2016-03-08 Budget Committee Meeting – 2016-03-08 TOWN OF BERLIN BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING REVISED REGULAR MEETING Tuesday, March 8, 2016 Board of Education Conference Room @ 6:00 p.m. A. CALL TO ORDER Chairman David Evans called the Budget Committee meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. ROLL CALL Those in attendance were: Councilor Kristin Campanelli (arrived at 6:02 p.m.) Chairman David Evans Mayor Mark Kaczynski Councilor Brenden Luddy Councilor Charles Paonessa Councilor Rachel Rochette Absent: Councilor Peter Rosso Also in attendance: Town Manager Denise McNair Finance Director Jim Wren Budget Analyst Len Zielinski D. DISCUSSION ON DEPARTMENT BUDGETS 1. Veterans’ Commission Presenting the Veterans’ Commission budget: Charlie Colaresi, Chairman Bruce Trevethan, Commission member Charles Colaresi stated that one of the things that the Veterans’ Commission does is to place flags on all of the Veterans’ graves throughout the ten cemeteries in Town. They are up to 1,000 flags, which they purchase early to save on the costs. Their other big expense is the Memorial Day Parade. Every year the parade gets bigger because other organizations want to join. They also place wreaths on the seven Veterans’ memorials in Town. They usually received $4,200 Page 1 of 11 Budget Committee Meeting – 2016-03-08 for their budget but this year they were cut to $3,600; they will do the best they can with the reduction. They were also very thankful to the Economic Development Commission for allowing their input on Phase II of the Veterans’ Memorial Park. They would like to add some extra benches and trash receptacles to the park. Bruce Trevethan stated that they are also requesting $350 for a band on Memorial Day; sometimes it is difficult to get a band but they would like to have the funds available. He added that they do not use a recording secretary for their commission which saves money. Charles Colaresi stated that they have one of the best Veteran Parks in the State and they have over 300 bricks there now. When Phase II is completed they are going to hold a special event at the Veterans’ Memorial Park. They have had school children come and visit the park and learn about the Veterans. Councilor Paonessa inquired as to how the funds received for the bricks are allocated. Charles Colaresi replied that they are used for the maintenance on the monuments and future park improvements. Bruce Trevethan added that the people really enjoy the fife and drum band that is a part of history and hopeful they can have one in this year’s parade. Chairman Evans asked that the $350 for the band be added to back to the Dashboard for further consideration. 2. Development Services – Account 1014/ZBA – Account #1016/Conservation Commission – Account #1018 Presenting the Development Services budgets: Hellyn Riggins, Development Services Director Hellyn Riggins stated that she did not apply the 1% to 5% reduction to any of her commissions. Conservation Commission: Presenting the Conservation Commission budget: Hellyn Riggings, Development Services Director Michael DeLorenzo, Chairman of the Conservation Commission Page 2 of 11 Budget Committee Meeting – 2016-03-08 This budget is level with last year’s budget. Hellyn Riggins stated that the Conservation Commission has put Berlin on map with all of our hiking, walking trails, and open space. Michael DeLorenzo stated that thanks also has to be given to our previous Town Councilors and Town staff because over the years they have been very progressive in acquiring all this open space. Michael DeLorenzo stated that the main line item in his budget is Public Education. This account is to help them promote our open space such as gateway signage, smaller signage located on the footpaths; they also have placed storyboards on the website and have added more “Rules” signs. Chairman Evans inquired as to where they plan to utilize the $3,000 in the Gateway Signage line item. Michael DeLorenzo replied that the cost of storyboards on the website was approximately $1,700 and they did purchase some other signage. They do have more signs that they have to put on the trails. Councilor Rochette inquired if the purchase of the Chotkowski property has alleviated any parking issues on Winesap Road. Michael DeLorenzo replied that he has not had any information on that parking issue. Hellyn Riggins stated that some of the commission members have seen quite a few cars parking at the trails area on the Chamberlain Highway, but it is still busy on Winesap Road due to increased usage. Development Services: Presenting the Development Services budget: Hellyn Riggins, Director Hellyn Riggins stated that her department consists of the Planning and Zoning, the Zoning Board of Appeals and the Building Department. They are a small department but they have a lot of visitors. She needs to have staff to handle the visitors and staff to do the field inspections. In the Building Department she needs a full time Building Inspector, someone in the office to handle the customers and it would be helpful to have a Building official who is in the office for some hours. Page 3 of 11 Budget Committee Meeting – 2016-03-08 She has been working with the Town Manager on how to make that department more efficient. They came up with a hybrid position – Asst. Building Official/Asst. Zoning Field Officer. This allows her to keep her Zoning Enforcement Officer/Asst. Town Planner in the Planning office and not overlapping the staff on field work. This will also allow her to be more proactive in the Planning Department. She stated that her total budget is approximately $580,000 and when Chairman Evans asked her to cut 5% but she does not have any place where she could cut $29,000 without cutting the Asst. Building Official. If she has to cut the position they will have to look at specific office hours for doing inspections and permits. If they cut the $29,000 by 5% she would only be able to hire someone for 8 hours week which she feels will be very difficult to find someone to work for that amount of hours. A 3% cut would get her down to $17,000 and 15 hours a week and she would have to cut $1,080 from her Professional Development account. A 2% cut would be $11,000 and that would give her about 16 hours for the building official and she would not have to cut her Professional Development account. A 1% is a cut of $5,000 and she could have an Asst. Building Official for 20 hours a week. As far as her Professional Development account, she is required to have so many hours a year in order to maintain her certification. To keep her certification it cost the Town about $1,100; and she does have her Assistant Town Planner attend some of the conferences. The Building Official is required to be certified at a cost of $670 and the Asst. Building Official at a cost of $300. She explained the importance of attending the New England seminars and she would pay out-of-pocket if necessary. She is working with our new Building Inspector on ways to improve their inspections and being more responsive. In the Planning Office, they are also trying to be more user-friendly and being more efficient. Planning and Zoning Commission: Hellyn Riggins presented the Planning and Zoning Commission budget. Professional Development: $450 – reduced by Town Manager to $225 Organizational Fees: $110 – to belong to the Federation of Land Use Agency Zoning Board of Appeals: Page 4 of 11 Budget Committee Meeting – 2016-03-08 Commission Secretary: $1,175 – Recording Secretary for the ZBA Professional Development: $360 – reduced to $230 by Town Manager – fewer board members attend seminar Organizational Fees: $110 – to belong to the Federation of Land Use Agency Historic District: Commission Secretary: $1,250 – to pay recording secretary for 12 meetings per year Supplies: $50 – minimal supplies purchased Promotion: $50 – to send out promotional material Organizational Fees: $100 – to belong to the National Historical Society This concluded the presentation on the Development Services budget. 3. Library – Account 2544 Presenting the Library budget: Helen Malinka Helen Malinka stated that she became the Library Director for Berlin five years ago and when she first arrived things were very different in the library; there were no designated departments, did not have phone line, and some people did not have a desk. Those things have changed and they now have a public scanner, a public fax machine, service for the homebound, coffee bar, computer help, outreach to several nursery schools, outreach to the Senior Center, everyone has a work area, and there are full-time department heads responsible for staff. They also have the following:  150 digital magazines  Hundreds of downloadable e-books and audio books  Can print from smart phones and tablets Page 5 of 11 Budget Committee Meeting – 2016-03-08  Create résumés for job searches Helen Malinka stated that they have done all this with $2,000 less in funding than they had five years ago. They were able to do this because of the following:  Took advantage of people retiring  Consolidated and strengthen the staff to meet the community’s needs  Taking on new projects  Doing routine tasks more efficiently  They do not have a dedicated team librarian and the part-time digital librarian should be a full-time position Helen Malinka stated that she is asking for a 1.2% ($2,215) over her budget in 2012. She has already been cut 4% ($6,400) under the 2012 budget. They cannot maintain the level of service to the community with any further cuts. A poorly funded library does not attract new homeowners to this town nor does it allow us to service our fastest growing populations (baby boomers and seniors). Circulation Desk Restructuring: Helen Malinka stated that the circulation desk was built in 1989 and it was used for a lot of task and the library was busier with foot traffic; right now a lot of their traffic is done online and they now have self-checkout. She would like to reduce the size of the circulation desk and the work can be done in-house. Their goal is to combine the circulation desk with the reference desk for one point of service. Books and Periodicals: $9,000 – up $3,000 from last year Helen Malinka stated that books keep getting more expense and the only way to reduce this line item is to purchase fewer books. Councilor Campanelli inquired if the books that were damaged by the flood at the library our included in this budget. Helen Malinka stated that they had 1,500 children books that had to be discarded are not included in this budget; they are working with the insurance company for the replacement of those books. Data Services: Requested $45,000 – was reduced to $42,500 Page 6 of 11 Budget Committee Meeting – 2016-03-08 Helen Malinka stated that in order to cover of the cost of her Data Services she needs $44,032 in this line item. She will have to find those funds somewhere else. 1% Reduction: Helen Malinka stated that she would have to cut the Materials account, Book account, A/V account and the Database account very reluctantly. If she had to go more than 1% reduction she would have to look at reducing staff. Grants and Donations: Helen Malinka explained that some of their funds are restricted. They have a fund set aside for $50,000 to be used when the Library retains the bottom floor for their use. Jim Wren inquired about the Operating Income of $999,713 for the Library as stated on the handout. Helen Malinka replied that that figure comes from State after receiving the information gathered from her staff. This figure does not mean income it is what it cost to operate the library. Helen Malinka stated that the Sarah Johnson Fund is for history items. Some of the other funds are so restrictive that she does not use them and the funds continue to grow and she does not lose the interest. This concluded the presentation on the Library budget. Berlin Free Library: Presenting the budget for the Berlin Free Library: Carol Welz, Chairman Carol Welz stated that the Berlin Free Library is not a branch of the Berlin-Peck Memorial Library. The Berlin Free Library was the first library incorporated in the State of Connecticut. They have been operating on a deficit budget for over 10 years and now she is being cut further and she does not know how they will be able to stay open. They have a Trust Fund where they only get the interest from and ever year it is less. They are facing a huge bill of $30,000 on the bell tower repairs and they have no funds to pay for it. They have a collection of about 16,000 books and they circulated 3,200 children books and ran some programs. They serve a lot senior citizens and it is mainly a reading library. East Berlin Library: Presenting the East Berlin Library: Janet Jacobs, East Berlin Librarian Page 7 of 11 Budget Committee Meeting – 2016-03-08 Janet Jacobs stated that the East Berlin Library is very important to the citizens of East Berlin. She stated that the Town previously funded $7,000 then it was $3,000 and now you want to cut that amount. They do receive some donations but she does not know how long they could continue without the funds from the Town. Last year they had 1,600 books taken out and 1,300 visitors and she is hoping that the Town will give her back the $3,000. She added that it is easier for the seniors to walk into their library because they can park right in front of the door. This concluded the presentation on the other libraries. 4. VNA Account 3053/Homemaking Services – Account 3056/Private Schools – Account 3559/School Expenses portion- 3561 Presenting the VNA budget: Linda Colella, Nursing Director Pamela Bobowski, President of the Nursing Board Sharon Lyons, Treasurer Linda Colella stated that originally the Town Manager asked her to come with the actual budget and with a 0% increase budget. She decided to come in with a 0% increase for her Homecare budget and with the rate reduction and workmen compensation her budget is 13.6% lower than last year’s budget. She stated that her Therapist needed to have an increase in their pay rate this year because they were threating to leave because our rates were not competitive with other agencies. They have not had an increase since 2010 and in order to have a successful agency you need strong Therapist. They received a 2.3% increase to be equal to their peers. Linda Colella stated that she wanted to put that pay increase into her budget but not come in with an increase in her budget. She went through her Professional and Technical line items and she made cuts where she could without jeopardizing their services. When she met with Chairman Evans had asked her for a 1% increase which comes to $74,000 but she felt that she had already did that with the Homecare budget. In looking at her other budgets she did come up with a reduction of $45,012 from the Public School Budget Dept. #61. She has two long-term Nurses that are retiring and their replacements will be hired at a lower pay rate. The difference in salaries, plus longevity, came to $45,012. Linda Colella gave an overview on the services her department does for the community. Her department deals with clients that are 65 years and older and that age group is predicted to increase over the next ten years. They also provide non-reimbursable services to residents. The biggest endeavor this year was developing their Homemaking Service. She found that the Homemaking service was imperative to the Nursing services when dealing with referrals from Page 8 of 11 Budget Committee Meeting – 2016-03-08 the hospital or nursing home. It also provides additional income for her office and the seniors in our community have voiced a real need for this service. Another strategy is to do something different with the marketing strategies. Last year she focused on the getting Polish patients and they were told by a marketing colleague about going out into the community and meet the people they want to service. They have activities planned for the seniors where they have a chance to meet and talk to them about their services while they are doing a fun activity. Her staff has taken on a lot of extra work to help their department grow. She currently has four full-time nurses and if a nurse leaves for some reason she will wait to fill that position to make sure that four full-time nurses are still needed. Chairman Evans stated that he would like the Nursing Department to monitor the impact that the Homemaking Services has on the budget for next year’s budget. Councilor Rochette inquired as to how the non-reimbursable services affect the Nursing budget. Linda Colella stated that the part of her services that are non-reimbursable is $74,000. Private Schools: Linda Colella stated that whatever is in this budget is mandated by the State. Mooreland School is less due to fewer students attending the school. Dept. #61: Linda Colella explained that this is where the two School Nurses are retiring and the savings of $45,000. She gave an overview of the School Nurses and the amount of students that they are responsible for at their schools. This concluded the presentation on the Nursing budget. 5. Town Clerk #0511 Presenting the Town Clerk budget: Kate Wall, Town Clerk Organizational Fees: $390 – would like to increase back to $440 Professional Development: $1,115 – reduce to $930 Page 9 of 11 Budget Committee Meeting – 2016-03-08 Kate Wall stated that she started in Berlin in 2002 and her inherited budget for Professional and Technical was $34,165 her current Professional/Technical budget is $22,016. Supplies: $2,400 – we have additional costs Microfilming: $4,500 – governed by State Statutes Computer Support: $10,611 – Land Records – contracted – have realized big savings in this account with new software programs Contractual Services: $2,000 - Town Auditor – mandated by State Statutes Vital Statistics: $1,000 – We pay $2 for vitals from other towns – also purchase vital binders and protective pockets for vital records each year Revenues: (Last year’s budget – 7/1/2014 -6/30/2015) Collected - $545,559.27 Town’s Portion - $365,295.75 LoCIP/Town Clerk - $15,699.00 State’s Portion - $164,564.52 (does not include Conveyance Taxes) Services that do not generate any revenue:  Election Duties  Code Book – updates done in-house now  Justice of Peace  Military Records  Web Master for the Town’s website  Appointments of Boards and Commission  Agendas/Minutes – maintain/archive  Clerk to the Town Council  Business Continuity Kate Wall stated that in order to reach the goal of 1% reduction she would give up her Records Management Program this year for $4,500. She could not come up with a 2% to 5% cuts because most of her Professional/Technical items are mandated by State Statutes. Page 10 of 11 Budget Committee Meeting – 2016-03-08 The Records Management Program consists of preserving our Land Records, Vitals, and Maps. We have done a lot with the Vital Records and they were re-indexed, de-acidified and put into new binders and protective pockets starting from the beginning of those records. We also did a lot of the Land Records. We are now trying to redo the old maps that were glued onto cardboard and put them into protective covers. She does have grant funds of $4,000 that will help with these projects and we have dollars from our LoCIP fund that can also be used for preservation. In conclusion, Kate Wall stated that she cannot make any more reductions to her budget without affecting her department. This concluded the presentation on the Town Clerk’s budget. E. Adjournment Councilor Luddy moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:36 p.m. Seconded by Mayor Kaczynski. Those voting in favor were: Councilor Campanelli, Mayor Kaczynski, Councilor Luddy, Councilor Paonessa, Councilor Rochette, Chairman Evans Vote being 6-0. (MOTION CARRIED) Submitted, Kathryn J. Wall _____________________________ Clerk of the Meeting David Evans, Chairman Page 11 of 11 ‘ 10/ , Our Library as a Great Collection ♦ The Berlin-Peck Memorial Library has 99,776 items in its collections. v • 86,062 are books, 21,807 for children • 4.84 books per capita(national average is 2.5) 4, Our Library as a Valued Destination • 104,854 people visited the Berlin-Peck Memorial Library last year. • 5.1 visits per capita(national average is 4.7) • They asked 17,455 reference questions -- • 9,876 people attended programs F ♦ 17 internet computers were used 12,515 times A or Borrowing Books, Films, Music, and More • 164,258 items were borrowed from the Berlin-Peck Memorial Library. ,,,,,. • 8.0 per person (national average is 7.7 per person) • 113,292 books borrowed • 6,418 library card holders can take advantage of millions of articles in the state-wide iCONN databases 4 Support for Our Library • Operating income for the Berlin-Peck Memorial Library was$999,713 • That's just$48.51 per town resident e .i, �..� ♦ Municipal support totaled just$47.47 per town resident 4 • Only 1.3%of municipal revenue goes to support the public library rr 4*7c1 F oC W ..I` mv_ v -I -Iv -I Zr- 00 , M. cno o� d m oa x 0 C 0 a y d o fl) vi m CD < o g 3 c 3 c v c 3 C. 0 a) et C. — vo 'c coo m r.0 4. 3 vC m3 ° y m3 -5 33a• 0 a y a ° pw N CDwpm mm0hDc� Di ° CNa CDm o o vvv a m _ ny r+,3 d w_ m oP. am (0 N 0 0 0 0 0 `� QO 0 c c c cc0 0 O D) m m < '< ' C _h N y n el, w O "' Iv oi 01 o c. 3 v. wCT CST Uri N N 0. 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