1949-01-07 • i Meeting called to order at 8.00 P.M. with all members present. Dr. Rosen of the Puritan Restaurant on Route #5 requested permission to have a sign on the land in front of the restaurant was refused and refered to the Board of Appeals. -715 / Mr. Paul Scalora of Percival Avenue received a permit for a Hot House on his property for home use only. Sen4 a bill to ,+ J. Er, print f- two dollars %.0c for =st = f ,li of ce -1s. t-- Atty. Klopo, t . mo .b lar- • d - enty- ' e = - (y? .75 for Sze pu-lit n.tice or his en (10) petitioneers. A meeting will be held Friday 14, 199 to continue the revisions to the Zoning Ordinance. Me e t ing adjourned at 10.00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, A T. anIr Car.ttr_