1997/09/11VII Payment Of Involcee - None VIII Communications - None IX Signing Of Docummlts - None X Review of the Minutes X.a. Minutes of ~he August 14, 1997 Regular Meegng, Mrs. Carey motioned to accept the minutes, seconded by Mr. Edelson. The vote to accept the minutes wes unanimous. Mrs. Carey rno~oned to close me meeting, seconded by Mr. Edelson. The vote t~ close the meeting was unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 10.1)0 p.m. Respectfully submitted Joan Carey, Secretary Z87 S~, 'Aclihg Recording Secreta~/ The Regular Meeting of September 1 !, 1997 was called to order in Room 7 at 7:00 p.m. In attendance: Chairman Bruce Moore Commissioners Joan Carey, Ronald Edclson, Diane Jorsey, Kenneth Jovin, Alternate Commissioner Edward Egazarian Staff: Director of Development Services Brian Miller Planning Intern Stephen Harris Absent: Alternate Commissioner Robert Holmes Commissioner Timothy Zigmont Excused: Commissioner Robert Weiss Alternate Commissioner Martin Harwin Mr. Egazarian was seated. I. Audience of Citizens Mr. Thomas Gerdis, 69 Seymour Road, stated his opinion that the ponds on the Manafor~ ?~' property on Christian Lane should be allowed to be filled to provide industrial land. Mr.' ~l)llef stated thc property has Department of Enwronmcntal and IWWC approvals and perrn~ts. Mr. Charles Kamo, Economic Development Director, stated he and staff had met with developers who are interested in developing a pan:el of property on Frontage Road, the only parcel of property zoned PSA. Mr. Karno stated their concern was present requirement of three structures if the land is subdivided. Mr. Miller stated he would research the intent of the regulation. Mr. Edelson motioned to add scheduling of a public hearing for proposed amendments to the regulations concerning the PSA zone which will be drafted by Mr. Miller. Mr. Jovin seconded the motion, and it carded unanimously. Mr. Edelson motion to schedule a public hearing for these proposed changes for October 23, 1997. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Carey and carded unanimously. II. Public Hearing a. Special Permit Application of Germano Fence Company for a retail facility for building materials, (fences), at Lot 13, Block 141, Wilbur Cross Highway (Continued from August 28, 1997) Mr. Miller read a letter from MBA Engineering requesting a continuance of this hearing to September 25, 1997. Mr. Edeison motioned to table this item. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Jorsey and carded unanimously. m. Old Bnsintss a. Special PermiffSite Plan Application of Germano Fence Company for a retail facility for building materials, (fences), at Lot 13, Block 141, Wilbur Cross IIighway No action was taken. Hearing continued to September 25, 1997. b. Site Plan Application of Raymond Ziegler for an expansion ora non-conforming Lot 55, Block 120, Wilbur Cross IIighway use, Mr. Ziegler explained a 30 x 50 addition had been built on the property which is used as a non- conforming motor vehicle repair facility. Ifc requested that he would like to place 60 yds. of 3" thick stone, on top of existing 8" of Due to its construction, thc parking area was depleted. gravel, (stating the parking lot will not be paved) and raise a 6' fence to approximately 10' to buffer a residential property, lie stated property improvements would be done, specifically, thc planting of bayberry bushes, as required by the IWWC, to buffer residential areas and a barrier (pipe) would be constructed to protect the lake from potential environmental hazards. Mr. Ziegler stated an Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission approval had been obtained. Ifc further stated his intention is to organize and visually improve the property. Mr. Miller stated environmental concerns had been addressed by the IWWC Mr. Edelson motioned to grant with conditions the Site Plan Application of Raymond Ziegler for an expansion of a non-conforming use, Lot 55 Block conditions of this approval are: 120, Wilbur Cross Highway. The a. Installation ora 10' stockade fence beginning with the eastern property line of Lot 54D and extending to the western limit of the areas to be used for vehicle storage. b. The planting of a row of evergreen trees row of bayberry bushed to the east of thc required by thc Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission. c. Installation of physical barriers of metal piping placed every $ to 6 feet at the western limited oftbe along Silver Lake. approved gravel area to protect the buffer d. Required planting to be completed by November 15, 1997. Mr. Egazarian seconded the motion which carried unanimously c. Site Plan Application of Earl II. Wickiund for a 6,000 sq. fl. Lot 23, Block 84, Farmington Avenue retail/commercial building at Mr. Miller stated IWWC approv~l has not yet been received and sta expected. A motion to table this item wa~q ,,,o,~ ~- ..... . ted a revised plan is carried unanimously. ~ ..... ~ oy nar. t~detson, seconded by Mrs. Carey and IV New Bnalne~ a. Special Permit Application of Thomas j. Veronesi for an accessory dwelling unit at Lot 4, Hearing) Block 38, Ailing Street t~chedulefor Public A motion to schedule this application for public hearing on September 25, Mr. Edelson, seconded by Mrs. Jorsey and carried unanimously. 1997, was made by V Other Business a. Revocation of subdivision approval Heritage Estates Joseph Tricka Subdivision, Mr. Miller gave a history of the development on the site. He stated the project was incomplete of last spring. The road was then finished. In the interim, one house has been determined to have a failing septic system. MBA En i ' as the system had no h,,o~ ~._:_ . g necnng has stated the de ' - .. , t v~, ~:mg property used a ,- ....... . stgn was sound ana the opinion from this house · ~ ,ounaanon nas been installed across without a Permit; percolation tests done in narrowly, the street 1987 were acceptable, however Mr. Andriota bought this lot with the foundation and tests revealed that water was not perking at all; the soil was clay. Mr. Miller stated he had met with Town Counsel, Health Director MaryAnn Chemiak and Town Engineer Morgan Seelye, stating their cone, em to be the six or seven lots not yet built on. MBA Engineering will retest the lots during the appropriate season. Mr. Barton Bovee, P.E., MBA Engineering has stated the tests are valid and suggested not using heavy equipment on the remaining lots. It was agreed that notes will be added to the land records stating that there is a potential problem with regard to sanitary system exposure, thereby giving public notice. Town Counsel advises that no action should be taken regarding the revocation of this bond until the percolation tests are done. A motion to table consideration of this item was made by Mr. Jovin, seconded by Mr. Edelson and can-led unanimously. b. Request for street acceptance, portion of Patrick Drive, Cedar Acres Subdivision, Section VI, Ralph Simeone ARer discussion, Mrs. Carey made a motion to recommend street acceptance of a potion of Partriek Drive, Cedar Acres Subdivision, Section VI with the following conditions: a. Subject to resolution of any concerns of the Town Engineer b. Submittal of proper documents, including deed The motion was seconded by Mr. Jovin and carried unanimously. a. Review of Five-Year Capital Plan, Section 8-24 CGS There was a brief discussion; the commissioners will further review this at a future meeting. VI Requests for Bond Reductions/Releases a. Request of Angelo Ciammella for a bond release, Farmington Avenue. Mr. Miller stated there were remaining grading concerns. A motion to table this item was made by Mr. Edelson, seconded by Mrs. Carey and carried unanimously. b) Request for bond release, Bethany Covenant Church, Mill Street. After discussion, a motion to reduce this bond to $1,000 was made by Mrs. Carey, seconded by Mr. Jovin and carded unanimously. c) Request for bond release, James Lundebjerg, 335 Toil Gate Road Mr. Miller stated the slope on the property has been stabilized and all work done. ARer discussion, a motion to release this bond was made by Mr. Jovin, seconded by Mr. Egazarian and carried unanimously. d) Request for bond release, Heritage Estates Subdivision, JCT Development Corp. A motion to table discussion of this item was made by Mrs. Carey, seconded by Mr. Jovin and carded unanimously. VII Payment of Invoices There were no invoices presented. VIII Communications Mr. Miller stated he had prepared various amendments to the zoning regulations, specifically to Sections IV.A. 16; VA.10; V.B.5; V.C.7; VIII.E; XI.A;'Definitions A motion to schedule a public hearing for these amendments on October 23, 1997 was made by Mrs. Carey, seconded by Mrs. Jorsey and carried unanimously. There was a discussion of the Special Meeting of September 4, 1997 with the Economic Development Commission. It was the consensus of the commission to schedule a future meeting. IX Si~ning of Documents , There were no documents to sign. X Review of Minute~ a. Minutes of the August 28, 1997 Regular Meeting A motion to approve the minutes as amended was made by Mr. Jovin, seconded by Mrs. Carey and carried unanimously. "i? ~ A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Edelson, seconded by Mrs. Jorsey and carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.  espcctfully submitted, an Carey' Secrea ~_ta~ ~ I V Ai ces M. Sen~noski, Recording Secretary The Regular Meeting of September 25, 1997 of the Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order in the Council Chambers by Chairman Bruce Moore at 7:00 p.m. Also in attendance: Commissioners Joan Carny, Ronald Edelson, Diane $orsey, Robert Weiss, and Alternate Commissioner Edward Egazarian. ' Absent: Commissioners Kenneth J'ovin, Timothy Zigmont Alternate Commissioner Robert Holmes and Dr. Martin Harwin Staff: Director of Development Services Brian Miller Planning Intern Stephen Harris Mr. Egazarian was seated. I. Audience of Citizens The following spoke: Mr. and Mrs. Luke Adler, 11 Somerset Drive, requested that overhead phone service wires be installed in order to continue his work from a home based computer business. He submitted documents which support its necessity. Mr. Miller stated an amendment to the subdivision plan and a waiver from the requirement of underground utilities would tm placed on a future agenda. · Attorney James F. Ripl~r addressed the following: a) A Letter of Credit for the subdivision bond 6f King's Ridge subdivision was submitted to the Department of Development Services and requested the mylar for that subdivisio.n be signed by the commission so that it could b~ filed in the Land Records. b) He requested that the V&S Subdivision be placed on the agenda for approval, stating that its 90 day filing deadline has lapsed. He stated them were no changes to the application or plan as previously approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Miller stated no changes are proposed and a public hearing is not required by statutes to be held. c) He introduced Mr. Sam D'Amato, President of Stony Mill Condominiums, and Mr. Paul Gordon. Manager of Stony Mill Condominiams, who stated a cash bond will soon be submitted to the Town to replace the currant Letter of Credit. d) Mr. Ripper verified the date of the Public Hearing for Thomas Coccomo's subd/v/sion (October 9, 1997) Mr. Weiss motioned to add consideration of the prelim/nary subdivision of V&S Associates. for four residential building lots at Lots 19 and 18C, Block 144. Spruce Brook Road.