2014-08-18 THCMATTABASSETT DISTRICT - Minutes of August 18, 2014 PUBLIC SPEAKERS None. MINUTES OF AUGUST 18, 2014 Roll Call of Members The monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of The Mattabassett District was held Monday, August 18, 2014, at the Administration Building. Chairman William Candelori called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. A roll call was taken and a quorum was present. Present from the Town of Berlin were Directors John Dunham, Ed Kindelan and James McNair. Present from the City of New Britain were Directors Gerry Amodio, Jr., William Candelori, Peter Centurelli, Angelo D'Alfonso and John Valengavich. Present from the City of Middletown were Directors David Bauer and Joseph Samolis. Also present were Edward T. Lynch Jr. — District Counsel, Brian W. Armet - Executive Director, Michelle Ryan — District Engineer, Bill Adkins — Maintenance Manager and Elaine Brousseau— Recording Secretary. Cromwell Directors Bonnie Anderson and Doug Sienna and Middletown Directors Dale Aldieri and Thomas J. Serra were absent. Cromwell Director Tom Tokarz arrived at 7:18 p.m. Also present was Christine Kurtz from Wright-Pierce. Approval of July 21, 2014 Minutes MOTION: Mr. Dunham moved to approve the minutes of July 21, 2014. Mr. Centurelli seconded the motion. Discussion RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously with Mr. Candelori and Mr. Kindelan abstaining. Treasurer's Report MOTION: Mr. Valengavich moved to accept the Treasurer's Report as presented. Mr. D'Alfonso seconded the motion. Discussion RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously. Fr ? PEC^R3 1-0—; k;L 1K 201'' SEP 1 b P 74 10 Budget Statement MOTION: Mr. Dunham moved to accept the Budget Statement as presented. 7)a-4-- . T. 1 , THE MATTABASSETT DISTRICT - Minutes of August 18, 2014 Mr. Valengavich seconded the motion. Discussion RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously. Check Rejiister—July, 2014 No motion required. Staff Reports MOTION: Mr. Dunham moved to accept the Staff Reports as presented. Mr. Amodio, Jr. seconded the motion. Discussion RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously. Mr. Tokarz arrived at 7:18 p.m. EnRineerinR Committee No Report Finance Committee No Report Human Resources Committee MOTION: Mr. Tokarz moved to approve the Aetna Medical Insurance Plan, POS 30/45/1500, with increased Health Reimbursement subsidization as The District's Employee Medical Insurance Plan to replace The District's current Anthem BC/BS Medical Insurance Plan which will be discontinued on September 30, 2014 as it does not conform with the Federal Affordable Care Act's requirements. Mr. Bauer seconded the motion. Discussion 2 , THE MATTABASSETT DISTRICT - Minutes of August 18, 2014 RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously. MOTION: Mr. Dunham moved to accept the Human Resources Committee Report as presented. Mr. Valengavich seconded the motion. Discussion RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously. Property Management MOTION: Mr. Centurelli moved to approve the transfer of ownership and maintenance of The District's 10-inch water main in Bridge Street, Middletown to the Middletown Water Department, subject to proper documentation. Mr. Amodio, Jr. seconded the motion. Discussion RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously with Mr. Bauer abstaining. MOTION: Mr. Dunham moved to approve the Property Management Committee Report as presented. Mr. Tokarz seconded the motion. Discussion RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously. Public Relations Committee No Report. District Project Construction Committee MOTION: Mr. Dunham moved to accept the District Project Construction Committee Report as presented and approve the following: 1. C.H. Nickerson's Payment Requisition#27 for June/July 2014 - $2,061,240.91. 2. Wright-Pierce's Payment Requisition for June 2014 - $184,328.81. 3. Change Order#28 for 16 Sub Change Orders - $82,484.18. 3 , THE MATTABASSETT DISTRICT - Minutes of August 18, 2014 Mr. D'Alfonso seconded the motion. Discussion RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously. MOTION: Mr. Dunham moved to approve the award of the Outfall Structure Repairs & Modifications Project to Kovacs Construction out of Danbury, Connecticut for$75,295.00. Mr. Valengavich seconded the motion. Discussion RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously. MOTION: Mr. Valengavich moved to approve the award of the Outfall Dredging & Tideflex Valves Installation Project to Northeast Diving Services out of New Milford, Connecticut for $245,351.25 Mr. Dunham seconded the motion. Discussion RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously. MOTION: Mr. D'Alfonso moved to approve the award of the Ash Lagoon Cleaning Project to McVac out of New Haven, Connecticut for $83,750.00 Mr. Centurelli seconded the motion. Discussion RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously. Counsel's Report No Report New Business None 4 • THE MATTABASSETT DISTRICT - Minutes of August 18, 2014 Communications None Adjournment MOTION: Mr. Centurelli moved to adjourn. Mr. Bauer seconded the motion. RESOLVED: The motion was approved unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 7:53 p.m. The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on Monday, September 15, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the Administration Building, Cromwell, Connecticut. 5