2015-10-19 Berlin VNA Nursing Board Meeting October 19, 2015 Room A – 7:00 p.m. Present: L. LaRosa, P. Bobrowski, S. Lyons, L. Williams, P. Alkas, M. Klos, A. Fiori- Brandl, L Colella, C. Kuehn and Dr. Chorzepa. Excused: D. Muszynski, L. McLoughlin Absent: None Audience of Citizens - None Call to Order - Meeting was called to order at 7:00p.m. Minutes The minutes of the September meeting were reviewed. A motion to approve the minutes was made by P. Alkas and seconded by L. LaRosa. All in favor: L. LaRosa, P. Bobrowski, S. Lyons, L. Williams, P. Alkas, M. Klos, A. Fiori- Brandl President’s Report P. Bobrowski spotted the scarecrow out by CVS which is part of the scarecrow contest this year. The scarecrow was made by a staff member, M. Matassa advertising the new Town of Berlin Homemaking Services that are now being offered. Also the nursing board has had a vacancy for the position of treasurer for some time. S. Lyons is willing to resign as the vice president and take over the treasurer vacancy. A motion was made by A. Brandl-Fiori to nominate S. Lyons to become the new treasurer, seconded by P. Alkas. S. Lyons nominated L. LaRosa to become the new vice president, second by L. Williams. All in favor: L. LaRosa, P. Bobrowski, S. Lyons, L. Williams, P. Alkas, M. Klos, A. Fiori- Brandl Treasurer’s Report- The agency is only three months into the current fiscal year and is on track with the budget at this point in time. Administrator’s Report L. Colella reported the following:  The agency is maintaining a census of between 90 – 100. 80% of the referrals were Traditional Medicare.  The Center of Medicare Services has started their quality ratings on Home Health Compare. R. Grimes from Qualidigm will provide Oasis education in November to maximize results.  Homemaking – Actively marketing for these services. The census has increased to 23 and we have five homemakers.  Budget – The next fiscal year budget will begin soon. It will be a challenging budget year with the three Departments, #53, #59 and #61 in addition to develop a homemaking budget as well.  Staff – The nursing staff voted against their contract and is still not settled. The clerical staff (White Collar Union) has settled their contract. Supervisor’s Report – B. Rozio has completed the Wound & Skin Management course and has completed the exam and has passed. She is now certified in wound care. A job description will be developed. This will be a great asset to the agency. A new certified occupational therapy assistant also will be starting soon. . Committee Report - None Reported Old Business – None New Business – None A motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m. made by L. Williams and seconded by S. Lyons All in Favor: L. LaRosa, P. Bobrowski, S. Lyons, L. Williams, P. Alkas, M. Klos, A. Fiori- Brandl Dori Dyer Commission Secretary