2016-06-07 INLAND WETLANDS AND WATER COURSES COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF JUNE 7, 2016 A meeting of the Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission was called to order by Vice- Chairman Peter Nieman at 7:05 p.m. on June 7, 2016 in Room 8 of the Town Hall. ATTENDANCE: Commissioners: Peter Nieman, Marc Laviana, David Rogan, and Jim Paldino. Absent: Michael Cassetta, Gary Pavano, and Brian Rogan. Staff: Jim Horbal. MINUTES: The minutes of the May 3, 2016 meeting were previously distributedfor review. Commissioner Laviana made a motion to approve the minutes of the May 3, 2016 meeting, seconded by Commissioner D Rogan. The motion was approved. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS: None. REGULAR MEETING: Application 16-03WF –Proposal by DeGroffHolding Company, LLC to construct parking and discharge drainage into both a wetland and flood hazard zone at #176 White Oak Drive. Bart Bovee, MBA Engineering, Rick DeGroff-Owner, and Chris Edge-Economic Development Director were all present for the Applicant. Mr. Bovee summarized that the Applicant has been cleaning the property and plans to proceed with the original approval to build a storage building (3,720 sq. ft.)which would be added to the side and rear of the existing building(4,680 sq. ft.)and removing some storage trailers and hoop buildings to allow for the space. They will clean the original swale, bio-filter, and embankment area and are actually ten feet further in from the wetlands area and will only be within the review area while they are cleaning the swale, staying about 1,600 feet from the review area. Mr. Bovee reported that they met with Staff on the site and discussed the activities. Chris Edge addressed the Commission and reported that the concerns from the first presentation have been addressed,and Staff isin support of the project. Mr. DeGroff reported that they have been meeting with the Architect/General Contractor and will be applying to Planning and Zoning as soon as possible with the Wetlands Commission approval. They would like to begin the work as soon as they get all the approvals needed. Commissioner Nieman asked if the area could be staked out, and Mr. Bovee agreed but explained the areas on the print. The Commissioners asked a few other questions and felt that the area is looking better and the building will indeed help with inside storage (required in the original approval). Some of those conditions were: 1) ona daily basis, all trucks will be off-loaded of all materials in the warehouse and swept thoroughly. There will be no storage of materials on the vehicles in the parking lot, 2) No outside storage of materials shall be permitted, and 3) allstorage of regulated fertilizers and pesticides shall be within the proposed building. CommissionerRogan made a motion to approve Application 16-03WF with all previous conditions still in effect, and Staff has authorization to enforce said conditions. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Paldino. The motion was unanimously approved. Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission Minutes –June 7, 2016 Page2of 4 Application 16-04W-Proposal by Honeywell International, Inc. to remove contaminated material within, and adjacent to, a regulated area on Lots #2A & #2B, Block 75A, #95 Edgewood Avenue, New Britain. Mr. Andrew Harris, Associate Project Manager for Amec Foster Wheeler, Rocky Hill,was present for the Applicant. He reported that they havedeveloped a design to remove contaminated soils from an existing drainage ditch located to the rear of its manufacturing facility at #98 Edgewood Avenue in New Britain. The existing property lies along the south side of Edgewood Avenue, with portions of the property within the borders of both Berlin and New Britain. The Applicant has been working with the State D.E.E.P. to coordinate both the removal and restoration of the contaminated areas on the site. The stormwater system maintenance and localized remediation of the storm drainage channel, will consist of a combination of standard and accepted construction approaches to be protective of human health and the environment. These approaches include: Removal of shrubs and trees along the storm water drainage channel.Vegetation will be removed along the length of the storm drainage channel in order to gain access to the channel and to reduce the steep channel banks to a 3:1 slope. Excavation and off-site disposal of impacted soil. Installation of a hydraulic barrier wall to prohibit impacted groundwater from discharging into the restored drainage channel. Excavated sediments will be loaded for off-site disposal.The total estimated volume of 3 removal is approximately 815 cubic yards (yd) from along 220 feet of the storm drainage channel located to the south of the site building.The total disturbed wetland area is estimated at less than 4,000 square feet. Site Restoration. Restoration of the existing drainage swale topography to its pre- construction. The area surrounding the drainage channel will be planted with approximately 400 hybrid poplar and willow tree species to help reduce groundwater contaminant concentrations prior to discharging into the nearby wetland. Installation of storm water and sediment erosion protection controls. Standard erosion and sedimentation control measures will be implemented.These controls will be maintained asshown in the Construction Design Drawings and Details sheet.In addition, stormwater best management practices will be implemented. Since the activities fall within 500' of a municipal boundary, the City of New Britain has been notified of the pending application.Traffic attributed to the remediation project will use streets within New Britain to enter and exit and will be limited to 10 loads a day. The Mattabassett District trucks make more of an impact on a daily basis than this project willpresent. They are looking to begin in July and be complete by September (to take advantage of low water tables). The Commissioners asked a few questions before tabling the application. Commissioner Laviana made a motion to table Application16-04W. The motion was seconded by Commissioner D. Rogan. The motion was unanimously approved. Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission Minutes –June 7, 2016 Page3of 4 Other Business to Come Proper Before the Commission: Commissioner Laviana recused himself from Application 13-01WF. Application 13-01WF –Proposal by Southington Road Associates, LLC to discharge drainage and construct a seven lot residential subdivision alongside a wetland, watercourse, and flood hazard zone on Lot 12A/Block 15, # 57 Southington Road. Mr. David Carson, OCC Group, Cheshire, and Tom Coccomo were present for the application. Mr. Carson reminded the Commissioners that he was in a few months back to request the right of way be adjusted(coming out of Gianna Lane)to comply with the Dept. of Transportation. Tonight, he is here to meet requirements of site-specific approval for Lot 12A-5. He read the notes on the site plan that are to be included on the land records(deed restrictions)when someone buys the home. No work will be done within the 50' upland review area. Conservation Easement signs will be installed accordingly. The home specification is a four bedroom house. Septic systems are designed for each home. The original plans included rain gardens installed for drainage and the Commissioners wanted that to be included on theseplans. Mr. Carson missed that from the previous plan and felt that the soils there, with the detention basin, would allow for proper drainage, but will design a rain garden as a condition of the approval. Commissioner Rogan made a motion to approve permit modifications to Application 13-01WF with aprevious conditionwhich included arain gardento help provide drainage, and before the plan is filed with the Town Clerk, Staffwill review all the notes for proposed deed restrictions, and Staff hasauthorization to enforce said restrictions. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Paldino. The motion was unanimously approved. Commissioner Laviana was seated for the remainder of the meeting. Application 14-08WF -Proposal by the Estates of Berlin toinstall a gravity sewer main within an upland review area and flood hazard zone on Lots #14 and #5/Block 133, Beckley Road. AttorneyLen Jacobs, John Wagenblatt, P.E.-LRC, Jeff Respler-Owner/Developer, and several residents of the Estates of Berlin were present for the discussion. Attorney Jacobs reviewed the request move into Phase 4 to begin the rock excavation and infrastructure even though they are not quite at 80% of Phase 3. Attorney Jacobs additionally requested to begin construction of the homes in Phase 4. Mr. Horbal questioned the timeframe for the infrastructure and he was told at least 4 months. Mr. Horbal does not want to see another section opened up withoutstabilization. The Commissioners discussed that with past history, they wereuncomfortable granting authorization to start building the homes in Phase 4. The Commissioners requested soil stabilization after the infrastructure was complete, and come back to the November 1 meeting for a progress report. Commissioner Paldino made a motion to approve work on the infrastructure in Phase 4(but no home construction) and the soil must be stabilized by November 1, 2016. The motion was seconded by Commissioner D. Rogan. The motion was unanimously approved. Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission Minutes –June 7, 2016 Page4of 4 Newton Street Open Space- Discussion Mr. Horbal reported that a property owner that abuts the open spaceat Newton Streetis quite concerned about all the over-growth building up in the area and the mosquitoes that are infesting the area. Mr. Horbal and Mr. Healy went out to see the site and agree that is should be cleared out the best it can. Mr. Horbal suggested that a sub-contractor go in with the proper equipment to clear the area (just in case the Commissioners get any calls). ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Laviana made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:08 p.m. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rogan. The motion was unanimously approved. Lecia Paonessa Recording Secretary