1973-03-20 ir CONSERVATION MINUTES Web 20, 1973 •• Those present were Chairman Bengston, A. Nieman, A. Benson, J. Paskiewica, L. Chotkowski, M. Clapp and B. Murray (agent) Almada: Minutes of the February meeting were read and corrected, noting that members for the new Wetlands Commission should be recommended, rather than appointed. Apved as corrected. Lend I. W lls tee. Mr. Murray reported that Mr. Guiana has agreed to give Aoquisi- an op on on 31 acres of land. tion Rigged Mntaiu. The state will use the funds that were repaid to pay for the Norton property. They were in effect held in escrow for this purpose. Condemnation proceedings on the Stawski property have dust been settled (December) at $1,000 per acre. The state will update its appraisal to $1,000/A. Payment for this lend will be handled like the Norton property by the state, i.e., they will not have to go to the bonding ooemission. Suitable dedication should be made of this gift to the town. No notice has been taken. C3�and Graham . Acquisition in mid..April; BON would fund. II. Wetlands. Nast Berlin, Mr. Nielson wants to reduce lot size from R to R 15. In the discussion, Mr. Murray suggested waiting until the hearing on the soning change, since the application must be reoomraendoed by the planning commission first. Dr. Chotkowski suggested that the oawsission informing the Planning Comhission of our interest in the lend without taking a position on the zoning change, and that a description of the boundaries of the property be tr included. The following motion resulted: Mewed by Dr. Chotkowski; second M. Clapp: That the Conservation %emission (in a letter from the *barman) notify the Planning Commission that the Conservation Commission is interested in preservation by acquisition of the wetland area bounded on the north by Middletown Road, on the west by' Sage Park,to Spruce Brook Gorge on the south, and easterly to properties at the foot of Savage Hill. Decision in favor was unanimous. III. Bicentennialt. Dr. Chotkowski said that the Bacon-.i welisite , „ad been proposed for Berlin's bicentennial legacy to future. He noted that the national these of the obser- vance wee the establishment of parks throughout the country. The wellsite would include about 100 acres of land and would be accessible for limited recreation. He also said that a state park pewposal had been made for the Mount Lamentaion area. After discussion it was decided that the chairman would write a letter to the Bicentennial committee welcoming their support and their goal in the acquisition of the Bacon-Wilcox wellsite, known as the North Brook area, and that the Conservation Com- '�+► mission would work toward it. PAGE TWO Conservation Commission, March 20, 1973 IV. Budget. Mr. Bengston reported that he and E. Murray net with the Board of Finance on Feb. 22, and that there had been no question on the budget, but that the Board had inquired in detail about Cam- ' mission projects and especially about the inland wetland project. V . Intonation Eno Mr. Bengston also reported on the intra governmental eXhange of °nation among heads of Boards and Commissions, described as profitable but lengthy. VI. Inland Wetland Ord . The Commission ordinance and the regulations have been pre a presented to the town counsel and the first selectman. lMr. Bengston noted that the state inventory map was not very good and that the Department of Public Warks in Berlin had made an excellent one, so that everything was prepared for submission to town meeting. VII. H. called attention to the new state noise abatement program: copies of the iamoms Cannectiont Conservation Association white paper on Noise will g be given to Peek Memorial Library. A hearing on bill # 2159 will be held on March 27. IX. The qustion of acquisition of Barts Ponds was reviewed and the public debate. Mrs. Clapp said she had received one call from Frances Humphry protesting recreational use. +,,,p. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.: a field trip to the Bacon wellaite will take place April 22 at 10 a.m. (Note: This was later changed to April 29, and members were duly notified). We will meet at a place near the Sherman Knapp property and talk in. Respectfully submitted, M. Clapp, Secretary