1991/04/02 • 'Ala IN c.° TOWN OF BERLIN r ti �ti INLAND WETLANDS 3 0�2k 7�' AND ° "';; " WATER COURSES COMMISSION ties E m`' 240 KENSINGTON RD. BERLIN, CT 06037 �PORA_ `1j April 2 , 1991 The April 2 , 1991 meeting of the Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission was called to order at 7 p.m. by Clyde Selner, Chairman. Those in attendance were: Commissioner Ferraro; Commissioner Kuziak; Commissioner McCarthy Commissioner Murdoch; Chairman Seiner and Mr. James Horbal Agent for the Commission. ACCEPTANCE OF MINUTES - MEETING OF MARCH 5, 1991 Under Election of Officers and Under Agent for the Commission - Chairman Selner stated that the following should be added: "Moved by Chairman Selner that the Chairman be the agent for the Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Szczepanik. All in Favor - Motion Carried. " Commissioner Murdoch was not in attendance at the March 5, 1991 meeting. On Page 4 Paragraph 8 it should read as follows: "The Commission then went into Executive Session to discuss possible litigation at 8:25 p.m. and came out of Executive Session at 9:20 p.m. " Moved by Commissioner Murdoch to accept the March 5, 1991 minutes as amended. Seconded by Chairman Selner. All in Favor - Motion Carried. NEW BUSINESS TO COME PROPERLY BEFORE THE COMMISSION There was no new business presented at this time. REGULAR MEETING 1. Application 91-4W. Proposal by Walter D. Blake to construct a two family dwelling adjacent to a wetland area on Lot 6A, Block 36, Chamberlain Highway. The applicant is proposing to construct a two family dwelling within close proximity to a wetland on his property located on the northeast corner of the intersection of the Chamberlain Highway and Atwood Street. The Commission previously denied an application (88-11W) in which the applicant had proposed subdividing this parcel into two separate lots. The previous proposal also requested permission to fill a portion of the field located wetlands to facilitate construction of the proposed dwellings. Following the denial, the applicant applied to revise the wetland boundary based upon the soils testing data previously submitted. A Public Hearing was then held on the proposed boundary change and then approved by the Commission. Bart Bovee represented the applicant. The applicant is trying to market and sell the property. This would be a two-family unit on little less than one acre in an R15 Zone. The applicant is meeting the minimum street setback lines. Supplemental plantings are being proposed along the established wetland line. Chairman Selner asked that plantings be in place before construction of a building. Mr. Bovee stated that a conservation easement could be placed on the wetlands area. Moved by Chairman Selner to approve Application 91-4W with the following conditions: 1. All standard conditions. 2 . Prior to issuance of building permit the plantings shall be established along the upland side of the wetlands to the satisfaction of the Inland Wetlands Commission. 3 . The above conditions be recorded on the land records/deeds. 4 . There would be no impervious surface in place within 15 feet of the wetlands. 5. That a conservation easement be in place on the rest of the site including the non-wetlands area bordering Atwood Street. There was no second to the motion so the motion was void. Mr. Horbal suggested that staff work with the applicant to prepare the property so that the Commission can view the property. The Commission asked that the proposed grading and siltation plans be presented at the next meeting. Moved by Commissioner Kuziak to table Application 91-4W until further information can be received. Seconded by Commissioner Ferraro. All in Favor - Motion Carried. 2. APPLICATION 91-5F. Proposal by Ken Lockwood to construct a building addition and associated parking within a flood hazard zone on Lot 15A, Block 84A, Massirio Drive. The applicant is requesting permission to construct an addition to the existing Kenwood Auto Body building located opposite the VFW Hall on Massirio Drive. A portion of the property may fall within the floodway of the Mattabassett River with the remaining portion falling within the flood plain. The proposed addition would fall outside any direct, full velocity type flow of the floodway. The existing structure would bear the full impact of the structure. The addition would be flood proofed to N.F. I.P. standards. Any and all additional parking is proposed with a gravel surface. The current proposal depicts decreasing the flood storage capabilities of the site by 130 cubic yards. Bart Bovee represented the applicant. The addition would be placed in the back of the existing building. The addition would be used as garage space. The addition would be used primarily for repairs and mechanical uses. Moved by Commissioner Kuziak to accept Application 91-5F as shown on the plans entitled "Site Plan for Proposed Addition Located at Kenwood Auto, Property known as Lot 15A/Block 84A, Massirio Drive, Berlin, CT; Prepared by MBA Engineering, Job No. 90020; Scale: 1" = 20' ; Sheet 1 of 1; Date: March 20, 1990" with all sedimentation and erosion control devices to be installed to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer prior to the commencement of construction. Seconded by Commissioner Murdoch. Commissioner Ferraro - yes; Commissioner Kuziak - yes; Commissioner McCarthy - yes; Commissioner Murdoch - yes; Chairman Selner - no. Four yes; One no; Motion Carried. 3 . APPLICATION 91-6W. Proposal by the Town of Berlin to extend a drainage system within a wetland area on Lot 5, Block 35, Ailing Street. Mr. Horbal represented the Town of Berlin. An upgrading of an existing 18" culvert is being proposed in the vicinity of 388 Ailing Street. Plans call for a replacement 30" culvert flared end, rip-rap inlet to be installed at this location. The only wetland area to be disturbed would fall within the flared end, rip-rapped inlet. The project has been presented to the Army Corp of Engineer. Moved by Commissioner Ferraro to approve Application 91-6W as shown on the plans entitled "Engineering Department, Town of Berlin, Berlin, CT; Ailing Street Reconstruction, Boyer Street to Grove Hill; Scale: Horz. 1" = 40' /Vert. 1"=4 ' ; Sheet: 2 of 2" with all erosion and sedimentation control devices to be installed to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer prior to the commencement of construction. Seconded by Chairman Selner. All in Favor - Motion Carried. 4. APPLICATION 91-7W. Proposal by Paul Salonia to place fill and construct drainage within an existing watercourse on Lot 51, Block 108G, 114 Jeffrey Lane. The applicant is requesting permission to fill an existing wetland and watercourse area on his property located at 114 Jeffrey Lane. The proposal involved filling and extending the existing 24" culvert that presently outlets just north of his driveway within the front portion of the property. The wetland was designated as a nonencroachment area at the time of the Chestnut Ridge Subdivision approval under Application 87-11WF. Moved by Chairman Selner to have Application 91-7W go to a Public Hearing at the May, 1991 meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Kuziak. All in Favor - Motion Carried. Commissioner McCarthy abstained from the vote. 5. OTHER BUSINESS TO COME BEFORE THE COMMISSION a) Alleged Violations: Chairman Selner met with Mayor Peters and Town Attorney Sullivan. Town Attorney Sullivan stated the Commission should follow the regulations. b) Correspondence DEP is sponsoring a workshop on water quality at the Hungerford Center. c) Discussion of Regulation Revisions The Commission discussed the regulations for a regulated area; buffer area and the wetland fees. c Chairman Selner asked the Commission to review the revisions that were presented at the meeting tonight so they can be discussed again after everyone has had an opportunity to review the revisions and regulations. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, ,.A. TIVA/1r- ka.lu ituo Sandy DeVivo 4 ,,: