposals were in Berlin's best interests because we are dependent upon New Britain for water and that ro conflicts existed with our Commission's interest in land in the area for recreational purposes. The meeting with Mr. Rowland was informative and an air of excellent cooperation prevailed. It was decided to issue a press release explaining the meeting with Mr. Rowland. In other business Mr. Paekiowica was delegated to discuss further with the Recrea- tion Commission a suggestion that the proposed treeemeasurisag contest be held dram ing the summer. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, Mee 28th at 6:30 p.m. and the members will meet at the corner of the Brookside Develop ent and Southington Road. The meeting adjourned at 21:15 P.M. F Respectfully submitted, Judson E. Marble, Sectary