1953-02-11 444 Minutes of the Meeting February 11, 1953 TOWN OF BERLIN 410) ZONING COMMISSION The meeting opened at 7:30- P.M. with Lawyer and Garlic present. 'The minutes—of the previous meeting were read and accepted. Mr. Lawyer reported that he had a telephone call .rrom Mr. Yost , Chairman of .the Zoning_ Board of Appeals; at 5:15 P.M. which lasted Until almost 6:00 P.M. and he spoke in a aisrespectful manner, criticizing the way in which the McKeon Bros . matter was handled. Mr. Lawyer .statedr,that he referred back to my predecessors- by _saying that Hoppe pullea fast;:onces on the Town, Larry Beilman pulled„fast ones on the Town, and now you ,are following in, the _same -footsteps . Mr. Lawyer informed him that there was no Commission in Berlin that had pulled any faster onesthan the Zoning Board of _Appeals . • Mr. Lawyer, told Yost that if he thought the town had gotten to such a stage that possibly he should take over both Commissions and at this point he backed down and said that he had all that he could he could handle with the appeal cases . After this he said you will have a meeting tonight and I presume you will give the McKeon Bros . their permit. Mr. Lawyer stated that he had not planned definitely to take action on McKeon Bros. request tonight, but on second thought that possibly to save face of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Berlin it would be best to grant a permit as soon as possible in view of the reported controversy, of the McKeon Bros . having completed half of their building before they have finished the building. Mr. Yost stated that he was going to publish and rip this particular case wide open. In answer to this, Mr. Lawyer asked him what he was going to expose as he was unaware of anything between the Zoning Commission and the McKeon Bros. which could be classed as "expose". Mr. Yost replied that, "well you have made a mistake and is it going to happen again". Mr. Lawyer replied that he he thought it was any business of yours I would tell you whether or not I have made a mistake and whether or not it would happen again as I was taking care of my Commission which is a 5 man board and not run by one man. Three times during our conversation, Mr. Yost referred to a "Very Good Member of the Commission" which we ousted from office. I asked him who he had reference to and he replied, Mr. Kloskowski, at which time I answered that his term had expired and that the Board of Selectmen had replaced him with a very good man who has basic ideas to offer. Mr. Yost by -himself -stated that Mr. Kloskowski had knifed - the Zoning Commission in the back by signing an affadavit relative to the trailer camp on Route 5. tir We then said good night. - - -y is** Mr_. Lawyer reported that Mr Beilman telephoned him and • = stated -that. -Mr. Heilman was .in favor 'of the McKeon `Bros'.= zone change. Mr. Lawyer also informed the Commission that Mr. Cabelus called arida `sta-ted 'that he -was -in favor -of -cha'ngif g'the :entire west side 'of •farding-•St .-=.from Residence `B to* either ..Industrial -Or.-Business whichever "tyre =Commission finds =pr'oper'.= • .-. �-L. • - Mr. Idawyer -reported that he--had receided' a telephone call- from - Ada Johnson -asking=-that the' zoning Commission grant =Mr.'--Johns'on's request 'f6r=a -change of= zone on--Route 72. - - - :- --- .. The party .-who is interested in purchasing this` property manufactures lain- furniture and might possibly sharpen •lawn •mowers . Action on this -request was deferred Until -next week. • ' -- Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. - - -