1996/02/08Ailing Meadows subdivision, Alling Court was made by Ms. Carey, seconded by Mr. Jovin and carried unanimously. VIII Signing of Documents No documents were presented for the Chairman's signature. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ms. Carey, seconded by Mr. Jovin and carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:16 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jqan Carey, Secretary ~,..~nces M. Sv4nnoskl, Recording Secretary :.,'i:!:.qVED FOR FILII!O .,oFED16 AHIl:hr] The February 8, 1996 Regular Meeting of the Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission was called to ' order In Room 7, Town Hall, 240 Kensington Road, by Chairman Bruce Moore at 7:05 p.m. with the following in attendance: Commissioners loan Carey, Dr. Martin Harwin, Robert Holmes, Diane J'orsey, Kenneth ~'ovin, Kathryn Keams, Robert Weiss, Susan Wiley, Timothy Zigmont and Town Plauner Brian Miller. Ms. Carey read the call of the meeting. I Audience of Citizens Mr ~ot~ ~cc~thy l? ~(on? l'~aee, ~e,2,..B~.~n, ~,oke on ~.~?alf off. es McCa.~y who, earlier that day, had snb~mtted an apphcauon to open a billiard hail at 2280 Wilbur Cross Highway. Because of time constraints regarding the lease of the building, Mr. McCarthy requested the Commission discuss the application so that he might gain a consensus of the Commission's opinion of the project. Mr. Moore explained that much staff t'irne is normally spent reviewing an application prior to its being considered for appropriate action by the Commission. The Commission discussed the time flame for the project. Mr. Miller stated his opinion that the application did not require a public hearing, stating thc project was a "recreational" facility permitted by Section VI.C of the zoning regulations. The consensus of the Commission was agreement with that determination and that the application would be addressed and a decision made at the next meeting after all details of the application had been received and reviewed. II Discussion of Review Procedures Mr. Miller reviewed the subdivision and bonding procedures and site plan review. III Discussion of Payment of Invoices Mr, Miller stated Town Counsel had advised him that it iS not required to have the Commission take action regarding payment of invoices submitted for work-com_plet~ in=:, ,s~u~dj~v~s_ion.s other, th? the developers. Mr. Zigmont su~estea H~,, ~- ,-~.~ ~u~voices winch had been submitted re,,ard~ .... ~----.- -..~ ~.omm~s.slonz. evi._ew a s~gnmcant amount A m ...... ~ "'s unanges from an appro~'ed:i~lan ~ in'~- invoices of $5 000 o~ '-~- ono, n ~o~tn~e [own Planner to authorize paweni o[~,, ' -' ~ . ' ~'% unleSS S~I"S onilti~- :- .t . · .... s--O~SSlOn, w .....~- t. ....... t' ~,u ~, ina[ it should be brough~ ~ ~'~u= uy ~¥u-. weiss, seconded by Ms. Carev and ,~,..a..Si tr~_b~-f. IV Recommendation of acceptance of dedication to the Town of Berlm~3.08d ac~es of land, Blue Hills subdivision. Mr. Miller indicated that staff had been unable to review this item due to weather conditions and stated it would be brought back to the Commission in the near future. Continued... V CORRESPONDENCE Mr. Moore read a letter written by Town Counsel Stephen Anderson which stated his opinion that alternate commissioners cannot participate in discussion or voting unless they are officially seated. Mr. Moore stated the written opinion is a policy which should be £ollowed. There was a general discussion during which many of the commissioners expressed opposition to its implementation. Mr. Miller stated he would ask Attorney Anderson to attend the next meeting to discuss this issue. A letter from James Massifio was reviewed. It stated the property owner's concerns for his commercial development located at 39 Mill Street which had a portion of the parking lot improperly constructed in a state right of way. After some discussion as to what Mr. Massirio was seeking, the Commission concluded that it did not have the authority to waive the zoning regulations. Mr. Miller stated he would advise Mr. Massirio Io seek a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals. Mr. Zigmont requested a general discussion item be added to the agenda on a regular basis so that commissioners could discuss items such as noted zoning violations. Mrs. Keams requested a current list of gravel fill and removal operations. Mr. Miller advised that the zoning map is being revised in a more readable format. A motion to adjourn was made by Ms. Carey, seconded by Mr. Weiss and carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Joan Carey, Secretary Frances M. Semnoski, Recording Secretary Call to O~;der Chairman Brace Moore called the Regular Meeting of February 22, 1996 of the Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission to order in Room 7, Town Hall, 240 Kensington Road, at 6:35 p.m. In attendance: Commissioners Joan Carey, Diane Jorscy, Kenneth~J~6~in,-_ ~ ~ Robert Weiss, and Timothy Zigrnont (entered the meetiP~_:: ~ r~' at 6'40 p m ), Alternate Commissioners Dr. Mar~in I-I'~ a~ r~ Susan Wiley, Town Counsel Stephen Anderson and . ~-~ Town Planner Brian Miller ':~ "< ~-Y" ~ Excused: Commissioner Kathryn Keams -~( -' o Absent: Alternate Commissioner Robert Holmes Alternate Commissioners Harwin and Wiley were seated.