1995/08/24 A motion was made by Miss Meskill, seconded by Mr. Moore and Voted unanimously to adopt Section 54.05 with the following wording changes: (b) "Deeded"... (c) eliminate "may be" (d) change . Charitable- to "to a nonprofit,... A motion was made by Mr. Moore, seconded by Miss Meskill and Voted 4-1 to adopt Section 54.06. Mrs. Carey was opposed to the motion. Discussion of Conservation Easement referred the Easements to Cot ~2 Mr. Miller porat~un and were approved. No action was taken, will be discussed further at the next meeting. Discussion of Open Space Covenants. No action w~taken. .Will be discussed further at future meetings. A motion was made by Mr. Zigmont, seconded by Miss MeskilI and Voted unanimously to add this item to the agenda. A motion was made by Mr. Moore, seconded by Miss Meskill and Voted unanimuously to authorize payment in the amount of $3761.28 to Horbal Brothers, Inc. for work Completed in Stoney Creek Subdivision, Section II. A motion was made by Mr. Moore, seconded by Miss Meskill and Voted unanimously to authorize payment in the amount of $591.60 to Horbal Brothers for work completed on Castlewood Drive. A motion was made by Miss Meskill, seconded by Mrs. Carey and Voted unanimously to authorize payment in the amount of $850.00 to Horbal Brothers for work done on Alling Court. Mr. Kern informed the Commission that there has been a change in the State Affordable Housing laws and he has requested Corporation Counsel review Town of Berlin regulations to determine if changes need to be made to conform to the State laws. A motion was made by Mr. Zigmont, seconded by Mr. Moore and voted ~nimously to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 P.M. ~ .~ ~Spect fully submitted, ~haron Guite ~ecording Secretary n BERLIN PLANNING COMMISSION The special meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 5:40 P.M. on August 24, 1995. Those present and seated were Chairman Dennis Kern, Joan Carey, Ronald Edelson, Town Planner Brian Miller, and Recording Secretary Sharon Guite. Site plan of a proposed 4,000 square foot addition to the TOMZ Corp. industrial building at Lot 12, Block 81, Episcopal Road, was reviewed. The company is expanding and needs space for new machinery and employees. The proposed addition will be to the rear and will match the existing building. Additional required parking will be added to the front of the buildin . ~/Nas made by Mrs. Carey, seconded b- Mr Ede' g. A motion ~/nanimousl ~ · lson and voted ~1 Rece y to approve the site plan with the followin c ' ' : ?i~-'~?~' ~pt of the bond to be set by staff, g ondltlon ~ motion was made b Mrs. Ca Voted unanimo ...... _Y _=. r.e.y, seconded by Mr. Edelson and ~o~ uu ~u]ourn the meeting at 5:50 P M Respectfully submitted ~haron Guite Recording Secretary