1953-05-27 Minutes of the Meeting 464 May 27, 1953 • TOWN OF BERLIN ZONING COMMISSION The meeting opened at 7:30 P.M. with Lucco, Cabelus and Garlick present. jhe minu es of the previous meeting were read and accepted. Mr. T. Zelek appeared before the Commission this evening, and requested a special exception on Seymour Road. He stated that he planned to operate an upholstery shop if his request was granted. Mr. Lucco stated that they would look into the matter and asked him to return at the June 3rd meeting for his answer. Mr. Lucco reported that Mr. Tinty called and stated that he would be unable to attend the meeting this evening and asked if the Commission would not forward the necessary papers to him for his signature. The Commission agreed that Mr. Tinty should appear and a letter was wf"itten asking him to appear at the June 3rd meeting. Mr. J. Donovan of the Alpine Restaurant on noute 5 did not appear this evening as requested. It was agreed that a copy of the letter which was sent to kr. Donovan be forwarded to George Hamlin requesting that he take the necessary action in view of this direct violation. A letter was received from Mrs. Anna Ahrenberg of 209 Percival Ave. complaining that the person who rents the apartment on the second floor of her home is operating a business. from this ap artment . A letter was sent Mr. Ahrenberg acknowledging her complaint. Mr. Cabelus agreed to make the necessary investigation and make a report at tEe next regular meeting. A letter was written to Louis and Aurelia Valleggia relative to their change of zone . It was brought up that the Selectmen be contactedj relative to the apointment of additional persons to this Commission. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.