2016-03-10 1 TOWN OF BERLIN COMMISSION FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES th Minutes of Meeting, Thursday March 10 2016 Caucus Room A @- 6:30 PM Town Hall Call to Order & Roll Call The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairman Dombrowski. Members Present: Chairman Robert Dombrowski, Andrew Chatlas, Member Barbara Cesanek, Member Peter Zera, Member Nancy Luddy, Member Doug Truitt, Staff Liaison. Audience of Citizens None Approval of Minutes Motion to approve the January 14th 2016 minutes made by Chairman Dombrowski and seconded by Mr. Zera, passed unanimously Old Business None New Business – th A. New Member – Nancy Luddy has joined the commission as the 5 member of the group. Welcome Nancy!! B. 18-21 Year Old Transition Program - Chairman Dombrowski reached out and left a message for William Bannish. The phone call was to start planning an event for the “Transition Process from High School to Adult Life for Disabled Students”, Aka (18-21 Year Old Transition Program). Mrs. Luddy told the board members that The Gengrass Center also does these types of events and she might be able to get some ideas from them. Brainstorming for the event took place and there are a few ideas for different types of events/meetings. Commission for Persons with Disabilities Minutes Page 1 a. Special/Board Meeting – Invite William Bannish to another commission meeting to speak along with a DDS representative and invite the public to provide awareness with a question and answer type forum. Whether it is the June 2016 meeting or if the commission needs to plan a special meeting in between the May and June 2016 meetings. Event – Start planning, keeping both parents and children in mind. The commission would need resources such as special education teachers, aides, supervisors, social community groups for starters. The group would need to apply for funding though grants such as Marjorie Moore. They would also need to reach out to local businesses for support. The commission would like to start with places like Eversource who tend to help out with local events. An inspirational speaker would be a great way to relay the information to the parents and maybe a juggler, magician or sports coordination for entertainment for the kids. Maybe even have a recent Berlin High School graduate can come speak at the event. Review: 1. Contact William Bannish 4. Contact Upbeat 2. Budget 5. Advertising 3. Date/Time Verify Next Meeting – May 12th 2016 at 6:30pm. Adjournment--Motion to adjourn was made by Chairman Dombrowski and seconded by Ms. Cesanek. The meeting ended at 8:10 PM. Respectfully submitted, Marlo Thomas Matassa Secretary Commission for Persons with Disabilities Minutes Page 2