1948-04-30 163 011111.11111101_ Meeting called tq order at 8:00 Phi. with all members present; the first _business was issueing permits, Permit # 553-Robert Anderson for-dwelling on Wood ruff .LanA 554-- F. M. Davis garage on_Hartland Terrace 555-- Trenee S. Carrier dwelling. on Grave St. East Berlin. 556-- James Donnelly two car garage on Fairview Dr. 557-- Charles Poluibo Greenhouse on Farmington Ave. . 558-- Donald Brown dwelling on Church St. 559-- John B ghinatti dwelling on Church St.- . 560-- Mary Latta dwelling on Tollgate -Road 561-- Arthur Websi r of.Worthington Ridge pbrmit to alter dwelling inside. A request for permit to placcO3illboard onr property of Godek on Berlin Cutoff near Nash Sign, `A formal request to be mailed to--the commission by a Mr. Ledwith of taterb ry representive _of Billboard Co. "r General discussion was had on reasons why ie need a building code and Town Planing also the Chairman dictated item for N. B. Herald, Meeting adjourned at 11:00 Phi; A. L. Gay Sooty