1949-09-16 26 _ k ------Alltal Ghairmsn4a 1*! n oalled the meeting-to order at 8 0i 0 m: with all members present. eoiy Wetzel read the call of the public hear ing_on_the_request of_Arthux' Webster_for-a change of_zone_from_twmn_to_businez8_0n_plvpwAT located east_of the merlin Turnpike at _the Newington —Town_Line_at Webster_and$eldeu-_Roads, for the ---- -Conn--.Light c Power_ Co._Mr.lnap mss to-the res_e of the C. IJ' &Power Co stated the Co. intended moving the_offic a_from Hartford-and the engin- _ eerink__office_trom_Waterbur to.this _sight, he also stated_theynee_d_60,090_s4. ft. for original _ =lay-out oosting_about$600,000.00._would_need some garage facilities for fleet of cars, no line trucks no major starage facilities and no _sales rooms, essentially for staff office and some starage of heavy_equipment and emergency sub-stationi no major commercial traffic. APPROVAL- Cdr.YC ',_Hamilton stated .that this change - --'would-be-an-asset-for the town. - - �[r. F._Nolan__speaking_in_favor--also-stated it would be__an_assettothe_ts wn in_increased income. - OPPOSED-Mrs,Nellie Wetzel speaking for the mothers of childred in this area stated as the road is only 8 to.10 ft. wide the increased triffie on Selden Rd._ wouldcreate a bad hazzard to the. _children_.going to and from the Selden_Schoo-1_as ___,_the_School_._would__be_.only_68O or700-_ft_. romthis -- business -zone, -asking--is -the--town-readyto-recog nine-the fact-that-steps -must_be takep to_pro- teatthe children of Selden Rd. andkpthers in this area. Suggest the closing of Selden Rd 265 • tto (lov Special Webster... &_Power . aring Continued' at_the t4 & Pc_property line. Butifull farm zone not_meSbt_fnr__bveness. Mrs. Wetzel_submitted petiti Pnwith_18Mes_opposed to this change. . Mr.__Webster_submitted petition_for_this_ehange. - Mr.-Galloway-df-Selden Rd. stated_road_very dangerous to-allow-business- on as -to narrow. DECISION REEMED Sectyletzelnext .read the call for a zone change requested by Mr F, Nolan for a change from farm to business on *roperty located on Route 72 east of Savage -Hill Road. Mr. Nolan stated he wished to build stores here • saving the people of Egst Berlin going to N. B. or to Kensingtop4 no Drug Stortcontemplated. (hw OPPOSED Oscar Dudley for. Joseph Spott, change would devalueate .property, no need for so much land. Zigmend.augay... stated would devalaeate property. _DECISION RESERVED - • Secty. Wetzel next read the call for a change of zone requested :hy_the_Americantm_AugUngto *hang!) from residence to business property located at corner of Seymour Rd and Porters Pass. . .Requestedso_Legioa_can have portico:, Bingo-and-other_ Activities. OPP9AED No opposition. 1) qTpioN .RE44ff.VED Co • - - • • 266 . . . • Attar the special hearings on zone changes the commis_sion-then_held an excutive macting_ca1.1ad at 10115 PM._n__Ohairman_Bailman. Mr,_Oseph Barsozemiki-of_Boute_54-pompasined that Mrs. Anna Anzulucz of Lower Land was building • • withput permits also keeping _pigs near his diancri Mrs, Adams made a motion to send a letter to her Asking_for._Some__sort_of reasonable_exp Meeting adjourned at 11:30 PM. Marl Wetzel Seely. • • • • •