1993/10/26573 BERLIN PLANNING The specie! meetin8 of the Bertin Plannin8 Conmission was csiled to order at 7:05 P.H. on October 26, 1993 by chairman Dennis Kern. Those present were Susan Wiley, Paul Query, Joan Carey, Timothy Zigmont, Ronsld Edelson, Town Plnnnor William Voelker, and Recording Secretary 8baron ~Utt~&~, ~ale Por~er and Eileen Hesktll ~ere absent. Revie~ of the Zoning Regulations was continued. Hr. Voelker pointed out concern raised by the Zoning~g~ssion ~hetr recen~ meeein8 regardtn8 non-conEormin8 residential use in non-residential zones, pages 27-28. The Plannin8 go--taStee will discuss ~be subject ~t:h ~hts section of the regula~iqnS~ 1~ was s~ges~ed tha~ "Group llama' needs ~o be added Page 6, ~3~, ~s:less 8urface~ A question was raised tega~ding.oi[. page 6, ~32t The C~ission felt 'mobile aanufsceuted h~, as defined in these regulations' should be added. Page !1, ~87: The Co~tsston felt ~he subject of Ho:els ~eeds ~ur:her consideration Page 21, ~15, Required Street Fron~agez There was a qUeStion as :o how i~ ts measured, especially oe cul-de-sacs. Page 22: Concern ~as raised ~i:h the 5~ foo~ drivewa7 ~0 rest tots. Page 23, l:em d: Hr. Voelker pointed out a conflict in ~ls paragraph regardln8 the maintenance agreemen~ required for a share~ drive~ay. At eh~s point tn :he meeting, Hr, Kern seated Hs. Wiley. A motion was mede by Hr. Queryt seconded by Hr. Z~gmon~ and vo~ed unanimously '~o enEer into executive sessiov ae 8~65 P.H. eo discuss and consider ~he pendtn8 litigation reRarding Arbor Co~ons Affordable Housing subdivision. A~orney Timothy SuIltvan entered executive session st The Co~tssion reCurned from executive session at 91~8 P.H. ?'A moEton was made by Hr, Query, seconded by Ha. ~iIey and raced unanimousIy.:o.,..appea[ ~he Arbor Co~ons declSio~ and requese she Execueive Board app.r~ the appeat and appropriate fha necessary funds for [his appeat. Hr. Zig~n't abstained from ~he vo~e. A ~:ton ~as made by Hrs. garey, seconded by Hr. Ztgmon.~pted unanimously Sharon Cul~e, Recording Secretary '" " Typed October 28, ~993 ~e propos~ floor ~ ~o for non-~id~fl~ ~nm ~ ~ a~pt of pro~ng ~is ~o ~ ~ a~t ~ ~ fat ~e the to~. ~ well ~ b~ng ~ m ~e d~elop~. ~e commi~ion~ ~ ~e ~t requirements for building cayuga ~d imp~iom ~a~ ~e ~t ~n~ls ~d the floor ~ea m~o requir~t may be ~t; ~e co~ssion r~ ~e pm~ floor ~ea ratio requir~t be revi~ed the propomd m~i~ b~l~ng ~d ~0~ ~ace ~v~m ~r v~o~ ~n~. ~ey a~d that ~e p~c~es n~ Route 9) ~d ~e pm~ ~lafim which ~d li~t of s p~p~ ~ bmq~g to 3~,~