1952-11-19 Minutes of the Fleeting TOWN OF B.RLIN 421 ZONING COMMISSION The meeting opened at 7:30 P.M, with Lawyer,' Beilman, Kloskowski and Cabelus present . - Mr. Lawyer reported that he had received three complaints relative to the parking of trailers, also housing of at least one family in the building known previously as the Country Kitchine in East, Berlin. This property is owned by kr. F. C. Schultz, Contry Club Road, Middletown, Conn. , who was notified by resisted mail to appear before the Commission at 8:30 P.M. -on November 19th. - Mr. Lawyer called Mr. Schultz this evening and straightened out the matter. Mr. jchultz ordered these people off the property . • A telephone call was received from Mr. Rich of the Berlin Arms Motel located just north of the Hawthorn Inn on Route 5 asking if the Commission knew whether or not another motel was to be built in the area . Mr. nich stated that his reason for asking was that he himself was cont�mplatin:,g an addition in the sprint; and did not want to tie the money up if competition was going to be too keen in this area. He brought out that he was getting along in years and did not want to use all of his life savings if there was a possiblity of loosing them iir. Lawyer informed him after contacting Mr. A. Gay that a permit had been issued to Mr. Ellison who planned on constructing a motel in this area in the near future. Mr. Rich then asked the size of the proposed Motel and Mr. Lawyer informed him that he did not like to give out such information and suggested Mr. nich contact Mr . A. Gay clerk of the toning Commission and that he may get further cooperation from him. A special town meeting was held this evening to act on a change of zone for the J. J. Miller C instruction Company the call of the meeting was read at 8:00 P.M. • Mr. Lawyer asked that those in favor of such a change speak. Mr. J. J. Miller of 16 Boswell Road, .+vest Hartford explained this requested change of zone tc those present . he started by explaining that at present there were pieces of equipment, tires, etc . located near the highway which did look un- sightly. His plan, he stated, was to build a steel storage building to store items as mentioned above along with the tools that were needed to repair this equipment . He stated that he would also provide adequate parking .space and that his property would be an asset to the Town of Berlin. Mr. Miller stated that when they cut down the grade that the vir adjacent contour of the properties would be followed. ii2 '9 -2- Mr. Miller pointed out that if his request was granded he would pipe the brook which runs across his property which is located approximately 300' from the highway. Mr. Miller explained that his business consisted of selling and NJ renting construction equipment and that it was far from being considered as junk. Their hours would be froi 8: 00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. with an occasional Saturday afternoon, but never on a Sunday, and he further stated that these stipulations could be considered part of the agreement and put in writing. - - Mr.. Lawyer asked those not in favor of this zone change to speak. Mr. R. L. Frost of Bishop's Curve, Berlin, spoke and started cut by complimenting Mr. Miller for the way he has levelled his property. Mr. Frost pointed out that his property is adjacent tc, Mr. iviilier's property on the north. Mr. Frost stated that should the zoning commission grant this change that his propert would decease in value considerably. Mr. Frost further stated that the ,_idea Construction Co. was back as far s the brook at present and made know that he was definitely against his oing east across the brook. - Iamadeau of Route 5, Berlin, Conn. , owner of the Old leering property , whose property is also adjacent to Yr. , iler 's property, asked to just what degree this equipment would deteriorate, and alsc just how far back, in an easterly direction, -,Mir. Miller planned on storing his equipment . Mr. Lamadeau brought c.ut that at present he realized Mr. was not settled and just stored his material in any manner at present , but what was his plan for a later date. Mr. Adamovitch of Berlin, brought up that it was an unsightly situation to have in your front yard. Mr. Zaner of ,Berlin, stated that he at one time owned this property, and that the material that Mr. Miller plans to sell will not add to the area. Mr. Zaner mentioned that Mr. Miller' s present establishment in Hart- ford is a regular junk yard, and further stated that this could be no th in` more than a junk yard. Mr . Frost informed the group that he was authorized by Mr. Stabbert, who could not be present this evening, and who is located to the south of the Miller property, to voice his objection for the proposed request of a zone change. Mr. Frost stated that Mr. Miller a_proached him earlier this summer with the idea of purchasing a piece of his property 50 ' wide to be used to get into his property from bishop's Curve. . Mr. Frost also mentioned that Mr. Miller approached Mr. Zaner with the purpose of purchasing a piece of -his property for the same (or purpose. - �►` -2- • Mr. Frost informed the group that he was also authorized by Mr; 423 Eddleson who could not be present this evening, and whc is located to the north of the 14iller property, to voice his objection for the requested zone charge . Mr. Miller answered that his main object is to get enough proper-4 to build a building in which to store this equipment and thus eliminate the unsightly condition that is now existing. Mr. Miller stated that when he acproached these people with regard to wi.tA-1248aPd to purchasing property that neither of the gentlemen definitely turned him down, and he rplied that they would consider it . Mr. Miller continued, that the first think he planned on doing, if his request was granted, was to pipe the present brook- and grade it accordingiy;' which would eliminate the present mosquito menace . Mr. Miller stated that he felt that those present were in favor of him and he would do anything to portect people adjacent tc his property. Mr. Lamadeau asked Mr. Miller how far back he _ntends to park this equipment . Mr. Miller rpelied thL.t the equipment would _or, be parked any farther east then it is at present . Mr. James Donovan of 138 Orchard Street, £Locky Hili, spoke in favor of the J. J. Miller Construction Co, relative to' the manner in whichthe slopes on both the north and south sides of the i+.iller property were finished off. He said that they were left as wide as possible, 20 to 25 f_et, keeping the neighbors in nind. NO Mr . Frost asked where ivir. Miller livest at present. Mr. Miller answered that his residence was at 16 Boswell Road, West hartford, Conn. Yir. Frost asked how wuld Miller like to have a business of this natuee next to his home . ' l.1r. Miller pointed out that he would plant shrubbery and beautify the area as much as possible. To answer Mr. Frost 's question abcut a business of this type being put in next my home, I build my home in a residential area and there is no business , whereas Route 5 is entirely business . Mr . Lawyer asked what Mr. Miller was going to do beyond the brook. Mr. Miller replied that he planned to move the earth from across the brook, easterly, to fill in the low land, and that he would leave staclization slopes of 20 to 25 feet , and in doing so would Jain an additional 250' of land, and in the future planned on installing a small steel warehouse for the storage of equipment. Mr. Lawyer asked if he would install a buffer strip. Mr. Miller stated that he would do this . Mr. Frostasked how many feet east from the highway would 4 -•sir. Miller have if his request was granted. Mr. Lawyer referred to the maps and answered 7001 . (lbwMr . Frost asked if Mr. Miller would put in writing a guarantee tr his business would not devaluate his property. 411, Mr . Miller answered that this question was b blow below the belt and that he could not guarantee this . • Mr. Lamadeau asked if Mr. Miller still anticipated a circle entrance . Mr. Miller stated absolutely not that the only entrance would be from route 5 on his own property. • Mr. Adamovitch stated that if the trees were installed it would be better, and asked if this could be put in writing . Mr. Miller answered that this was the only proper way to carry on business. Mr. Zaner asked if all this equipment could be put ' under cover. He was informed that the large pieces of equipment would be parked up near the highway. :Mr. Frost asked what the steel structure is going tc • be used for. Mr. Miller replied that this building is for the repairing of equi_ment. Mr. Frost summed up by saying: The locationof the Miller construction 0o. at present on the emit west side of the brook I have no objection to . I believe that this property should be landscaped and screened. About going across the brook, I definitely will not go along with that . Mr. Lamadeau asked the Commission, in the past how much land usage was granted beyond the 150' portion zoned for business . Mr. Beilman stated that to date nothing over 10' was ever granted. Mr. Miller explained. to those present his other request which was just north oZ the Sage property on the e ,,st side of the highway, R-5. • Mr. Lawyer asked Mr. miler what he though he remit be putting up there. Mr. Miller answered that he had in mind a frozen custard stand smilar to the Dairy ,ueea3 ' . Cir The �ommiss- or_ said that they would reserve decision and that Mr. &Tiller. would be notified. Meetin ad j curned at 9: 06 P.M. Mr. Kristian Jenson of Jensen's Inc . , Viest nartford 7, Lonn. appeared before the Commission this evening with a Mr. Harold Cohn of 204 iv. ,,xford St . , Hartford, Conn and two bther gentlemen who accompanied them to speak with the Commission about developing a parcel of property on the west side of "cute 5 adjacent to the Dodson's snack bar. The land. the land measures 800' frontage by 1200' deep. •sir. Jensen did the speaking for the group and explained that they want to put in a group of Mobile Homes . mobile 'Homes he stated are put on 5000 sq. ft. developted areas which will have sanitary facilities, electric lights , street lighting, telephone service and all facilities that an. individual home has . mr. Jensen stated that in a trailer camp this is not so . Mr. Jensen pointed out that Mobile Homes start at 30' in length, 8' wide . some he stated are as large as 100' in length . mobile Homes can be ; c ve but cannot travelled around such as you can with a trailer. Mr. Jensen pointed out that he has a ,aobLle Home development Oak Grove, in Plainville and many prominent people live there at F resent . Mr. Jensen remarked that a M=obile come is an Independent unit and a 'frailer is not . Mr. .a%ei loran asked if A•o i le Homes were taxed as personal p ,operty , and Mr. Jensen said that they were . Mr. Jensen informed the grout that in his Oak Urove development that they have their own garbage pick, up their own snowplows etc. Mr. Beilman pointed out that even a Mobile Home could be moved to avoid paying taxes . Mr. Jensen brought out that he proposed in another town that the taxes be collected each month from trailer owners and Moble Home owners to avoid what Mr. Beilman had brought ur relative to taxes . Mr. Jensen said that the average price of a iviobile Home was „;:4E00. Mr. Jensen brought out that there is another tyre of development where the Mobile Home owner also owns the land cn which his :,ioblle Ho—e is located in one of these leve lc:vents . In this type of development the owner is responsible to the town for adhering t the ordinances and wizl be taxed in the same manner as other home owners in the Town. put 4r. Beilman stated that this land where they propose to;this development is now zoned Farm, and if a zone change ..ere put through Zone A requirements wo ,ld have to be lived up tc which is 100' front by 150' deep. This , however, is in conjunction only with Air. Jensen ' s development whereby the mobile Home owner owns the property. 4 2 ''r. Beilman alsothat��,' 1,. pointed out that in a C zone t�_a „ the lot size must be 601 X 120' and that the Mobile Home must have a minimum of 500 square feet . 10 Mr. Lawyer informed the bentlemen that the Com_riission would take this matter up with the low:. Counsel to see just what could be done . Mr. Jensen stated that he was in nc immediate hurry and that he wanted it clearly understood that he was not interested in trailers or trailer ;arks. Mr. Jensen further sta '.ed that the Government was behind a project of this type and have made money available . Meetin adjourned at 9 : 55 P.M.