2016-06-06 Town of Berlin Department of Economic Development BERLIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MINUTES: Monday, June 6, 2016 240 KENSINGTON ROAD, BERLIN - Room 8, Town Hall, 7:00 P.M. Members in Attendance: David Cyr, Chairman Ed Egazarian, Vice-Chairman Michael Baczewski, Treasurer Chris Copolla Robert Sisti Peter Campanelli Absent: JoAnn Angelico-Stetson Staff Present: Chris Edge, Economic Development Director Hellyn Riggins, Director of Development Services Kristen Grabowski, Recording Secretary Commissioners attended the Charter Revision Commission Public Hearing meeting at 7:00. The regular Economic Development.Commission meeting was called to order after participating in the Charter public hearing. Chairman David Cyr called the meeting to order at 7:55 p.m. 1. Public Comments -AM Pour Director Edge noted that the proposed location for the business is not viable for manufactg because there are no loading docks or garages, and the entire building is encapsulated by lower ceiling. Commissioner Campanelli inquired about the potential for manufacturing. Mr. Edge noted that machines can still get in, but there are no loading docks. He noted that ceiling heights as, explaining that parts of the ceiling are 24 ft. high, with 8 ft. ceilings in the office area, and 16 ft. ceilings in the remaining parts of the facility. Business owner Scott Hoffman was in attendance to speak about his proposed business on Old Brickyard Lane. He noted the fitness facility combines martial arts, fitness, and training. Classes are run studio-style and similarly to martial arts classes. The facility is ideal for the type of classes and obstacles needed to support the business because of the layout space and height of the building. It was explained that Mr. Hoffman has a Use Variance application pending before the ZBA because of the type of studio business (rather than a gym) in the PI zone. Mr. Edge noted that the building contains offices in the front, and the property contains plenty of parking. Commissioners Sisti and Egazarian inquired about the condition of the building. Mr. Edge explained that the building is a total of 121,000 sq. ft., with about 11,000 sq. ft. being used for A M Parkour. He explained that there is not required clean up. Commissioner Sisti inquired about the type of classes and proposed business hours. Mr. Hoffman J Town of Berlin Department of Economic Development noted that 10% of the business will be martial arts, and 90%will be Parkour (American Ninja Warrior style). He explained that classes will be held from approximately 5:00-9:00 at night, with some weekend classes on Saturday. Mr. Hoffman noted that he pulls people from all over Connecticut, with some students from Massachusetts. Mr. Edge presented the Commission with a map of the building, outlining the specific units occupied by tenants. Commissioner Cyr discussed the impact of the A M Parkour on the other businesses in the building. It was noted that the landlord could still lease the other units. Mr. Hoffman noted the central location makes Berlin an ideal spot for his business. Mr. Egazarian moved to support the proposal as a good use for the space, providing the concerns of the ZBA are to be met.Mr. Egazarian also noted that A M Parkour will be a people generator for Berlin and the surrounding area. The motion was seconded by Mr. Baczewski, and it passed unanimously. 2. Approval of Minutes -May Mr. Sisti moved to approve the minutes of May,2016. The motion was seconded by Mr. Copolla. The motion passed with a vote of 5-0-1, with Mr. Campanelli abstaining. 3. Incentive Programs Mx Abatement& Façade infrastructure Loan Program) • 39 Mill Street-Massi'rlo Director Edge noted that the grant will neaten up the property. The commissioners discussed three items on the material cost list including decking, stone work, and the railing and support. Mr. Cyr noted that the railings are strong and welded, and money should not be spent money to change them. The commission discussed supporting the first five items on the list, totaling $30,708, and allocating $15,354 for the project. • 83 MISStreet- Starlight It was noted that funds must go into the facade of the building rather than landscaping. It was discussed that the masonry work and facade would be covered, allocating$14,971. • • • 365 Main Street- Dr. Horn It was noted that Dr. Horn received assistance earlier in the year and that at this time, no action would be taken on his request for just under $1,000. Town of Berlin Department of Economic Development Mr. Cyr noted that approximately $1000 would be left in the account. Mr. Edge explained that there would be an end date for the grant, but was not aware if more funds would be made available. Mr. Baczewski noted that money could be used to help new businesses that are going to come into Town, especially if funds would not be made available in the future. Mr. Sisti noted that the money has been available, and businesses should know. Mr. Campanelli moved to allocate $15,354 to 39 Mill Street for the parts of the project discussed. The motion was seconded by Mr. Sisti, and it passed with a vote of 5-0-1. Mr. Baczewski abstained. Mr. Campanelli moved to allocate $14,971 to 83 Mill Street for the items of the project discussed. The motion was seconded by Mr. Copolla, and it passed with a vote of 5-0-1. Mr. Baczewski abstained. • Confidential Firm Mr. Edge noted that a potential firm relocating to Berlin would like to upgrade the electric in a facility totaling,$111,000. The Commission noted that more information would be needed to commit to a decision. 4. Public Relations/Promotion Mr. Edge noted the eat*June ribbon cuttings went well. Ferndale Ribbon Cutting.- 5/18 @ 9 am Fitness by Design;-51134g 9 am Kenpokan Martial Arts- 6/3@ 9 am-next to Josie's Mr. Edge noted that more ribbon cuttings are scheduled for later in June, with the networking gathering scheduled to take place in the Town Hall rotunda. MidState Air Compressor- 6/16 @ 5 pm Realty 3 - 6/27 -9 am Berlin turnpike let Gathering-6/22 @ 5:30 pm @ Town Hall 5. Grants - STEAP/Brownfield • Facade ($540,000) - It was noted that $1,000 remained in the account after the approvals of the June meeting. • Train Station Boulevard- It was noted that the next step would be talking to the DOT. • Kensington Sidewalks -The consultant is almost finished with the planning, and a meeting will take place with the public works director and the architect to see what can be done with the money. • Main Streetscape -The completion date is supposed to be June 30th. • Brownfield Assessment- It was noted that Mr. Edge is waiting for the final report. Town of Berlin Department of Economic Development • TOD Planning Grant-A local meeting will be held with stakeholders. • STEAP- Streetscape 2 - Mr. Edge has not heard anything yet. • TOD - Facade Program- Mr. Edge has not heard anything yet. • Brownfield Assessment- It was noted that there are 16 proposals. • Trails Grant - It is currently being reviewed. • Brownfields - Mr. Edge has not heard anything yet. The application was submitted on April 26th. 6. Downtown Revitalization • Train Station - It should be completed by the end of the year. • Main street- already discussed 7. Projects/Concerns • Sports Complex- It was noted that the owner is working on a couple of different contracts to finalize the project. lie is working to bring in potential users including soccer teams, travel teams, etc Theyare also work on a food provider and gym. Mr. Edge noted that he will reach out to have a meeting. • Turnpike Issues/Development- It was noted that Mr. Edge has not heard from Mr. Orsini regarding the car dealership. Ms.Riggins noted that she has a pre-development meeting scheduled with the contractor. It was noted that he was allowed to do a clearing,,but would need to have erosion control. She noted that Steven.lacIarty is part of the process. Mr. Egazarian inquired about the trailer on the Berlin Turnpike. Mr. Edge noted he would cfiscuss with the Town Manager. 8. Plan of Conservation Ss Development/Planning and Zoning • Agriculture- 3/31-It was noted that the regulations are on the agenda for the Thursday PZC meeting. The public hearing will be closed. • Contractors - PI and PI-2 - Douglas Mechanical is relocating from Plainville to an industrial condo on Four Rod Road. • Brewery/Taproom - 5/12 (PASSED) -The brewery/taproom passed for CCD- 1 only. Ms. Riggins noted that all of Farmington Avenue is CCD-1. She explained that it will be a brew pub, not a brewery. It was noted that they will come to the PZC with a special permit within a few weeks. Ms. Riggins explained that a brewery allows them to brew beer for purchase, but the application will be for a brew pub. A brew pub allows patrons to drink on site and purchase beer for off site. The applicant does not need to sell food, but has to potential to work with local restaurants or food trucks. The facility must produce 5,000 gallons of beer each year to be considered a brew pub. L, • Town of Berlin Department of Economic Development 9. Director's Report Everything was discussed during the meeting. 10. Other Matters - Charter/Signs/HBJ Article • Charter- Chairman David Cyr spoke at the public hearing held prior to the start of this meeting. • Signs- Mr. Edge noted that he has talked to a couple of different businesses to do signs to provide signage at the end of White Oak, New Park, Fuller and Woodlawn to show that businesses are down there. He noted that the Town would provide the frame, but individual businesses would pay for their business. Mr. Coppola suggested that the Town could maintain signs on exit ramps, have businesses pay for the initial investment. Mr. Egazarian mentioned that may be difficult because of State property. Mr. Edge noted that he could contact his DOT contact. • HBJ Article The article appeared in the Hartford Business Journal. Mr. Sisti and Mr. Copolla discussed the breakdown of the scheduled Business to Business networking meeting in the atrium scheduled for June 22nd. 11.Adjournment Mr. Cyr moved to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Mr. Egazarian. The motion passed unanimously. The time was 9:26 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kristen M. Grabowski Recording Secretary RECE1v7� FFR ECnR0 f nib AUG I l A II: 31 • v L , . LT.