2015-05-11 Berlin VNA Nursing Board Meeting May 11, 2015 Room A – 7:00 p.m. Present: D. Muszynski, P. Bobrowski, S. Lyons, L. Williams, M. Klos, L. Colella, C. Kuehn and Dr. Chorzepa. Excused: L. LaRosa, L. McLoughlin Absent: P. Alkas Audience of Citizens - None Call to Order - Meeting was called to order at 7:02p.m. Minutes The minutes of the April meeting were reviewed. A motion to approve the minutes was made by L. Williams and seconded by M. Klos. All in favor: D. Muszynski, P. Bobrowski, S. Lyons, L. Williams, and M. Klos President’s Report P. Bobrowski completed the committee assignments and handed out to members. The Bylaws have the description of the committees and their purpose. P. Bobrowski suggested that the Board have a current member be an interim treasurer. A motion was made by L. Williams to nominate S. Lyons to be the treasurer in a temporary position until the position can be filled, seconded by D. Muszynski. All in favor: D. Muszynski, P. Bobrowski, S. Lyons, L. Williams, and M. Klos. Treasurer’s Report- L. Colella will incorporate in her Administrator’s Report. Administrator’s Report L. Colella reported the following:  The agency is maintaining a census of greater than 100 and it is at its strongest. The nurses are able to handle this increase.  The Corridor Group which does our billing is working out well.  RFP done for Coding – only one company sent in a bid, it will be going back out to bid again.  Administrative Professionals Day & Nurses Day were celebrated with staff.  Town of Berlin Homemaking Services - L. Colella spoke at the Senior Center to introduce the new services of homemaking, transportation and companions that the agency will be providing in the near future. This new business is still in the beginning stages.  Wellness Fair – The Town of Berlin will be offering a Wellness Fair on May 20 sponsored by Anthem Blue Cross. The nursing office will be offering blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose checks.  Blood Pressure Clinics – In addition to the Berlin Senior Center the agency is also providing this service to the Newington Senior Center twice a month. Also a blood pressure clinic is held at the St. Lucian Home in New Britain once a month.  Union Negotiations – Negotiations are ongoing between the Town and the Homecare and School Healthcare Workers Union. Supervisor’s Report – None Reported. . Committee Report - None Reported Old Business – Annual Dinner will be held in June. A short meeting will be held prior to dinner. New Business – None A motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. made by S. Lyons, seconded by L. Williams. All in Favor: D. Muszynski, P. Bobrowski, S. Lyons, L. Williams, and M. Klos. Dori Dyer Commission Secretary