1975-02-18 /f Minutes of the Meeting of the Conservation Commission held February 1975. 411. Members Present: Dr. Chotkowski, Al Nieman, Joe Paskiewicz, Al Bengston, and Ed Murray. Members Absent: Arthur Benson, Mary Clapp, and Dr. Ringrose. The Minutes of our January meeting were read and approved. The Chairman reviewed with the Commission communivations received from the Department of Environmental Protection concerning the following matters: 1. Appeal taken by Sherwood Tool Company on denial of permit to fill in an area of the Sherwood Tool Pond. 2. Statement setting forth reasons for denial of permit to Kensington Fire District to fill in area on north side of Burnham Road. 3. A notice of violation addressed to John Labicas of 20 Nash Street in New Britain concerning an illegal filling in activity on the north side of Middletown Road within an "Inland Wetlands" area regulated under the Inland Wetlands Statute. 4. Communications received from Mr. Russell L. Post, Jr. of 41, Canton, Conn., concerning his proposed "Bottle Bill" proposing a mandatory deposit on any bottle or can used for a carbonated beverage and also banning the use of the flip top can. It was decided to request Mr. Phil Doran, our representative in the State Legislature, to review and advise us further concerning this proposed legislation on the matter before taking any action. In reviewing the status of the Bicentennial Park project the Chairman informed the Commission concerning recent conferences with Mr. Canzonetti, Mr. Jackaway, and Mr. Hancock of the Department of Environmental Protection concerning our recent appraisals of the land involved in the Bicentennial Park project and the form of the appraisals that would be acceptable to the State. Also the manner of paying for the expense of the five year abstract of titles of the land which have to be submitted with our application for Federal and State funding of the project. The Chairman advised the Commission that these were the only two items to be completed before the applications can be filed. A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved requesting the Chairman to write a letter to the Zoning Commission asking them to disallow a proposed change of zone from R-43 to R-21 on lots located east of Spruce Brook Road and west of Savage Hill Road as proposed by Albert 0. and Esther Nillson and setting forth our reasons for doing so. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P. M.