1981-01-14 A TOWN OF BERLIN CONSERVATION COMMISSION 'rown Hall Berlin , Conn. January 14 , 1981 A meeting of the Conservation Commission was called to order by Chairman Bengstor_ at 7 :112 p.m. in Room 6 of the Town Hall. Those in attendance were : Chairman Bengston , Commissioner paskiewicz , Commissioner Baccaro , ;Mr. Edstirt S. Murray and Commissioner Chotko•:'ski . Chairman Bengston reviewed snme of the procedures that have been follo•:Ted since the acauisition of this property, belcngina to Mr . Norman P. Cooley , was first considered . He stated at or. September 1E , 1979 a resolution was presented at. a To :n Meeting authorizing the Executive Board to file an application with the Chairman of the Department of Environ- mental Protection for an open-space, land-acouisition grant from both the Federal and State authorities to acouire 44 acres of land , situated east of the Chamberlain Highway and bordering west of Bicentennial Park and owned by Mr. Norman F . C^o,e-v. :ie further stated that the Town would purchase the property at a price established by a formal professional �r appraisal , ,it.h funding to be provided for as follows : fift'r percent of the nurchase price b^ an a-plication for a Federal grant; t �entv-five rel-bent by a tate open-space grant and twenty-five percent by a sift from Mr. Coolev to the. Town, providing we were successful in receiving both the Federal and State grants . Chairman Bengston stated that the purpose of the acauisition was to enlarge the area of Bicentennial Park, to provide another entrance to the park from the Chamberlain Highway and to provide added protection to the aquifer that lies within the park, as .:ell as to add another open-space asset to our Town and at not cost whatsoever to the Town. In addition, he said , a petition was received signed by 164 residents, representing a cross-section of the Town of Berlin, to acquire this land ; and it was presented at the Town Meeting. The resolution was unanimously approved b,, those people pre- sent at the meeting, however , as the application is still pending in the land acquisition unit of the DEP and , as it is now over a :rear since the application was filed , several new forms and procedures are required to be complied with by the federal and state authorities . Cha irmr n Bengston said that one of the rrocedures renuired is that the arplicant hold a public hearing on the merits of the acnuisition and to give r;. all interested person - the privilege of being heard or com- menting on the projectand to receive any written communica- ions concerning the project . Therefore , in order to comply Conservation: Commission. - 2 - January l4 , 1981 with these new reauirements , the Conservation Commission decided to hold a Public Fearing on January JJ , 1981 in the Town Hall in Room E at 7:30 p.m. to receive any comments or ouestions relative to this proposed acouisition. The legal notice was read by Chairman Bengston, after which he then opened the hearing to anv questions from those present. Chairman Lengston asked Pr. Chotkowski , Berlin Health Director, as well as a member of the Conservation Commission, to make anv statements that he felt would be relevant to the importance of this area to the Townand to the protection of the aquifer. Dr. Chotkowski - resented a map and stated that the location of this cropert- is unirue in its relation to the Town or Berlin in that this whole area could be used to develop q continuous n-, +ure-hiking: trail that would benefit New Brita.tn , "outingt:cn , Berlin , Middletown and Meriden. ,re went on to sa„ that he is very concerned with the pollution of the acuifer area and originelly recommended that 1 ,000 acres be -urchased 'or (Dien space to protect the aouifer. It would be looking ••-hely to the future to protect our evicting water sources, .- r. Chotkowski said . He also Mated that this area is a most de-Hirable etlands for wildlife . Mr . Dennis L. Kern of Fid ge •;ood Lane stated that he felt that tris acceisition was an excellent idea and concept. He felt that the Torn must take steps to protect our future water sup lies . ae added that ne felt that even if the Town does not receive federal an -tete more- , it should consider bonding to rurchase the Cooley band . Deputy Ma�:-or McKeon asked the Commission if it had received the necessary assistance from the Executive Board that it needed . Chairman engston sai that one of the reruirements that had to be complied .-with was a resolution be each Commission in Town proving the acruisition. He went on to say that the Conservation Commission was successful in receiving approval from all the Town agencies and splendid cooperation from people in the Town. lir. Edwin S. Murral,' , Arent for the Commission, stated that Berlin has been ver-r fortunate in that it has received much open-space land as rifts to the Town , such as sage Park and Ragged Mountain. he went on to saythat no matter how high the price of oil goes , water '.,rill be worth more . It was stated that the Cooley property has been appraised at $176 ,000 .00 and with state and federal grants paying $132,000.00 , Mr. Cooler.• is making a gift of the Town' s share , which is $44 ,000.00. f AirChairman Bengston emphasized that the Town would not be losing much in taxes b- takinc, the land since Mr. Cooley has recentl" filed an ampllcation for tax relief under Public Conservation Commission - 3 - January 14 , 1981 Act 490 . In the pact , Mr . Cooley has paid approximately 42500.00 per year and ;ill now be paring only about 147.00 a year. Approximately 5 r:eor?e attenr'er' the Pu'n' ic Hearing . Meeting a ' `ourne'' at e :21 p.m. Fesrectfully submitted , Nancy `Dubuc Secretary of the Commission I hereby certify this to be a true and exact copy of the minutes of a Public Hearing held in the Town of Berlin on January 14, 1981. i ` Y oanne G. Ward Town Clerk of Berlin Dated at Perlin, Connecticut this 21st day of January, 1981 A CERT IFICAT : `:F P?? f PA:'iON IN PROJECT SELECTION C I hereby certify that a puri:.:' hearing was held on January 14, 1981 on the acquisition and or development of the recreational facilities known as The Cooley Property and the attached list is a true and correct copy of thos.- indiv_1(tuals ani citizen groups who testified at said public hearing. Dated at merlin, Connecticut this 21st . day of January, 1981 L ZL - Town Clerk