1953-11-1 t 4Q' Minutes of the Meeting C� November 11, 19E3 TOWN OF BERLIN ZONING COMMISSION The meeting opened at 8:uC r.M. with Cabelus, Garlick and Allen present. 9i;:ii Mr. Donahue representing the Murphy Advertising Co. met with the Commission to explein why the sign erected on Route 5 south of the East Berlin over nassvas advertising another company in as much as the permit was granted, stipulating that the Citi' of New Britain or its products were the only advertisement allowed on this particular billboard. Mr. Donahue stated that he was at fault in not returning to the Zoning Board of Anneals when he noticed the stirulstion for advertising Nevi Britain only. !sir. Cebelus informed Mr. Donahue that he should have arrealed to the Commission to have this waiver lifted. Mr. Donahue agreed th-.t he would go b ,ckk to the Zoning board of Arreals and explain his situ--ion and ask them to clarify the matter. The First Selectmen net •--'th the Comw.i^cion t. is evenin-. and e=lained that he was asked to arrear, by the selectmen, to ask who the Commission would want as ,their 5th member. Mr. Greh m stated that he had obligated himself to theextent of asking Morton to servo on the Compri ssi. on and in his opinion felt that it would be a wise selection due to his background of the To-.n of Berlin. Cabelus stated th.t Mr. Norton was a ver: bias rereon and that it Mr. Norton was apr_ointed to the Commission that he wo- ld resign. Mr . Allen moved, Mr. G rl icl_ seconded that this Commission take no form it action to recommend new members to this body. Mr . Cabelus stated that he did not favor Mrs . t;iassario as it was his opinion tnat she would run a political football game. A letter was -vri- ten Ericson, Polit i s & Gleason asking whether any violation or conflict would be incurred or inferred by rubl i shing a1.on7 kith the Zor_- nT Ordinance their regulations concerning sub-divisions and bonds . Cony of letter is on file . A letter was written the Board of Selectmen pursuant 87 to their request for recommendations for new members to the Zoning Board. The motion which was made and passed was quoted which will be found in the above minutes. Copy of letter is on file . Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.