1949-12-21 289 • 4111) * -Leeting called at 8100 PM by Chairman teilman • with only OwrIWeltzel and Laurence .Beilman "present The following permits were issued.; 940-13 A. Houle -'Dwelling on Ailing StI 941-E. A. RoUled-Garage on Hameorest Dr 942-Paul Geonnotta-Dwelling on Hamecrest Dr 943- R. Frisbil-Dwelling on Randeckers Lane 944-4 Visini- Alteratians-to barn- Lower Lane NoN Business Write letter to James Ellsworth on Ellwood Dr. development. In as much as we have no word from the Planning dommission and on efforts on your yart_to_have_Streets_lfgally_ accepted we cannot 188120 building_permits. teend copy to Planning_ gommisition_asking_thera_to try and_take. actian on this matter) . Write letter to David E. Borthwick of New Britain to appear at meeting of Jane 44 1950. GiVe same informtion_as_to Stre_etnot___baetng acc_e_pted„_ tateing_ve_eannot issui_any_building permit or_Street_is accepted-or approved by Planning Commission. Meeting adjourned-91_30PM Carl Wetzel, Seely.