1999/01/073~4 VIH Commissioners' Comments It was the consensus of the commissioners that a letter of support be drafted and Forwarded to the Town Council regarding the reappointment in January of 1999. of Commissioners Jorsey, Jovin and Top[iff The commissioners discussed various zoning violations. Mrs. Carey stated that as of January I, 1999, she would be unable to serve as a representative to the CCRPA, Bristol. She asked if any of the commissioners would consider serving as a representative. Mr. Topliff stated he may consider serving on the board. IX Communications Various communications were in the meeting package. X Payment of Invoices There were no invoices to be processed. XI Signing of Documents XII Review of Minutes a. Minutes of the September 24, 1998 Regular Meeting b. Minutes of the September 30, 1998 Special Meeting c. Minutes of the November 12, 1998 Regular Meeting d. Minutes of the November 23, 1998 Special Meeting No action was taken. A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Topliff, seconded by Mrs. Jorscy and carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Diane D. Jorsey, Secretary l~eording Secretary The Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission held a Special Meeting on Thursday, January 7, 1999 beginning at 5:36 p.m. in Caucus Room A, Berlin Town Hall, 240 Kensington Road to consider the following: a. Executive Session 1. Pending Litigation Summitwobd/NA Present: Chairwoman Joan Carey joined the meeting at 5:43 p.m. Commissioners Ronald Edelson, Diane Jorsey, Stuart Topliff, Robert Weiss, and Timothy Zigmont. Alternate Commissioner Edward Egazarian (joined the meeting at 5:42 p.m.). Also in attendance:: Brian J. Miller, Director of Development Services E. Timothy Sullivan, Jr., Town Counsel Mrs. Jorsey motioned to go into Executive Session. Mr. Weiss seconded the motion which carried unanimously. After discussion, a motmn to come out of Executive Session was made by Mrs. Jorsey, seconded by Mr. Weiss and carried unanimously. A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Zigmont, seconded by Mrs. Jorsey and carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 6:12 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brian J. Miller, AlCP Director of Development Services