1987/07/07 s Unapproved minutes . Approved minutes may be obtained after the next scheduled meeting of the Commission. octLIN co TOWN OF BERLIN O� 4ti,, INLAND WETLANDS 3 a AND O 1% 43-1,t: n A n !,:;: WATER COURSES COMMISSION stir S�Et 0`' 240 KENSINGTON RD. BERLIN, CT 06037 O �� '''ORATED July 7 , 1987 A meeting of the Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission was called to order by Chairman Selner at 7 : 05 p.m. in the meeting room of the Town Hall . Those in attendance were : Chairman Selner, Com- missioner Palasek, Commissioner Phaneuf, Commissioner Szczepanik, Commissioner Zbrozek, Commissioner Murphy and Mr. Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer, and Mr. James Horbal , Assistant Town Engineer. The following items were discussed: 1. Application 87-13WF. Public Hearing. Application by Knaus Building Company in conjunction with the Town of Berlin to place fill in both a wetland and flood hazard area in Lots 7 , 8 , 9, 9B and 10, Block 127 , Wethersfield Road. Chairman Selner intro- duced the members of the Commission and read the legal notice which appeared in The Herald on June 25 and July 2. Mr. Knaus attended the hearing accompanied by Attorney William Weber and Mr. Bart Bovee, Engineer. Attorney Weber stated that they pro- pose to develop approximately 42 acres for a business park as well as 14 residential lots. A map was presented indicating the flood hazard zone and the wetland areas . He stated that the flood hazard encroachment is a small portion of roadway at the pro- posed point of entrance of the business park. The wetlands pro- posal is as follows : To fill a portion of Lot ' 13 ; to fill a portion of the business park roadway including a replacement of an existing culvert; minor filling within Lots 22 and 23; re- gulation of an existing stream along Lot 15 and 16; an extention of a sanitary sewer along Lot 15 and 16 and to construct a storm retention system within an area presently serving as a natural retention basin at the rear of Lots 16 and 17 . Mr. Bovee of MBA Engineering reviewed the location of the site and stated that they propose 0-4 ' of fill to install a road- way (60' right of way) from Wethersfield Road into the site. He noted that the location of the road was worked out with Town Staff. He referred to the application by Rowland Products which was previously approved by this Commission. Mr. Bovee reviewed the wetlands which would be disturbed and also pointed out what he felt is the only true wetlands on the site and stated that they propose to leave this area for detention. He discussed the drainage on the site and a proposed retention pond which would be designed to provide adequate retention to minimize runoff. A berm (3' high) is proposed with a small control structure to be used to enhance an existing embankment. Mr. Bovee stated that the wetlands along the river would be - 2 - July 7 , 1987 protected by conservation easements. The banks of the river would be cleaned improving the beauty of the river. Mr. Robert Knaus stated that he felt that this proposal has tremendous potential adding that they intend to respect the environ- ment and the concerns of this Commission and to enhance the setting. He further stated that there would be strong conditions on the business park as to the type of buildings , outside activities and also the occupants of the buildings . Mr. Jeff Cugno, Director of Economic Development, stated that the Economic Development Commission reviewed this proposal at length and supports the project. The Commission also felt that this is a good opportunity for the Town to utilize 17 acres of land that was gifted to the Town by the Budney Family. Mr. Oscar Dietrich, 1068 Mill Street, East Berlin, stated con- cerns regarding the depth of a number of lots in order to meet zoning regulations. He further stated concern with any impact on the flood plain as well as possible pollution to the Mattabesset River. He presented copies of sketches and documents for review by the Commission, Mr. Dietrich suggested that the Town consider another use for this property or keep this property as open space. Mr. Bovee • stated that all lots will be sized to meet zoning regulations. The possible location for a connection to the trunk line sewer was discussed - one connection is proposed. Approximately seven people attended the public hearing portion of the meeting. The hearing was adjourned at 7 : 57 p.m. Commissioner Zbrozek made a motion to declare the application a plenary activity and it was seconded by Commissioner Palasek. The Commission discussed the application at length. Commissioner Zbrozek made a motion to approve Application 87-13WF as shown on the map entitled "Preliminary Sketch Layout - Proposed Industrial/ Residential Subdivision - Property Known As Lots 7 , 8 F, 10 and a portion of Lot 9B, Block 127 , Wethersfield Road, Berlin, Ct. , MBA Engineering - Job #86359 - scale : 1 ' =100 ' - sheet 1 of 1 - Date : April 13, 1987" with the following conditions : 1) Fill not to ex- ceed limits as shown on said map ; 2) All runoff to be trapped - design details to be determined by the Town Engineer and 3) Proper sedimentation controls to be installed prior to construction and in accordance with the Town Engineer or Wetlands Agent. Seconded by Commissioner Murphy. All in favor. Motion carried. 20 Application 87-15WF. Application by Metcalf F Associates, Inc. , to place fill in both a wetland and flood hazard area on Lots 36C, 36D and 37 , Block 83, Webster Square Road. Mr. Jim Metcalf, Pro- ject Development Manager, attended the meeting accompanied by Mr. Bart Bovee . Mr. Bovee presented a map and pointed out the loca- tion of the site which involves three parcels for a total of 12 . 37 acres . He stated that they propose to construct a car dealership - 3 - July 7 , 1987 leaving room for expansion - 5 acres is needed for development. Mr. Bovee stated that this project involves activity within both mapped wetlands and flood hazard zones. Both coincide with the Mattabesset River which meanders through the property flowing from south to north. This proposal would involve filling of the easterly portion of the properties to create a suitable site for the construction of a car dealership along Webster Square Road. The area to be filled would be established by realigning the Mattabesset River to elimin- ate the sharp double-bend in the river. This portion of the river could cause a potential flooding hazard to the nearby shopping center. The realigned river would provide for its more direct flow. The entire length of river within the property would be cleaned of accumulated silt and debris . Mr. Bovee stated that by removing material from one side of the river, the floodway would tend to be pushed further to the west away from the highly developed east bank of the river. They propose to fill the easterly portion of the site with approximately 36, 000 cubic yards - removing an equal volume of material from the west side of the river. Mr. Bovee stated that the Army Corps of Engineers would be contacted. Mr. Metcalf described why he chose the site and presented pic- tures of other dealerships around the country. Chairman Selner made a motion to declare the application a plenary activity and it was seconded by Commissioner Phaneuf. It was the consensus that this application would have a significant impact. The Commission discussed the application and requested an environmental impact statement as well as drainage calculations. Chairman Selner made a motion to table Application 87-15WF to bring to public hearing on September 1 , 1987 . Seconded by Commissioner Szczepanik. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Application 87-16WF. Application by Joseph B. Marks to construct a pond and place fill within both a wetland and flood hazard area on Lot 28 , Block 18 , (#400) Park Drive. Mr. Marks , owner of the pro- perty, attended the meeting and presented a map. He pointed out the location of an existing pond which he proposes to enlarge. He stated that the Merimere Reservoir is located 800 ' southerly from his property line and his pond is fed by several leaks in this dam. He proposes to enlarge his pond to 1/4 of an acre (depth of 6 ' ) to protect his land from damage that could occur which he feels is inevitable due to the City of Meriden widening the spillway. There would be no change in grade level and would result in an improvement to the floodway. Both Mr. Seelye and Mr. Horbal viewed the site. The Commission discussed the application and did not feel that this proposal would have a significant impact. Commissioner Szczepanik made a motion to declare the application a summary activity and it was seconded by Commissioner Murphy. Commissioner Phaneuf made a motion to approve Application 87- 16WF as shown on the map entitled "Map Showing Property of Joseph B. F Frances B. Marks , Park Drive, Berlin, Conn. , scale : 1"=30 ' - - 4 - July 7 , 1987 Date : January, 1968 - Revised: April , 1987" with the following conditions : 1) Construction of the pond to be subject to approval by the Town Engineer and 2) Proper sedimentation controls to be installed prior to construction and in accordance with the Town Engineer or Wetlands Agent. Seconded by Commissioner Szczepanik. All in favor. Motion carried. 4 . Application 87-17WF. Application by the Berlin Lions Club to place fill in both a wetland and flood hazard area on Lot 8 , Block 132 , Beckley Road. Mr. Tom Hall , Vice President of the Lions Club, at- tended the meeting. He stated that they propose to construct an emergency access road from the Webster Park area to the fair grounds . This proposal would involve filling in the area of the "Doodle Bug" site which has considerable pocketing making it useless . No plan as yet has been developed. A meeting with the Mayor is planned. Chairman Selner stated that a plan indicating where the fill would be going is required. Commissioner Palasek made a motion not to accept Application 87-17WF as it is incomplete. Once complete , the application will be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Phaneuf. All in favor. Motion carried. 5 . Application 87-18WF. Application by R & R Development to place fill in both a wetland and flood hazard area on Lot 56 , Block 76 , Old Brickyard Lane. . It was noted that no formal application has yet been made. Mr. Al Hixon attended the meeting on an informal basis to discuss with the Commission their proposal . He stated that the site consists of 19 acres including two clay pit ponds - a large 10 acre pond and a small 1. 14 acre pond. They propose to fill 2. 3 acres along the frontage of the large pond for construction of a one story office building (12 ,000 sq. ft. ) . Both the large and small pond would be cleaned up. At this point , Mr. Hixon stated that they are seeking guidance as to how to proceed. The Commission requested the following information: the limits of filling; impact on flood storage and flood control ; quality of pond and specifications for smaller pond. Chairman Selner stated that a public hearing would be necessary. 6. New Britain Transportation - Lot 1 , Block 83 , Woodlawn Road Dis- cussion. Chairman Selner made a motion and it was seconded by Commissioner Murphy to place this item on the agenda. Mr. Donald Agostini, Attorney Fagan and Mr. Rod Hewitt attended the meeting. It was noted that a letter was sent to New Britain Transportation dated June 9 , 1987 requesting that any further filling on this pro- perty cease until a detailed plan is submitted. Attorney Fagan stated that there are four piles of topsoil on the site - two be- longing to New Britain Transportation and two to someone else. He stated that they were unaware that a permit was required to do this work. Mr. Seelye expressed concern with possible flooding and drainage. The Commission stated that New Britain Transportation should make an application, present plans and explain any impact. 7 . Jeannette A. Oleski - Lot 48D, Block 83, Woodlawn Road - Discussion. Chairman Selner made a motion and it was seconded by Commissioner Phaneuf to place this item on the agenda. A letter was sent to Ms. Oleski on June 9 , 1987 requesting that any further filling on this property cease until a detailed plan is submitted. She re- a - 5 - July 7, 1987 sponded with a letter dated June 19, 1987 stating that there is no filling operation in progress at said property nor are there plans for filling said property. After viewing the site , Mr. Seelye stated that there does appear t.o be a pile of sand on this property. The Commission requests that Ms. Oleski be notified that an applica- tion should be made and a detailed plan submitted. 8 . Mr. Ernest Caron - Lot 8W, Block 142 , Middletown Road - Discussion. Chairman Selner made a motion and it was seconded by Commissioner Palasek to place this item on the agenda. A letter was sent to Mr. Caron on June 8 , 1987 requesting that he cease and desist from any further activity on this property. Mr. Caron attended the meeting accompanied by Mr. Rod Hewitt. Mr. Hewitt presented a map and stated that Mr. Caron had cleared brush and brought equipment in to clean the lot and to do some excavating. A DEP permit was issued prior to the existence of this Commission which granted permission to fill 125 ' from the road. The Commission felt that it would be beneficial to request the opinion of the Town Counsel regarding this permit as well as taking into consideration the 1987 regula- tions. Mr. Hewitt stated that Mr. Caron intends to make a proper application but is not yet prepared. 9. Mr. Horbal stated that Mr. Ciammella is establishing the fill limits within Section III of the Winding Meadow Subdivision and has erect- ed the majority• of erosion control devices . He is in the progress of completing the remaining portion. 10. The minutes of June 2 , 1987 were approved as presented. Meeting adjourned at 10 : 31 p.m. Respectfully s itte , ----Z -2/(// / /rci___ Na cy D uc, Secretary `''', Th rn y cu:.--- C o C) ('f'1 m r� m _J' a-) C)