1987/04/07 Unapproved minutes. Approved minutes may be obtained after the next regular meeting of the Commission. o� ORLIN co ' TOWN OF BERLIN it, ti� INLAND WETLANDS 3 a AND ° " .�`r�!?� WATER COURSES COMMISSION yo S� ^'10y 240 KENSINGTON RD. BERLIN, CT 06037 o RpORA1E0 April 7, 1987 A meeting of the Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission was called to order by Chairman Selner at 7:01 P.M. in the meeting room of the Town Hall. Those in attendance were : Chairman Seiner, Com- missioner Gombotz , Commissioner Murphy, Commissioner Palasek, Com- missioner Phaneuf, Commissioner Szczepanik and Mr. Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer. The following items were discussed : 1 . Application 87-6WF. Public Hearing. Application by Chestnut Ridge , Inc . , to place fill in a wetlands area on Lot 10B, Block 108 , located on the east side of Four Pod Road 1100 '+ south of Norton Road . Chairman Selner introduced the members of the Com- mission and read the legal notice which appeared in The Herald on March 27 and April 3 . Attorney Thompson, representing the applicant, presented a map and pointed out the location of the site . Mr. Bart Bovee of MBA Engineering , Site Engineer for the project, stated that the site is characterized by two streams that border the property -- Belcher Brook to the east and Crooked Brook to the north side of the property . The site is also characterized by a pair of ridges and Mr. Bovee stated that the layout was determined by these ridges and a portion of flood plain and wetlands . He further stated that they propose to fill approximately 3 .8 acres and that roughly 3 .5 of the acres are located in the Therese Court area . He also noted that most of the flooding in this area is from the overflow from Crooked Brook and from a watershed that develops its headwater from this area and is draining through. Mr. Bovee stated that they plan to compensate for this loss from filling by creating a storm detention area. Mr. Thomas Pietras of Soil science Services gave a brief synopsis of the wetlands . He stated that he mapped the wetlands in December He discussed February of and7vegetation assessment found the si on the the site . Attorney Thompson stated that substantial changes have been made in their proposal as a result of this Soil Report . Orig- inally, 49 lots were proposed and now 41 lots are proposed on 45 acres . He further stated that all the homesites would be located outside the fill area and outside of the wetlands . Mr. Bovee stated that they propose two large open space areas to be deeded to the Town -- the first area to be a 14.4 acre parcel and the 1 - 2 - second area to be 1 .32 acres . This area would be serviced by sewer and water. Mr. Bovee stated that they propose to extend an existing truck main; however, this construction would have a short-term effect on the wetlands . Mr. Joseph Fries , 801 Four Rod Road , expressed concern for any runoff at the bottom of his driveway . He asked whether the water would be piped and whether there would be a storm drain. He pre- sented pictures taken after the March storm showing runoff which he stated is not uncommon. Mr. Bovee stated that they would not block any drainage by the construction of the road and discussed the pro- posed storm sewer system. Mr. Fries inquired as to whether they would have the option to tie north into Wildermere Road if the con- ditions at the bottom of the driveway should become worse in the future . Chairman Selner stated that every effort is made to make sure that one development does not adversely affect the neighboring properties . Commissioner Szczepanik noted that he felt that the soil report was very informative and thorough and asked Mr. Pietras some questions regarding the four wetland areas . Mr. Pietras stated that Wetland #3 would have the greatest impact. Approximately fourteen people attended the public hearing por- tion of the meeting. The hearing was adjourned at 7 :42 P .M. The Commission discussed the four wetland areas at length. It was the consensus of the Commission that Wetland #3 was of a major concern. Commissioner Szczepanik made a motion to declare the ap- plication a plenary activity (regulated activity) and it was seconded by Commissioner Gombotz . Commissioner Gombotz made a motion to deny without prejudice Application 87-6WF and it was seconded by Commiss- ioner Szczepanik. All in favor. Motion carried . The Commission expressed concern with Wetland #3 having a significant adverse im- pact as well as some Commissioners expressing concern with the proper draining of Wetland #1 and some with Wildermere Road cross- ing Wetland #2 , especially as a matter of convenience . 2 . Application 87-10WF. Application by Mario Bennardo to replace a razed building in a flood hazard area on Lot 3 , Block 95 , located at 1240 Farmington Avenue . Mr. Bennardo attended the meeting accom- panied by Mr. Rod Hewitt , Engineer, and Attorney Harold Geragosian. Attorney Geragosian stated that they propose to construct a building on an existing foundation. Mr . Hewitt presented a map as well as a letter and a diagram certifying that this proposal shall not result in any increase in flood levels during the base flood discharge as required by Section 15(a) of the Town Flood Ordinance . Mr. Hewitt noted that at the March 3 , 1987 meeting, an application was presented to construct on the existing foundation. They now propose to con- struct 72 ' instead of the original 126 ' . He reviewed the cross sec- tion diagram presented . The building foundation construction is to be of concrete back- filled with gravel to a point one foot above the maximum base flood - 3 - elevation. Mr. Hewitt stated that the area is a mapped wetlands ; however, the wetlands have been violated long before the wetlands regulations were in effect. The area is presently paved . It was also noted that a portion of the existing foundation and sidewalk would be removed , therefore , having a compensating effect . It was noted that during the last heavy rain, the water came to the end of the parking lot . Chairman Selner stated that he felt that it is not in the best interests of the Town to construct in a floodway. Mr. Seelye stated that he was concerned with the parking lot subject to flooding and the aspect of public safety . Commissioner Palasek made a motion to declare the application a plenary activity and it was seconded by Commissioner Murphy. After further discussion, Chairman Selner made a motion to deny Application 87-1OWF and it was seconded by Commissioner Gombotz . Five in favor - one opposed (Commissioner Phaneuf) . Motion carried . The Commission felt that this application would have an adverse im- pact on the floodway as well as an adverse impact on public health and safety . 3 . Application 86-28W. Modifications in a proposal by Ouellette Build- ers , Inc . , to place fill in a wetlands area and relocate a brook on Lot 8 , Block 152, located on Main Street , East Berlin at 449 Main Street . This proposal , as amended , has been referred by the Planning Commission. Mr. Bart Bovee , MBA Engineering, represented the appli- cant . He presented a map and reviewed the ten lot proposal which was previously approved . Mr. Bovee stated that due to testing which found the soil not suitable to septic systems , they now propose to extend a gravity sanitary sewer into the site . The sewer would tra- verse Bradley Brook ( 15 ' ) . This would involve a pipe bridge -- the area on both sides would be embanked providing 21k' to 3 ' of coverage on top of the pipe . The clearance of the pipe to the stream would be five feet . Mr. Bovee further stated that minor realignment of the stream would be necessary and that the stream banks would be rip rapped to provide drainage . This proposal would involve crossing the wetlands and the flood plain. Mr. Bovee stated that 610 cubic yards of material would be needed for fill and would be compensated by removing material from another area. It was noted that Mr. Bovee has been working with the Town Engineer on this proposal. Commissioner Szczepanik made a motion to declare the application a summary activity and it was seconded by Commissioner Phaneuf. After discussion, Commissioner Gombotz made a motion to approve the modi- fications as shown on the map entitled "Preliminary Layout - Proposed Sanitary Connection Plan - Rivergate Estates to be Developed by Ouellette Builders , Inc . , Lot 8 , Block 152 , Main Street , East Berlin, Ct . , MBA Engineering , Job #86186 - Sheet 1 of 1 - scale : 1"7,40 ' (Horz . ) and 1"=4 ' (Vert . ) - Date : 4/6/87" providing the crossing structure be approved by the Town Engineer as well as the grading of Lots 8F and 8G. Proper sedimentation controls are to be install- ed prior to construction and in accordance with the Town Engineer or 1 - 4 - Wetlands Agent . Seconded by Commissioner Szczepanik. All in favor. Motion carried . 4. Application 86-20W. Modifications in a proposal by Arthur Urban to place fill and construct homes in a wetlands area on Lot 81A , Block 10 , located on the west side of Chamberlain Highway 200 ' 4 southwest of Harvest Hill Road . This proposal , as amended , has been referred by the Planning Commission. Mr. Urban attended the meeting accom- panied by Mr. Joseph Cermola, Cardinal Engineering . Mr. Cermola stated that two changes have been made in the original proposal in accordance with suggestions made by the Town Engineer and Town Planner. A control structure is now proposed rather than a berm. This will allow ponding to the north of the proposed road . There will be direct access off the road for maintenance . The second change is that the road intersecting South Slope Drive has been pulled back providing a larger radius curve . Chairman Selner expressed concern regarding sufficient flow between both wetland areas to maintain the natural characteristics . Commissioner Gombotz made a motion to declare the application a summary activity and it was seconded by Commissioner Szczepanik. After further discussion, Commissioner Phaneuf made a motion to approve the modifications as shown on the map entitled "Mooreland View - Owner: Art Urban - Developer: Urban-Grenier - Grading Plan - Cardinal Engineering Associates , Inc . , Job #947 - sheet 2 of 5 - scale : as noted - Date : 3/20/87" providing that the design details be approved by the Town Engineer. Seconded by Commissioner Szczepanik. Five in favor - one opposed (Chairman Selner) . 5 . The minutes of March 3 , 1987 were approved with the following cor- rection: Page 4 - last paragraph - ninth line - change "silt-type" to "silt-trap." Meeting adjourned at 10 :00 P .M. Respectfully- submit ed , -!`7/� /t /C G' LJ Na cy Du uc , Secretary � rn 11/44, c m.. N `� Eri7, -