1986/05/06 Unapproved minutes . Approved minutes may be obtained after the next regular meeting of the Commission . O�e�R�j N c041/ TOWN O F BERLIN p;% ,tm c INLAND WETLANDS AND WATER COURSES COMMISSION A •79 `�. 0.... �0 SElm+ 's` ,��`, TOWN HALL • BERLIN, CONN. 06037 ORPORAS� May 6 , 1986 A meeting of the Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission was called to order by Chairman Selner at 7 : 31 p .m. at the Town Hall . Those in attendance were: Chairman Selner , Commissioner Gombotz , Commissioner Murphy , Commissioner Phaneuf , Commissioner Palasek , Commissioner Szczepanik, Commissioner Zbrosek and Mr . Joseph Paskiewicz , Agent for the Commission. The following items were discussed : 1 . Application 86-9W. Public Hearing . Application by Arthur Urban to fill a wetlands area on Lot 81A and 89 , Block 10 , located on the west side of Chamberlain Highway , 200'± southwest of Harvest Hill Road . Chairman Selner introduced the members of the Com- mission and read the legal notice which appeared in The Herald . Mr . Urban stated that the area consists of approximately 30 acres of land of which they propose to develop 25 acres leaving four or five acres to the west , bordering the golf course , as an open space wetland area . He further stated that they propose to construct 29 building lots ranging from 21 , 000 sq . ft . to 38 , 000 sq . ft . The proposal consists of a new road from the Chamberlain Highway directly west intersecting with an extension of South Slope Drive with the extension of South Slope Drive continuing to a cul-de-sac . Sewers are in the planning stage but will be available . Mr . Urban stated that there presently exists some drainage problems . They propose to install a system of storm drains diverting some of the water back to the present swamp area and also create a new water detention area . He further stated that they intend to keep trees and vegetation other than what is necessary to install a road . Mr . Joseph Cermola , Engineer, stated that they propose to control storm water in order to create a "0" impact on down- stream properties . He further stated that out of the 28± acres 15 acres are wetlands with 11 acres being low and wet - 5 . 7 acres of wetlands are to be filled of which 4 . 3 are designated low and wet . One acre of wetlands is to be created resulting g) in a 4 . 7 acre loss . He stated that he felt that this proposal would improve drainage to the south . Mr . Cermola stated that flagging of the wetlands has been done and were found to be essentially the same as on the Town map . The size of the pro- posed detention was discussed and it was noted that this pro- posal is only in the sketch plan stage . Mr . Joseph Dubuc , 50 South Slope Drive , questioned the amount of wetlands to be filled and also the areas that are - 2 mapped as low and wet on the map presented . He felt that a greater area is definitely low and wet and indicated a number of lots he felt should have been classified as such . He stated his concern for the brook which runs twelve months a year and also the elevation proposed at the end of South Slope Drive . He further stated that this is a beautiful and valuable wetlands which should not be destroyed and presented pictures of the area to the Commission. Mrs . Caron, 49 McMurray Drive, stated that she was concerned about the proposed wetlands to be created . Mr . Robert Olesak, 35 McMurray Drive, stated that the water problems continue to get worse as developments are constructed above and wants assurance that this proposal would not add to an existing problem. He questioned what effect this proposal would have on the water table. Mrs . Mary Salerno, 55 Glenview Drive , stated that as an environmental biologist she felt that this wetlands should be protected for the good of the Town as well as for future genera- tions to benefit from the variety of plantlife found in this wetlands . Mr. Jim Devery , 95 Harvest Hill Road , questioned whether any calculations as to water retention and drainage had been done and was told that this proposal was only a conceptual sketch plan at this time. Approximately thirty-eight people attended the public hear- ing portion of the meeting. The hearing adjourned at 8 : 22 p .m. 2 . Application 86-4W. Public Hearing . Application by Carabetta Enterprises to fill a wetlands area on Lots 25 and 28 , Block 153 , located on the east side of Wilbur Cross Highway , south of #2447 . Chairman Selner read the legal notice which appeared in The Herald . Mr. Sam Carabetta and Mr. Rod Hewitt, Engineer, attended the hearing . Mr . Hewitt stated that this application was origin- ally presented at the March, 1986 meeting . That application in- cluded a request to fill approximately 41 acres of wetlands for the construction of a large warehouse building . He stated that this use for the property has since been discontinued . Mr . Hewitt stated that there exists a network of roads on this pro- perty which cross three wetland areas . Mr . Carabetta requests approval of these temporary culverts and the fill that was placed for these roads . A new map was presented and Mr . Hewitt pointed out the wetland areas and where filling has taken place . He noted that the water course has been piped (15") at four cross- ings . It was noted that this property is being considered by the Zoning Commission for new uses and that this road pattern would be used or further developed at a later date depending up- on the zoning changes . Chairman Selner read a letter from the DEP in response to a - 3 - request from this Commission for their technical assistance . U ny • of their comments pertained to the previous application . Mr . Hewitt stated that this revised proposal does not divert any water . Approximately two people attended the public hearing portion of the meeting and the hearing was adjourned at 8 : 50 p .m. 3 . Application 86-8WF . Application by Nadeau Brothers to build a building in a floodway on Lot Z20 , Block 91 , located on the south- east side of Washington Avenue, 600 '± southwest of Farmington Avenue . Mr . Bart Bovee , Engineer , represented Nadeau Brothers . He stated that this proposal is slightly different from the ori- ginal proposal presented at the April 1 , 1986 meeting in that the building is smaller - 30'x60 ' . The proposed building would be used as a garage and small office for a concrete business . A map was presented and Mr . Bovee indicated that the site is approximately 150'x50 ' and relatively flat . He pointed out the wetlands line on the map and stated that this parcel is located within the floodway . They propose a finish floor at elevation 44 which is 2 ' below the 100 year flood elevation . A sump pump would be installed as well as waterproofing provided . Mr . Bovee stated that minimal grading and parking provisions are proposed . He further stated that a swale would be installed in accordance with the Town Engineer . It was noted that concrete forms and equipment would be stored on the site. 4 . Application 86-10WF . Application by Joseph Tricka to place fill and appurtenances in a wetlands and flood hazard area on Lot 15 , Block 17 , located on the west side of Chamberlain Highway , 400 '± south of Old Hatchery Road . This application was tabled at the April 1 , 1986 at the request of the applicant . Mr . Bart Bovee , Engineer, represented Mr . Tricka . He presented a map and stated that this is a proposed subdivision which consists of approximately 60 acres located in a R-86 zone . This property is in the flood plain. The proposal involves two permanent cul-de-sacs and one temporary one. Mr . Bovee stated that they propose to develop 25 building lots . A gas right-of-way and an overhead transmission line run across the property . There are three streams on the parcel and they propose to cross two of the streams , constructing culverts designed to handle 100 year runoff and filling areas in- dicated on the map . He noted that there would be minimal dis- turbance of the streams and stated that covenants would be written into the deeds to protect the stream from any activity or filling . Mr . Bovee stated that this proposal is still in a conceptual phase . At this point they propose to do some filling in three areas - none being larger than one acre. 5 . Application 86-11W. Application by New England Building and Development Institute to place and remove material in a wetlands area on Lot 6 and 8 , Block 144 , located on the west side of Main Street - 200 '± and 500'± south of Route 72 . This application was tabled at the April 1 , 1986 meeting pending additional information. Mr . Rod Hewitt, Engineer, represented Mr . Kavarsky . He presented - 4 - a map and reviewed that this property is primarily a soil-type wetlands . He stated that the key to successful development of this type of a parcel is to insure that foundations are adequately drained and/or make sure that they are above the ground water table . He further stated that there are two other soil types found along Bradley Brook which they do not intend to disturb . Mr . Hewitt noted that Mr . Kavarsky met with the Mayor since the last wetlands meeting in regard to deeding land to the Town as open space which included the dam on the property . The Mayor in- dicated that the Town is not interested in acquiring this area . Mr. Kavarsky is now considering buying an adjacent parcel (6-7 acres) and attaching this parcel to the wetlands area to construct a small estate. They propose to do some work on the dam to insure safety . The pond would remain as part of the proposed estate with maintenance belonging to the owner . Mr . Hewitt stated that they intend to drain into Bradley Brook and felt that the water course would not be affected nor would retention be required . He further stated that there is no special type of wildlife or plant species involved in this wetlands . 6 . Application 86-12W. Application by Kenneth Nelson to place fill in a wetlands area on Lot 1A, Block 140, located on Bishops Curve and Wilbur Cross Highway . Attorney Luther Propst of Robinson & Cole attended the meeting accompanied by Mr . Rod Hewitt and Mr . Kenneth Nelson . Attorney Propst stated that they have revised their plans , which were originally presented at the Public Hearing on April 1 , 1986 , to accommodate the concerns that were expressed and the con- cerns of the Commission. He stated that they now propose to fill approximately 1200 cubic yards on the north end of the parcel and create a pond (215 'x225 ' ) on the south side . The total area to be filled has been cut back to 35% of the original proposal . Mr . Hewitt presented a map and indicated the proposed pond depicting shallow sloping sides to a depth of 7 ' . He noted that they pro- pose to make this a fish pond . An inlet box (elevation 156) is proposed with an 18" pipe extending out to Bishops Curve. Mr . Hewitt stated that they propose to excavate the pond area removing the muck and Scarboro type soils on top - the gravel soils underneath would be moved to the northern part of the site and used to fill the wetland area . He further stated that they propose to fill to allow for the surface water to run to the present drainage systems . In summary , Mr . Hewitt stated that they propose to fill 150 ' back from the road and construct an irregular shaped pond to the back part of the site . Attorney Propst stated that the primary purpose of this application is to fill to allow for a driveway to obtain access to the property up the hill . Attorney Lynne Ustach represented Mr . and Mrs . Alan Ladd and Mr . and Mrs . Stanley Killinger . She stated that they are opposed to any filling of the wetlands and request the following conditions if this application is permitted : 1) Assurances that this develop- ment be the last of any changes of any wetlands on this parcel ; 2) A flowage study be done based on a 100 year storm; 3) Require - 5 - Mr . Nelson to disclose the amount of his liability insurance for the proposed operation which is permitted under Section 11 of the Wetlands Regulations . Mr . John Kazersky stated that he is opposed even more to this proposal than to the original one due to the proposed pond . He stated that he is most concerned with the wells in the area . Mrs . Virginia Killinger , 45 Mary Ann Court , stated that she was concerned with the possibility of pollution of the existing wells which is their only source of water and submitted a letter stating opposition to this proposal by both herself and her husband . The question of possible pollution of the pond from the park- ing lot (capacity for 62 cars) for the golf course was discussed and Mr . Hewitt stated that , in his opinion, the quality of the water would not be affected . 7 . Application 86-13WF . Application by Rowland , Inc . , to construct an industrial road and industrial complex in a wetlands and flood hazard area on Lots 7 and 8 , Block 127 , located on the west side of Wethersfield Road , south of the Sebethe River . Mr . Jeff Cugno , Economic Development Director for the Town, and Mr . Bart Bovee, Engineer, attended the meeting . A map was presented and Mr . Bovee stated that this parcel was deeded to the Town a few years ago and now the Town is in the process of developing this property for in- dustrial purposes . He stated that Rowland has expressed interest in possibly constructing a 38 , 000 sq . ft . building . Mr . Bovee noted that they propose to construct an industrial roadway and parking lots and stated that the road location was determined in order to insure possible future development and also to bring out of the flood area . One stream crossing is proposed as well as cleaning the stream for cosmetic and aesthetic value . Mr . Bovee further stated that the proposed building would be at elevation 46 which would set the building at a minimum of 9 ' above the 100 year flood elevation . He noted that the only area that they propose to fill is a small corner which would be compensated by removing fill . Mr . Cugno stated that the Town is attempting to get an in- dustrial access to this parcel as well as the adjacent property . He noted that Rowland would pay for the construction road and would then acquire the entire 17 acre piece - part of which would be deeded to the Town and would not be developed but maintained as wetlands . It was noted that this property is serviced by sewers . 8. Application 86-14WF. Application by Ralph Simeone to fill a wet- lands and flood hazard area on proposed lots 2KK and 2LL , Block 118 , located at the intersection of Elizabeth Road and Ralph Drive, Cedar Acres subdivision off Orchard Road . Mr. Bart Bovee, Engineer , represented Mr. Simeone and presented a map . He noted that they have been to this Commission before in regard to crossing this wet- lands with a proposed culvert . He stated that they now propose to clean up loose ends which involves a small corner of the wetlands . He further stated that this area had been disturbed sometime ago when gravel was being removed . They propose to do some cosmetic grading which may involve encroachment of the flood fringe area and some filling in the wetlands . • - 6 - • '9 . Application 86-15WF . Application by KS Partnership to improve an • existing driveway in a wetlands and flood hazard area on Lot 15A , Block 15 , located on the west side of Chamberlain Highway north of #1606 . Mr . Bart Bovee, Engineer , represented KS Partnership . A map was presented and he stated that this is a three lot sub- division. The site is crossed by a stream and they propose to improve a dirt driveway (8 '-10' ) which has an existing culvert . There was a question as to whether an application was necessary for this proposed work. Mr . Paskiewicz recommended that they come to the Commission. Mr . Bovee stated that they intend to use the same culvert crossing and to improve the driveway with gravel . 10 . Application 86-16W. Application by Michael K. Patenaude and Anthony F . DiFabio to fill a wetlands area on Lot 3 , Block 118 , located on Toll Gate Road , south of Orchard Road . Attorney Anthony DiFabio attended the meeting accompanied by Mr . Rod Hewitt , Engi- neer . A map was presented and Mr . Hewitt stated that originally a 100' scale map was submitted to the Commission. The map presented tonight depicts more detail - scale : 1" = 40' . He stated that they propose to fill two areas to provide for the minimum 3/4 require- ment , straighten out the brook (which is shown on the plan as meandering) to lot lines where it will join existing brooks . Mr . Hewitt stated that the drainage area that drains down through this brook comes from the Spruce Brook Park area and up along Lamenta- tion Mountain . He submitted a report outlining the flow and the drainage area . He noted that the existing culvert is adequate for a 100 year storm. He added that flooding is not an issue in this area . A pond or pool that is created by water that goes through this area was pointed out on the map . The amount of fill proposed is 2390 cubic yards . The grade proposed for the slope is 2/1 . 11 . Application 86-17W. Application by Henry Budney to make altera- tions in a wetlands area on Lot 7F , Block 153 , located on the north side of New Park Drive, 918 '± east of the Wilbur Cross High- way . Mr . Ozzie Torres , Engineer , represented the Budney Company . He stated that they originally came before this Commission last December . The revised proposal requests permission to construct a pond . Approximately 200 cubic yards of fill would be required . He stated that a small berm is proposed which would help to raise the land around the pond for the detention of storm water from the parking areas and the roof of the building . The brook would con- tinue along side of the pond to handle the upper watershed . The pond would be a permanent pond with a depth of 8 ' and would be more for aesthetics than drainage . 12 . Application 86-18W. Application by the Town of Berlin Water Con- trol Commission to install a culvert across existing intermittent water course on Lot 29 , Block 153 , located on the east side of Wilbur Cross Highway, north of #2447 . Mayor Ward and Mr . Paskiewicz represented the Town . A map was presented and Mr . Paskiewicz ex- plained that Wood Road comes in from the Carabetta property . The Town proposes to construct a road with a culvert across an exist- ing intermittent stream. The road is necessary for work to be done for the storage tank to be installed at the base of Lamentation Mountain. Mayor Ward stated that this would be a permanent main- • - 7 tenance road in the future. • Commissioner Zbrosek made a motion to recess to Tuesdny , May 13 , 1986 , at 7 : 30 p .m. Seconded by Commissioner Gombotz . All in favor . Motion carried . Meeting adjourned at 10: 50 p .m. Respectfully submitted , / /_ Nancy Dubuc Secretary cn CC, mz r � d Q a' y • �-i