2015-11-09 Berlin VNA Nursing Board Meeting November 9, 2015 Room A – 7:00 p.m. Present: D. Muszynski, L. LaRosa, L. Williams, P. Alkas, L. McLoughlin, M. Klos, A. Fiori- Brandl, L Colella, C. Kuehn and Dr. Chorzepa. Excused: P. Bobrowski and Sharon Lyons Absent: None Audience of Citizens - None Call to Order - Meeting was called to order at 7:00p.m. Minutes The minutes of the October meeting were reviewed. A motion to approve the minutes was made by P. Alkas and seconded by L. Williams. All in favor: D. Muszynski, L. LaRosa, L. Williams, P. Alkas, L. McLoughlin, M. Klos, A. Fiori- Brandl President’s Report - None Reported Treasurer’s Report- None Reported Administrator’s Report L. Colella reported the following:  Due to the holiday schedule our last meeting was only two weeks ago. There is not much of a change since then.  The agency is on track with the budget at this point in the fiscal year.  Change in Town Council members in recent election.  Stars Program – Case Managers had Oasis training with Rita Grimes from Qualidigm. Rita Grimes is Oasis certified. L. Colella is attending a full day conference on November 13 on the Home Health Stars Rating.  Fazzi, the agency’s HHCAHPS vendor for patient satisfaction notified the Berlin VNA they were in the top 25% nationally. This will be added to the Stars report coming out in January.  Budget – The agency is responsible for four departmental budgets, Homecare, Private Schools, Public Schools and Homemaking. Town Manager has sent out instructions on the budget requirements for next fiscal year. -2-  The Medicare Cost Report accountant was in recently to prepare the cost report for the agency. This information will be helpful in preparing the upcoming budget as well.  Nursing Staff – contract is not signed as yet. Supervisor’s Report – None Reported Committee Report - None Reported Old Business – None New Business – None A motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 p.m. made by A. Fiori-Brandl and seconded by M. Klos All in Favor: D. Muszynski, L. LaRosa, L. Williams, P. Alkas, L. McLoughlin, M. Klos, A. Fiori- Brandl Dori Dyer Commission Secretary