1999/04/22Joint Meeting with the Economic Development Commission a. For thc purpose of discussion of design standards for development on Farmington Avenue and other matters of mutual interest. 4'!5 Mr. Mahoney discussed re-establishing the Design Review Committee in order to create a standard for quality in development and establish consistency of standards. There was a favorable consensus of the commissioners that this should be done. There was discussion of the size of the committee and Mayor Olson suggested a questionnaire be mailed. Mr. Veley suggested other town's guidelines be obtained. Mrs. Bretagna reminded the commissioners that although the design review committee has had historical value, it is not in the current charter a~,d therefore would only be an advisory, not a regulatory committee. Mr. Mahoney stated he would meet with council members and the town manager and again meet with the combined commissions. There will be another joint meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission and Economic Development Commission on Thursday, May 13, 1999 at 6:30 p.m. in Room 7. This portion of the meeting closed at 7:10 p.m. The Planning and Zoning Commissioners then reconvened in the Council Chambers and considered the agenda items in the following order: II Audience of Citizens No one wished to speak. Mr. Topliffmotioned to close this portion of the meeting. Mrs. Jorsey seconded the motion which carded unanimously. III Scheduling of Public Hearings No items were scheduled, IV Public Hearing (5/29~99) d. Final Subdivision Application of Louis and Renette Bosse for two lots at Lot 8 & gA Block 141 117 Bishop's Curve. (Continued from March 25, 1999) The.public heating was opened. An application for this subdivision will be consid~ .e~._~, tl~ Zomng Board of Appeals at its April meeting. A motion to continue the hearing Mr. Edelson seconded by Mr. Topliffand carried unanimously Old_Burl.mess . . a. Subdiws~on Apphcatlon of Edward Kopowski for one lot at Lot lA, Bloc~C~A, High Road. Mr. Kapowski presented the application. He stated Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission approval has been obtained. After discussion, Mr. Edelson motioned to approve this application with the following conditions: a. The conservation easement abutting the wetlands will be approved by staff and noted on the mylar. b. "High Street" will be corrected to "High Road" on the mylar. c. The deck and shed will be removed. d. Submittal of a bond to be determined by staff. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried unanimously. Mr. Kapowski requested the sidewalk requirement be waived, as there are no other sidewalks in the immediate area. Mr. Edelson motioned to waive the sidewalk requirement for this subdivision. The motion was seconded by Mr. Wilson. Mr. Topliff stated concern for future costs to the town and setting precedents for eliminating this requirement. Mr. Kaczynski agreed with this opinion, stating the commission's decisions regarding sidewalks should be consistent and his opinion that the installation of sidewalks make the town user friendly. Mr. Beatman stated the decision about the installation of sidewalks should be considered on a case by case basis, as their installation in certain areas may be inappropriate and difficult to maintain. 416 Mrs. Jorsey stated the requirement of sidewalks should be considered for each project and also stated an opposition to requiring an applicant to install sidewalks in an alternative location in town, if not at the site of the proposed subdivision. The motion carded five to two. Voting in favor: Beaiman, Carey, Edelson, Jorsey, Wilson. Voting in opposition: Kaczynski, Topliff b. Final Subdivision Application of Louis and Renette Bosse for two lots at Lot 8 & 8A, Block 141, 117 Bishop's Curve. No action taken. This hearing is continued to the next meeting. c. Site Plan of Lombardo Enterprises for an 8,000 sq. fL proposed addition to an industrial building at Lot 18A, Block 81,131 Deming Road. Mr. Gary Oreenalch, P.E., Pacesetters Engineering, presented the application. He stated the purpose of the project is to improve the working area for the same use of the business. He stated Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission approval has been obtained. After discussion a motion to approve this application with the following conditions was made by Mr. Kaczynski, seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried unanimously. Conditions of approval: a. Submittal of a bond to be set by staff. b. All erosion and sedimentation controls to be implemented. c. Architectural drawings to be submitted to the Office of the Fire Marshal. VI New Business There was no new business. VII Other Business a. Presentation of Executive Director of Middlesex County Soil and Water Conservation District, Inc. Director Stephanie Shakofsky gave a review and slide presentation on non-point source pollution of construction sites. VIII Requests for Bond Releases/Reductions There were no requests. IX Commissioners' Comments X Communications There were no communications. XI Payment of Invoices There were no invoices for payment. XII Signing of Documents A mylar for the JFC Endeavors subdivision on Norton Road was signed by Mrs. Carey. XIH Review of Minutes a. Minutes of the March 25, 1999 A motion to table this item was made by Mr. Edelson, seconded by Mrs. Jorsey and carded unanimously. ; Adjournment A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Edelson, seconded by Mr. Topliffund carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, -.~ . Diane Jorsey, Secretary ~ XL/Frances M. ~3emn&ki, Recordi g tary