1975-01-20 • • Minutes of the Meeting of the Conservation Commission held January 20, 1975. Members present: Dr. Chotkowski, Dr. V. Ringrose, Al Nieman, Joe Paskiewicz, Al Bengston, and Ed Murray. Members absent: Arthur Benson and Mary Clapp. The minutes of our November 19, 1974 meeting were read and approved. Election of officers for calendar year 1975. On a motion made, seconded, and unanimously approved, the secretary was directed to cast one ballot for the election of Al Bengston as Chairman and Mary Clapp as Secretary of the Commission for the ensuing year. The Chairman read communications received from the Department of Environmental Protection denying an Inland Wetland and Water Courses permit to the Sherwood Industrial Park, Inc., and the Kensington Fire District, also a letter from the Water and Sewer Commission with reference to the state "Plan of Conservation and Development" issued September, 1974, as it pertained to the "proven water resources of Berlin". The Chairman reported on the progress of the Bicentennial Park project including conferences with the Finance Board and the town meeting of December 23rd in which the townspeople approved an appropriation of $20,000. for options on the land involved and for authority to proceed with an application for Federal and State funding of the project. A vote of appreciation and thanks was then unanimously extended to Dr. Chotkowski, Al Bengston, and Ed Murray for the time, effort, and personal service which they had contributed to the progress to date of this project. A motion was made, seconded, and unanimously approved that Mary P. Clapp as Secretary of the Commission be authorized to sign the resolution presented by the Chairman that the Commission has stipulated that the Bicentennial Park area is in accordance with the open space provisions of the Conservation Plan adopted by this Conservation Commission. The Chairman informed the Commission that no definite decision has as yet been received from the Finance Board regarding our 1975-76 budget request. • The Commission then had a general and comprehensive discussion of the Bicentennial Park Project and other projected projects and our program for 1975. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P. M.