1999/02/17403 VII Other Business a. Discussion of Payment in Lieu of Sidewalk Installation No action taken. VIII Commissioners' Comments Mr. Miller advised the Town Council had voted not to bring the issue of the town's purchasing private land for an industrial park to a town meeting. He further stated the annual meeting of Planning and Zoning Commissioners will be March 18, 1999 at the Aqua Turf in Southington. IX Communications There were no communications. X Payment of Invoices There were no invoices requiring approval for payment. XI Signing of Documents The mylar for the resubdivision of 154-158 Woodlawn Road Associates subdivision was. ,,~,~h XII Rewew of Minutes a. Minutes of the January 28, 1999 Regular Meeting ~lr~ °~;~;; 2~ 7a~' et ~ tmeoS~ YP.resented was made by Mr' Weiss' sec°nded by. ' · Adjournment A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Zigmont, seconded by Mr. Topliff and carried unanimously. The time ofadjourmncnt was 10:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Diane D. Jorsey, Secretary The Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission held a Special Meeting on February 17, 1999 in Room 7, Town Hall, 240 Kensington Road at 5:30 p.m. to consider the following item: a. Site Plan of The Colvast Group, Lot 2, Block 84, Farmington Avenue In attendance: Chairwoman Joan Carey, Commissioners Ronald Edelson, Diane Jorsey, Stuart Topliff, Robert Weiss, Timothy Zigmont; Director of Development Services Bran Miller· Absent: Commissioner Steven Wilson, and Alternate Commissioners Edward Egazarian and Mark Kaczynski, Representative of Colvest, Mr. Peter LaPointc, and Attorney Tom Fahey were present. Attorney Fa. hey stated his gratitude for the commission's callin~ a Snecial Meetim, stating his client was seeking approval in order to avoid scheduling problems with lease agreements and ordered equipment He stated three items which the commissioners had[.~.'k~-~ expressed concern over at the last meeting had been addressed; specffically: a) the fim~ of the braiding will be back; b) the planting scheme has been revised; and c) the dumpster will be enclosed within a wooden stockade fence. Attorney Fahey acknowledged that a revision in the Special Permit and Site Plan was required for the revised plan for the site. He also stated it was understood that the approval that was sought at this meeting was for the construction o£the building only and that the Special Permit for the ATM would still need to be obtained. ,404 Stating his understanding that the applicant needed to begin construction within a certain time frame, Mr. Weiss made a motion to approve only the proposed use of the building, specific to siguage as presented on the plan. Discussion included other items which will need the Commission's approval before the applicant may go forward after the construction of the building is underway, including no additional parking improvements; landscaping; parking lot layout; placement of dumpster; will occur without review by the Commission. A note stating "area reserved for possible future driveway" will be placed ~ o,~ ~e mylar. Mrs. Jorsey seconded the motion which carried unanimously. ma5"~, ~otmn to adjourn was made by Mr. Edelson, seconded by Mr. Weiss and carried ~ ~mously. The time of adjournment was 6:07 p.m. ~'~ ~[espectfully submitted, ~fane D. Jorsey .~/~retary '-'Recording Secretary The Regular Meeting of the Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission of February 25, 1999 was called to order in Room 7, Berlin Town Hall, 240 Kensington Road at 7:00 p.m. with the following in attendance: Vice-Chairman Timothy Zigmont; Commissioners Ronald Edelson, Diane Jorsey, Mark Kaczynski (joined the meeting at 7:06 p.m.), Stuart Topliff, Robert Weiss, and Steven Wilson (joined the meeting at 7:15 p.m.); Director of Development Services Brian Miller. Mr. Kaezynski was seated. Excused: Chairwoman Joan Carey and Alternate Commissioner Edward Egazadan I Audience of Citizens No one spoke. II Scheduling of Public Hearings a. Final Subdivision Application of JFC Endeavors, Inc. for four building lots at Lot 34P, Block 69, Norton Road. A motion to schedule this item for public heating on March 25, 1999 was made by Mr. Topliff, seconded by Mr. Weiss and carded unanimously. III Old Business a. Site Plan of Vincent Brescia and Vincent Brescia, Jr. for Christian Lane Industrial Park at Lot 10, Block 76.A, Christian Lane. At the request of the applicant's engineer, this item was tabled. The motion was made by Mr. Weiss, seconded by Mrs. Jorsey and carried unanimously. b. Site Plan/Special Permit Amendment of The Colvest Group, Lot 2, Block 84, Farmington Avenue. At the request of the applicant, this item was moved towards the end of the agenda. The motion was made by Mr. Topliff, seconded by Mr. Edelson and carried unanimously. · , I.h5 Sew Bnsiness " r¢ .it.~ Site Plan ofDura Constmction for a Contractor's Yard at Lot lA, Block lS1, 392 Berlin i ,~g~ s~t. ~ ~lTfp. Topl~ff rehnqu~shed his seat. ua~ ~ Q~, ~l~rles Paonessa, 59 Pape Road, New Britain, presented the apphcaaon for an expansion of the >--. --~'~ex~sting use of a con~'actor's yard. After discussion, a motion to approve the application with e_>uaua o_ t~'~llowing conditions was made by Mr. Edelson, seconded by Mr. Weiss and carded ~ unammously. The vote carded four to two. Voting in favor: Edelson, Kaczynski, Weiss, Wilson. Voting in opposition: Jorsey, Zigmont. The conditions of approval are: a. Wetland areas to be flagged. b. Compliance to all wetlands and floodplain regulations. Mr. Topliff was reseated. b. Site Plan of Barry I. Steinberg, P.E. for an addition to an existing building for offices for a truck terminal (Boehles) at Lots 23 and 23A, Block 83, 233 Woodlawn Road. Mr. Steinberg presented the plan and the business owners were also present. Mr. Steinberg stated the purpose of the building was for more office space and not an expansion of the tracking