1952/04/21 1. To study the present system of government in the Town of Berlin and the management of its public affairs, in comparison with the methods used by other towns. 2. To make special studies of the following. a An advisory Council for the Board of Selectmen. b~ The "Council Manager" form of government c The Representatve Town Meeting" d Police and Fire Commissions e Assessment and Taxation f Salaries of the Town's officers and employees f , S To report its conclusions together with recommendation or action by the Town of Berlin in respect to the subjects listed above and such other related mat%ers as ma~ logically fall within the scope of such a committee's investigation, by no% later than September 1, 1952 The resolutions as Presented by Mr. Oliver Porter were seconded and carried. It was moved by Mr. Willis that the Committee be made up of at least one from each Fire District. An amendment by Mr. Hamlin that the $ Fire Districts appoint their own representative. The motion as amended~ carried. A Special Town Meeting was held in the Town Hall, ~onday evening, April 21, 1952. Mr. N~rry McKeon was elected Chairman. The Clerk read the Call for the meeting as follows. NOTICE OF SPECIAL TOWN ~ETING. The legal voters of the Town of Berlin are hereby warned and notified that there will be a special town meeting held in the Town Mall, Nonday evening, April 21, 1952 at eiEht o'clock P. M. for the following purposes. To authorize the Selectmen of the Town of Berlin to borrow a sum or sums of money not to exceed $ 15,000.00 in the name of the Town of Berlin for the payment of current expenses and outstanding obligations of the Town in anticipation of taxes to be collected for the fiscal year 1951 - 1952 and to sign, execute and deliver promissory note or notes, or other obligatio~ of the Town therefor, on terms to be determined by the Selectmen. To take any other action proper in the premises and to transact an~ other business proper to come before said meeting. an E. Hall err O. Nilsson Armand T. Audette Selectmen of the Town of Berlin The following resolution was presented by Nr. James ~odfrey and seconded by Nr. Donald A. King. "RESOLVED:- That the Selectmen of the Town of Berlin,l~! . be and they are hereby author[zed to borrow a sum..~, sums cz money not to exceed ( $ 15,000.00) Dollars in the name of the To~ of Be~[in, fo~ the pa~ent of cu?rent expenses and °ut- standing obligations of the To~ in anticipation of taxes to be collected fo~ the fiscal yea~ 195I - lg52, and to s[~n, execute~ and del[ve~ p~omisso~y note o~ uotes o~ othe~ obligations of the To~ therefor, on te~s to be 8ete~[ned by the Selec~en."~ ~e mot[on was seconded . and carried. Special Town fleet[ns A Special Town Neet[rig was held in the Town Hall, June 4, 1952. Mr. Richard C. Brown was elected Chairman. The Clerk read the Call fo~ the meeting as follows. NOTICE OF SPECIAL TOWN NEETING. ~ .T~.~.leg~ yo~?s of ~e. Town Of Berlin are h?~eby, w~ed ant nO~ined ~ma~ ~he~e'wi£1-'oea special ~own'mee~nE nexa in the Town Hall, WedneSday 'eventng',.J~ne'4,'I952, at eight o'clock P. M., E D. S time fo~ ~he following purposes. 1. To hear the report and recommendation of the Board of Selectmen in regard to the feasibility'and cost of having the Town's more necessamy and valuable pursuant to the vote of the special town meeting held Dec. 10. 2. To consider and take action in regard to an appropriatio~ of a sum not in excess of Fifteen Hundred ($ 1.$00.0() to be expended s9 far as may be necessary by the Selectmen for the purpose of m~cro-filming certainof the Town's records. $. To consider and take action in rezard to an appropriation of a sum not in excess of Fifteen ~undred ($ 1,500) Dollars to be expended so far as may be necessary bythe Selectmen,. so f~r as maybe nece~sa~r-ff for the purchase of a new vo~ingmacnine zor.the 'l~wn of ~erixn. 4. To consider and take action in regard to authorztmg the Selectmen to acquire by gift for ~he Town of for park and recreational purposes f?m Arthur E: Webster. a certain piece or parcel of land conta~ninff approximately- 87 on the ~Fortheasterly side of Conn. ~tate Htgh~av, No. ?2. as shown o~ a map~ enti~le~ "Property of Arthur~E. Sebster, §erlin, Conn. April 1952, revised May 1952, Scale 1" - 80', A. W, C. which map is on file in the Town Clerk's Office in Berlin. ' 5. To consider and take action upon a request from thai Board of Assessors of the Town of Berlin, to the Sta~e Tax Commlssiomer in rezard to the ellminatxon of listing of real estate as provided bY SeCtion S?I-B of the 1951 Supplement to the general Statu~es of the State of Connecticut. ' g.'~o tske an~r othsr ao~ion ~roper in the-premises an to transact any other business proper in the premises 51inutes of the f~'ieetlr~ · t~prll 2i, 1952 TOWN OF B!RLiN OF?'IC[( OF T}~ SELECTMEI,! , The mectinci opened at 7:05 [:..:. witi~ tile three Selectme~ present. %he minutes of the ~revi~us meetln~ ,..er~ read and accepted. A l~tt~r was written to ~..rs. Karl Hess [:res_~e:.t cf the Commu.uit~ iltndergar~en regarding the renewal of the rental agree, mint, a ¢o.,.:.y of w: ich is on file. A l~tter was received fr~:m Geroge H. Hamelin, Judge of the i.,[u~iciyal Court requesting that the ~ ~ oe~ectm~-~ certify to the Clerk of the i'~luniclpal Court i.n accorda~ce with No. 136 oF the S~ecial Acts of the denerai ~ssemb~y of the 1%~49 session tl~e ~,ame ct' Louise hanupka as s, persian desijnate6 for ~e purpose cf takit~g bo~;ds .~.t the [~'o!ice ~enter. ,, letter was writter. Clyde B. klncaid, Clerk of th~ Court certifying the above. '~he S~lectmer, attended a ~,eetlng with the .~oard of Finance wit[:, re~.~ard tc borrowings ~j15,000. in anticipation of taxes to ¢om~ lete the business of ~pril. ~ -ov.n ma. et[ng was held at the Town Hall at 8:00 P.M. to accept the above. M~etin:~ adjourned at 7:45 P.~:.